Channel: Anime Girls - Honey's Anime
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Top 10 Anime Girl with Silver Hair

Silver hair is associated with ageing, but in the anime world, characters practically can rock any hair color. Silver hair color is seen as a cool hair color to have, and the characters tend to have a cool, emotionless, and intelligent personality too. Nowadays, it seems to be a trend in real life as well, […]

Top 10 Pokemon Rivals

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[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Pokemon the Series: XYZ Ep 106" url="" ]

Hello, Pokemon trainers! We are back to check our favorite anime and game. Ash quest to become the very best Pokemon master never ends, right? This time, we are going to review some of the best rivalries of the series. Some of them are so long, they are a tradition. Others were short lived, others friendly, etc. But let’s take a closer look to them and see how many of these characters you can remember! Just proceed with caution, there will be Poke-spoilers along the way.

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10. Ash vs. Barry

[2_images_in_row character='Satoshi %22Ash Ketchum%22 Ash ' anime='barry-pokemon']

Let’s start with this guy, who appeared in the Diamond & Pearl series. Barry is from the Sinnoh region, which was inspired by Hokkaido and parts of Russia that are close to Japan. Barry is a hyperactive Pokemon trainer who dreams of being as good as Paul. Although he favours strength in his critters, Barry truly cares for them. Barry’s rivalry with Ash started when Ash was going to challenge Fantina, the owner of the Gym of the local town. At first, Barry thought Ash’s methods were not good, but our protagonist beat him. Once Barry saw Ash fighting against Fantina, he recognized he was excellent, so a friendly rivalry was born. We see Barry several times during Ash’s and company travel in the Sinnoh region.

9. Dawn vs. Ursula vs. Jessilina

[three_images_in_row image1='Hikari Dawn Pikari Dee Dee Maya pokemon' image2='urara-ursula-pokemon' image3='Musashi Jessie Jessica pokemon']

This was an interesting female triple rivalry that was featured in the Diamond & Pearl series. The battles of these three ladies were focused on their abilities as Pokemon Coordinators (feeding Pokemon special diets and teaching them moves to look at their best). Dawn always dreamed of becoming a Coordinator, just as her mother. As for Ursula, she has a very similar level to Dawn when they meet, which prompts her antipathy for her. And Jessilina… well, she is Team Rocket’s Jessie’s alterego. This is notable because Jessy borrowed a Pokemon from Ash (Aipom), and even won against Dawn! The skills of Jessie as a coordinator were shown off frequently on the series, advancing to the semifinals of the Sinnoh Grand Festival. In the end, none of the three girls won the first place, but won a lot in experience and even ended admiring each other a little bit.

8. Ash vs. Paul

[2_images_in_row character='Satoshi Ash Ketchum pokemon' anime='Shinji Paul pokemon']

Apparently, the Diamond & Pearl Pokemon series gave us several interesting rivalries, right? Let’s meet Paul, who was the main nemesis for Ash in this series. He is, for the lack of a better word, a bully. Paul scolds his Pokemon and trains them to the point of exhaustion. So, we can see how he is obsessed with strength. Everyone assumes Paul is a full Pokemon trainer, but it turns out that, although he has participated in several conferences, the guy has not won in one yet. Of course that, being such a strict Pokemon trainer, he clashes with Ash’s method of bonding with the little critters. Paul accuses his rival’s Pokemon to be weak with the possible exception of Pikachu. Thus, Ash doesn’t win Paul’s respect until he defeats him on the Lily of the Valley Conference.

7. Jessie and James vs. Butch and Cassidy

[2_images_in_row character='kojirou-musashi-jessie-james-pokemon' anime='kosaburou-yamato-pokemon']

For a long time, we saw Jessie, James and Meowth from the Team Rocket battling single handedly to do evil deeds in the Pokemon world. But Team Rocket is huge, my dear Pokemon trainers! Rivalries also thrive inside its lines. We can see that Butch and Cassidy are an interesting contrast for Jessie and James. Although the two girls are kinda vain, Cassidy is more controlled and even manipulative, as she enjoys driving Jessie mad. As for Butch, he is more like a comedic relief, always correcting other characters when they pronounce his name wrong. Nevertheless, Butch and Cassidy are more brainy and subtle than Jessie and James when they steal Pokemon. These two themes of bad guys are supposed to be on a race to catch a red colored Snorlax, but so far, none of them have been successful.

6. Ash vs. Jessie and James

[three_images_in_row image1='Satoshi Ash Ketchum pokemon' image2='musashi-jessie-jessica-pokemon' image3='Kojirou pokemon']

We simply couldn’t leave this old rivalry out of the count, as the most recognizable members of Team Rocket are a recurring gag in the anime. But as the series progresses, we find out more about the ones who are always trying to steal Pikachu or doing evil stuff around Ash and his friends. Jessie was the daughter of a Team Rocket agent herself, but when her mother disappeared in Los Andes, she was sent to an orphanage. This girl also tried to become a Pokemon Nurse, but was so poor that she only could be accepted in a Nursing School for Chanseys. After that, she enrolled in a Pokemon Technical School where she met James, who became her partner in crime. As for James, he was raised in a rich family who paid all sorts of extra lessons for him. But the lifestyle was unbearable to James, and when his family engaged him to a certain controlling lady named Jessebelle, he ran away. Next, James enrolled into the Pokemon Tech, where he met Jessie. They eventually joined Team Rocket, where they have been trying to succeed in the missions commanded by their boss since the very first episode of the series. The abilities of these two with Pokemon have evolved considerably, although they still fail at becoming evil guys. But hey, they are there to give us something to laugh about, right?


5. Ash's Charizard vs. Iris' Dragonite

[2_images_in_row character='ashs-charizard-pokemon' anime='iris-dragonite-pokemon']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Pokemon Wikia" url="http://pokemon.wikia.com/wiki/Ash's_Charizard" ]

This curious Pokemon rivalry was shown in the Best Wishes series. Iris is an aspiring Dragon Master from the Unova region who was Ash’s travelling companion for a while. She got Dragonite when he crashed into a power plant due to an injury. Iris was so keen to defend his innocence in the incident that the Dragonite decided to join her in the journey! Everything was cool for a while, until a Kanto themed fair visited Unova. When Ash met Professor Oak there, he remembered his Charizard, who was training at the Charicific Valley with other Charizards. So, Professor Oak brought Charizard back through trade, and guess who had immediate antipathy for him? The Dragonite! So, Ash decided they could have a fight… which ended up being a wise decision. The fight was intense and both Pokemon learned to respect each other.

4. Ash vs. Trip

[2_images_in_row character='Satoshi Ash Ketchum pokemon' anime='shooti-trip-shootaro-pokemon']

Let’s continue with Trip, who appears in the Best Wishes series. The setting is the area of Unova, which is inspired in New York City. Hum, maybe that’s why Trip is blond? Anyway, this guy dreamed about becoming a Pokemon trainer since he met the experimented Alder, champion of the Unova region. When Ash arrives at Unova, bad luck stroke him… Well, not him, but Pikachu, in the form of a thunderstorm that wiped away his powers for a time. That was just when they meet Trip, who is eager to battle Pikachu, as he is not a usual Pokemon in Unova. But once poor Pikachu is defeated by Trip’s Snivy, Trip leaves with the impression that the Kanto area is somewhat inferior. Here we see how prejudice can foster rivalries (tut, tut). Trip would persist on this view for a long time, although Ash proves again and again that he can handle his Pokemon, and even trains his own Snivy. But well, Trip finally becomes a friendly rival for him at the Vertress Conference, when Ash’s Pikachu defeats Trip’s Serperior.

3. Ash vs. Alain

[2_images_in_row character='Satoshi Ash Ketchum pokemon' anime='alain-pokemon']

This guy had such a successful appearance in the Mega Evolution Special, that he managed to also show up in the XY series. Alain and his mentor, Professor Sycamore, are from the region of Kalos, which is based in France. He has concentrated in finding Mega stones to trigger Mega evolutions in Pokemon. So, we can seehe is a serious rival for Ash. Alain was intrigued by the power of Ash’s Greninja, so they had a battle. Although Ash lost, they had other battles before both entered the Lumiose conference. In contrast with other Conferences, Ash reached the finals, only losing to Alain. The battle between Mega Charizard X and Greninja was one of the best in the Pokemon series. Plus, this is a non bitter rivalry. Both guys are interested in their Pokemons and are clean competitors :)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Pokemon the Series: XYZ EP 106" url="" ]

2. Red vs. Blue

[2_images_in_row character='red-pokemon' anime='blue-pokemon']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Pokemon Wikia" url="http://pokemon.wikia.com/wiki/Blue_(Origins)" ]

We just had to rank this nostalgic rivalry in a high place. Afterall, Red and Blue are the very first Pokemon Trainees that ever existed. Their story was fleshed out in the Pokemon Origins short series, set in the Kanto area. Anyway, Blue is Professor Oak’s grandson, while Red is an enthusiastic guy who dreams of becoming a Pokemon Trainer. Red is also shown to be clumsy and at first does not catch up with the idea that Pokemon are friends are not tools. As for Blue, he is self centered and very competitive towards Red. Their rivalry is not only driven by their wishes to become Pokemon masters. Professor Oak also entrusted them with the mission of collecting information on all the Pokemon in the Kanto area. Although this pair is very similar to that of Ash and Gary, they are more mature from the start. And those epic battles that culminated with Red victory in the Kanto League! They definitely get extra points for all the nostalgia.

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Pokemon Origins Ep 4" url="" ]

1. Ash vs Gary

[2_images_in_row character='Satoshi %22Ash Ketchum%22 Ash' anime='shigeru-ookido-pokemon']

And finally, the ultimate Pokemon rivalry has to be Ash vs. Gary. Not only because it was the very first one depicted in the series, but also because it was the one that developed best. Gary is Professor Oak’s grandson, and since the first time we meet him, it is noted that he is a jerk. He has fangirls, money, and talent. Poor Ash just starts with a rebellious Pikachu and not much luck. One time, it is revealed that Ash and Gary used to be friends until they both caught a Pokeball while fishing in Palette Town’s river. Because Gary considers that half a victory against Ash is still a defeat, his pride is injured. Although he was not directly defeated by Ash in the Pokemon League, he eventually learned to acknowledge him as a Pokemon Trainer. Their friendship was restored and Gary has done several sporadic appearances in later series since then, travelling the world as a Pokemon researcher.

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Pokemon: Master Quest Ep 153" url="" ]

Final thoughts

Pokemon is more than little Pocket Monsters battling against each other. Throughout the stories of battle rivals and the people who surround them, we see that strong friendships and alliances emerge. Also, several of our characters are driven by curiosity and their will to bond with the Pokemon. So, hurray for friendships! And long life to Pokemon. We can hardly wait to see which legendary rivalries the series still has in store. Which is your favorite pair of Pokemon rivals? Which are your expectations for the upcoming battles in Pokemon Sun and Moon? Don’t forget that we welcome all your comments. See you soon!

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6 Anime Like Girlish Number [Recommendations]

“You can't always get what you want But if you try sometime, you find You get what you need” Many of us can recall a time when an important, exciting project or event came around, one you had been anticipating for a very long time, but when you finally participated in it, it fell short […]

Top 10 Anime Makeup

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[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Official Website" url="http://galko.jp/products/" ]

Throughout history, women and men have been wearing cosmetics to enhance their appearances. Attributable to social standings and/or applied to supplement the beauty you already possess, makeup as a whole is a “feel good” confidence booster that is open to all shapes, sizes, and sexes. As such, various makeup styles for both genders have undergone dramatic changes, in addition to formulas and application. In today’s society and culture, there are hundreds of thousands of products to choose from. Additionally, in the world of anime, makeup bearers are present as well. Therefore, we at Honey’s will attempt to narrow down the top 10 anime makeup for you. Here’s to the gals and guys that didn’t just “wake up like this!”

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10. Emporio Ivankov from One Piece

[2_images_in_row character='ivankov-emporio-one-piece' anime='One Piece dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B01CYDKMY4" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" Unknown " aired=" October 1999 – ? "]

In an era where pirates were “everything” on both land and sea, Gol D. Roger was the most prominent “Pirate King” to sail the Grand Line. Upon his capture and death by the World Government, his last words invoked and echoed a great challenge to the next generation of pirates. Among the challengers is Monkey D. Luffy. Unlike most pirates, Luffy quickly distinguished himself by setting the highest bounty in pirate history. Together, Luffy and his crew, the Straw Hats, take on their dreams of sailing the Grand Line in search of riches, fame and glory. Their adventurous spirits take them on an incredibly exciting voyage, with countless twists and turns. Emporio Ivankov or Iva-chan is introduced to viewers at Impel Down, the Marine’s maximum-security prison. Iva-chan is the former Queen of the Kamabakka Kingdom, where the inhabitants are cross dressers (okama). Recognized as a “miracle worker”, Iva-chan is a current inmate in Impel Down’s notorious Level 5, which is also the secret location of the “Okama Paradise”. As a renowned Okama queen, Iva-chan does everything in the most outrageous fashion. Her makeup includes dramatic eyeliner and lashes, blue eye shadow, and purple lipstick to match her showy afro. Even in her other feminine form, she rocks this look with the utmost confidence.

9. Lust from Hagane no Renkinjutsushi (Fullmetal Alchemist)

[2_images_in_row character='lust' anime='Fullmetal Alchemist dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000XXWKGG" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 51 " aired=" October 2003 – October 2004 "]

Fullmetal Alchemist follows two brothers, Edward and Alphonse Elric. The Elric brothers live in a world where alchemy exists. After their father abandoned them, Edward and Alphonse lived peacefully with their mother. Some years later, the boys tragically lose their mother at a young age. Having a talent for alchemy, the boys decide to bring their mother back. In explanation, alchemy utilizes the laws of equivalent exchange; something of equal value must be sacrificed in order to receive what is desired and things cannot be produced out of nothing. However, human transmutation, what the boys attempted to perform to get their mother back, is strictly forbidden and unfortunately goes terribly wrong. Consequently, as the anime progresses, we discover the heart-wrenching lengths Edward and Alphonse must go to in order to regain the parts of them that were lost. Lust is a homunculus, an artificially created human. She disregards humanity and compels people to act upon their lustful desires for her own advantages. Lust is heartless and capricious, until later on, memories of her humanity gradually emerge. Classified as one of the seven deadly sins, Lust’s appearance is dark, always dressed in form-fitting, feminine attire. Her makeup includes winged tip eyeliner for a sultry cat-eye look, in addition to the classic red lip that contrasting her pale complexion. A timeless, recognized look, you can’t go wrong with a red lipstick to any outfit.

8. Narukami from Kamisama Hajimemashita (Kamisama Kiss)

[2_images_in_row character='narukami-kamisama-hajimemashita' anime='Kamisama Hajimemashita dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B01H4F4EP0" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 13 " aired=" October 2012 – December 2012 "]

Kamisama Hajimemashita is a romantic comedy that follows a young lady named Nanami Momozono. Nanami is in a bit of a bind when she loses her home due to her father’s gambling problem. Without any direction on what to do and where to go, she wanders into the park to figure out what her next step is. In happenstance, she hears a commotion, finding a guy stuck up a tree, blockaded by a barking dog. After Nanami saves this man from the harmless dog, he bestows to her a special mark deeming her a “land god”, along with a place to stay, which happens to be a shrine, and the responsibility to care for it. As she accepts this task, Nanami’s exciting escapades begin. Narukami is a horrific, bratty god with a shrine located in the sky. Harboring huge jealously towards Nanami because of her close relationship with Tomoe, Narukami steals the mark bestowed to Nanami and temporarily gains control of the shrine. Cold and heartless in the most immature way, Narukami needs everything to be her way or the highway. Moreover, she treats her familiar in the most nasty and unpleasant ways. Dissimilarly, her horrible personality does not reflect the beauty she displays on the outside. As she is very alluring, Narukami has gorgeous blue and purple ombré hair, purple eye shadow, purple lipstick and wears beautifully matching kimonos. Essentially, she does not embody the phrase “beauty is only skin-deep.”

7. Re-l from Ergo Proxy

[2_images_in_row character='Re-l Mayer' anime='ergo proxy DVD']
[sourceLink asin="B007V9ECV6" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 23 " aired=" February 2006 – August 2006 "]

Ergo Proxy is an interesting, deeply intricate and philosophical anime that surrounds the dark elements of humanity at the brink of extinction. As most of the planet is inhabitable, mankind must rely on the usage of autonomous robots called AutoReivs. Re-l Mayer enters the story as an AutoReiv inspector who must investigate a number of defective and contaminated AutoReivs due to contracting the Cogito virus. As she dives deeper into this investigation, Re-l further discovers mysterious and mythical beings called Proxies. As such, she must uncover what purpose they hold for the city of Romdo and the entire planet. As Re-l has the fate of humanity to be most concerned for, we cannot help that her appearance is what draws viewers into this anime. In an all black ensemble, she wears heavy blue eye shadow around her eyes. Surrounded in darkness and dreariness, the blue that she wears may perhaps interpret tranquility within herself, as the world around her is in chaos.

6. Hisoka from Hunter x Hunter

[2_images_in_row character='Hisoka Hunter x Hunter' anime='Hunter x Hunter dvd']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B00CL81DBO" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 148 " aired=" October 2011 – September 2014 "]

Hunter x Hunter captures the story of Gon Freecss, a strong willed young man who is determined to be the very best hunter. In doing so, Gon must face perilous challenges, testing him in every way possible. In completing the prestigious Hunter’s exam, Gon meets several people who grow to become his close friends; Leorio, Killua and Kurapika. Each with their own goals in mind, the four of them always have each other’s backs. As time goes by, Gon, Leorio, Killua, and Kurapika encounter various characters, creatures and obstacles that demonstrate more challenging than the previous ones. Overall, they never lose sight of their ambitions, continuing to grow as skilled Hunters. Hisoka is a memorable character because of his strength and abilities, climbing to the top in the most cruel and deceitful ways. As he is constantly scouting for challenging opponents, Hisoka quickly takes interest in Gon. Although he doesn’t wear much on his face, Hisoka is recognized with his star and teardrop adornments and his thin but dramatic eyebrows. With an affinity for cards, this look is flattering to his brash personality.


5. Momo Adachi from Peach Girl

[2_images_in_row character='momo-adachi-peach-girl' anime='Peach Girl dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000MR9D2M" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 25 " aired=" January 2005 – June 2005 "]

Peach Girl is a drama-filled romance comedy about Momo Adachi, who is caught in a love triangle with a boy she likes, named Toji, and a boy who likes her, Kairi. Momo is not your typical-looking high school girl, in that she is very tanned due to her being on the swim team and tanning very easily. Her ginger hair also stands out from the rest as the chemicals in the pool water have lightened it significantly. As she is very gorgeous in her own way, her looks do not attract her crush, which notably crushes her self-esteem. Unfortunately, Momo tries her best to be the girl Toji wants, but has trouble doing so. Peach Girl reveals the events and circumstances of Momo as she is faced with everyday high school challenges. Momo’s look covers blue eye shadow and hot pink lipstick. As the anime is called Peach Girl, her skin tone is very glimmered and sun-kissed. As this warm tone is very flattering, Momo should remember that she should embrace her differences and not try to change who she is for anyone!

4. Galko from Oshiete! Galko-chan (Please tell me! GALKO-chan)

[2_images_in_row character='galko-oshiete-galko-chan' anime='Oshiete! Galko-chan dvd']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B019WBXG4O" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" January 2016 – March 2016 "]

Oshiete! Galko-chan shows the daily on-goings of Galko and her friends, Otako and Ojou, in and around school. In addition, the girls attempt to “bust” the myths surrounding the female anatomy. Galko-chan is “a bit sharp-tongued, but a good-natured, popular girl in the class.” As such, we explore the minds of school-aged youths and what they experience as they go through various physical and psychological changes. To highlight her bubbly personality, pinks are featured in Galko-chan’s appearance. Galko-chan’s makeup includes pink eyeshadow, blush, glossy lips and pink nail polish. Unlike the typical schoolgirls surrounding Galko-chan, she is more full-figured, but does not let this aspect of her become the target of intimidation.

3. Nana Osaki from Nana

[2_images_in_row character='nana nana osaki' anime='nana dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B0036BDQ38" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 47 " aired=" April 2006 – March 2007 "]

Nana is the story of two women named… Nana, lol. Nana Komatsu, the narrative of this anime, is an adventurous spirit, who moves to Tokyo to be closer to her boyfriend. Alternatively, Nana Osaki is an aspiring musician in a punk band that is slowly making its way to the top. They coincidentally meet on a train, unexpectedly bond, and later end up as roommates. Nana captures the lives of these two women, joined by their name, as they live out their lives beginning new adventures. Nana Osaki’s edgy and dark look includes heavy eye makeup (eye shadows, liner, and mascara) and various hues of red lipstick. Her color schemes include a lot of red and black with little variation of anything else. In addition, she also has painted nails, piercings and tattoos and wears tons of accessories to brighten her look.

nana nana osaki wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Magazine Item Image" url="" ]

2. Sara Bihada from Bihada Ichizouku

[2_images_in_row character='sara-bihada-bihada-ichizoku' anime='bihada-ichizoku-dvdv']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B001U65RYC" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" October 2008 – December 2008 "]

In Bihada Ichizouku, the Bihada sisters, Sara and Saki are involved and compete in the world renowned “World Beautiful-Skin Competition” to retain their legacies as prominent figures in the beauty industry. Sara, the younger twin, is more personable with natural beauty to compliment. Saki, the older twin, is equally beautiful. However, Saki is more opposed to the industry and vindictively wants to steal the crown and spotlight from her outshining younger sister. Throughout this anime, we observe the drama unfold and the competitive nature between the sisters and other competitors. “It’s about to be a girl fight!” Although both Saki and Sara are beautiful in their own right, Sara is the face for Bihada Ichizouku. Sara resonates very pleasant and magical features; like a fairytale princess, if that makes any sense! Her makeup look includes eyeliner, mascara, blush, and pink lipstick. Her full and voluminous hair is always accompanied with a lovely accessory, whether it’s a crown or a floral headpiece. Furthermore, Sara’s look has influenced a line of beauty products to include facemasks, creams and cosmetics!

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Official Image" url="http://news.mynavi.jp/articles/2008/11/22/bihada/" ]

1. Kuranosuke Koibuchi from Kuragehime (Princess Jellyfish)

[2_images_in_row character='kuranosuke-koibuchi-kuragehime' anime='kuragehime-dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00UGQ6SVI" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 11 " aired=" October 2010 – December 2010 "]

Kuragehime is the story of Tsukimi Kurashita and her four awkward, nerdy, and anti-social roommates, all possessing strange fixations. Tsukimi and her roomies all live in a sharehouse in Tokyo with a strict ‘no boys allowed’ rule. Tsukimi’s world, along with the other girls’, is greatly impacted when she meets a gorgeous ‘lady’ who is actually a guy name Kuranosuke. Tsukimi and Kuranosuke are from vastly different worlds, but offer each other great advice, teaching each other the benefit of stepping out of one’s comfort zone and accepting yourself as you are. Kuranosuke, aka Kurako, is extremely fashionable. Not only has he helped Tsukimi and the other girls in the sharehouse open up, he discovers and puts forth more efforts into his own dreams and aspirations; that is, to make a name in the fashion industry. Kurako likes who she is and is not afraid to experiment with new styles and trends. It’s hard to keep up with the many looks Kurako uses, but she usually pairs her makeup, a bold lip color, eye shadow and eyeliner, with different wigs and trendy outfits displayed throughout the series. As such, we feel she is number one on this list for the countless, limitless, and various ways Kurako uses makeup, inspiring beauty in herself and others.

wallpaper Kuragehime
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B00S5R8CWS" text="" url="" ]

So there you have it. These are Honey’s Recommendations for Top 10 Anime Makeup! Makeup is neither constricting nor limited to gender or age. The styles and techniques you choose to apply on yourself can be altered and perfected with tons of practice. Further, we know there are a lot more anime characters out there that wear makeup. What others have we missed? Moreover, are any of these looks something you would choose to do on yourself? Leave your comments below! Remember, your face is a lovely canvas…so work it out!

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Top 10 Best/Strongest Pokemon

Pokemon is a franchise that has consumed fans since its start, extending beyond merely video games and anime to create an entire culture that spans across ages and countries. Even people that claim not to enjoy the Pokemon lifestyle can still recognize a Pikachu when it is in front of them, showcasing the wide impact […]

[Thirsty Thursday] Top 10 Female Seiyuu with the Sexiest Voice

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Moka Akashiya Rosario + Vampire wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="B00YEY28QC" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

Japan is known for its animation industry and if there’s animation, there’s voice acting that breathes life into the characters on screen. With Japan producing nearly 60% of animated shows and movies in the world, voice acting is very big in Japan. Compared to the voice acting industry in the West, the voice acting industry in Japan is more prominent, bigger and with a broader reach like acting for radio dramas, video games to dubbing foreign shows and films. With bigger prominence and bigger exposure, veteran, and new voice talents, are treated like celebrities around the world with fan-made sites and forums dedicated to them. Japan even has magazines dedicated to the Japanese voice actors, or popularly known as the seiyuu. Eventually, a few stand out due to their performances and their voices naturally complement the personality of the characters they are portraying. In this top 10, we’re going to list 10 female seiyuu with the sexiest voice. An intimidating sexy female character isn’t really intimidating and sexy if the voice talents aren’t up to snuff. So here we go!

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10. Ayaka Ohashi

[2_images_in_row character='ayaka-ohashi' anime='shimamura-uzuki-the-idolmster']

She is the youngest girl on the list and while she’s very cheerful, always showing that big smile and has the typical high pitched voice like any other girl her age, Ayaka’s voice roles in anime often involve sexy idol types and brash schoolgirl types. Which is very surprising considering her regular voice is suited for the sweet childhood sweetheart and genki girls. Yes, she voiced some roles of cute characters like Nishijima Ringo from Mangirl or Lance from Doki Doki! Pretty Cure, but Ayaka is known for voicing mostly sexy-type idols in idol anime. In idol mode, Ayaka can shift her vocal range to a deeper tone like Shibuki Ran’s (Aikatsu!) semi-masculine tone to Kasumi Yozora’s (Aikatsu Stars!) very feminine tone. But of all the roles Ayaka has made, she is well known for voicing Shimamura Uzuki from The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls, with her cheerful "ganbarimasu"! Uzuki’s voice isn’t as serious sounding like Ran nor is feminine like Yozora, but Uzuki’s voice is somewhere between the middle, the sweet spot between manly cool and feminine.

9. Yoko Hikasa

[2_images_in_row character='yoko-hikasa' anime='Rias Gremory High School DxD']

One of the recent veterans in the industry, Yoko Hikasa started acting in 2007 and has voiced in many anime that chances are, she voiced someone from an anime you just watched. She's voiced a wide variety of characters, but Yoko often ends up voicing the tall, dark, beautiful and authoritative girls mainly because of her natural cool and often somber voice. Oh, and Yoko can sing very well. Yoko is known for voicing Akiyama Mio from K-ON! and Fujisaki Azusa from Beelzebub, but she’s widely known for voicing the slutty type characters like Seraphim from Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?, Gremory Rias from High School DxD, and Shinonono Houki from Infinite Stratos. To further add to the list, she also voiced video game characters like Laura Matsuda from Street Fighter V and Katia from Super Robot Wars OG: Moon Dwellers - funnily enough, both wore green clothing. Yoko’s mostly slutty roles are quite a feat for someone who is married. One thing’s for sure is her hubby is one lucky guy every time he gets home from work.

8. Sayaka Ohara

[2_images_in_row character='sayaka-ohara' anime='Yuuko Ichihara xxxHOLiC']

Now here’s a veteran seiyuu with a huge list of roles ever since her anime debut in 1998, voicing various characters in Detective Conan. Considering Sayaka’s age (born in 1975), she is not the type to voice the cutesy type characters, so her roles are mostly mature girls with that mature woman tone or the authoritative bossy ones... or the MILFs of anime. MILF stands for......Google it! Sayaka’s list of roles is huge, but there are a few roles that stood out which made her one of the best seiyuu to give the sexy ladies equally sexy voices. Her most popular roles are Alicia Florence from Aria, Ichihara Yuuko from xxxHolic, and Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail.

7. Mamiko Noto

[2_images_in_row character='18819' anime='hoshimiya-ringo-aikatsu']

With a soft, deep and monotonous voice, Mamiko Noto is arguably one of the most recognizable voices in the industry. While other seiyuu can change their tones to fit the roles of any character, Mamiko mostly never shifts her vocal tone that it’s near impossible to not recognize her. It may be a negative that she can’t shift her voice, but keeping her voice consistent made her stand out. In her early parts of her career, Mamiko usually voices the shy and cute girl and guy types like Tsukamoto Yakumo from School Rumble and Sasaki Yukinari from Girls Bravo!. But as she got older and most of the cute roles were taken by seiyuu like Kana Hanazawa and Hayami Saori. Now, Mamiko often voices the mature girl roles like Hoshimiya Ringo from Aikatsu!, Wajima Tomoe from Hanasaku Iroha, Kamura Reiri from Kaibutsu Oujo, and Asogi Rin from Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi. Which isn’t bad because Mamiko’s voice is as smooth as butter and you need the right bread to compliment the taste.

6. Mizuki Nana

[2_images_in_row character='nana mizuki' anime='kirihara-misaki-darker-than-black-kuro-no-keiyakusha']

Mizuki’s voice isn’t exactly what you call naturally sexy. Her petite build enables her to produce the signature high pitched voices you often hear from cheery and cute characters, but looks can be deceiving. Despite her short height of 153 cm, Mizuki has the strength within her lungs that she can sing with a powerful voice that can rival any seasoned singer. Mizuki is admired by fans around the world and admired by her fellow seiyuu as well. Her deep and powerful singing voice translates well in voicing the quiet, shy and lone wolf type of girls. Notable examples are Kirihara Misaki from Darker than Black, Akashiya Moka from Rosario to Vampire, and Fate Testarossa from Magical Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha.


5. Shizuka Itou

[2_images_in_row character='shizuka-itou' anime='Meiko Shiraki Prison School']

Shizuka started her acting career in 2003 and her list of roles is impressive. She has a good vocal range and can adapt to any character personality like the cute ones to the sexy ones, with great shifts in tone. Her ability to adapt to any type of character, and is a natural when it comes to sexiness, stemmed from the fact that she’s experienced in doing roles in erotic visual novels. You won’t see the name Shizuka Itou in any of the visual novel credits because Shizuka used a lot of aliases, but good luck trying if you’re curious, though. In anime, Shizuka is often picked to do roles of the mature senpai characters and the president of the student council. Shizuka’s most notable roles include Morishima Haruka from Amagami SS, Luviagelita Edelfelt from Fate/kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya, Shiraki Meiko from Prison School, and Katsura Hinagiku from Hayate no Gotoku!.

4. Saki Fujita

[2_images_in_row character='saki-fujita' anime='Hijiribe Ruri Durarara!!']

Another versatile seiyuu, Saki is best known as the voice of Hatsune Miku and other 30+ roles since her debut in 2005. Saki is known for voicing the cute next door girl and the tsundere types. She has other roles ranging from the very serious characters like Ymir from Shingeki no Kyoujin to girls who spaz out due to her androphobia like Inami Mahiru from Working!!. In anime, her most notable roles are Eba Rin from Kimi no Iru Machi, Sugiura Ayano from Yuru Yuri, and Hijiribe Ruri from Durarara!! But really, though, regardless of her role, Saki is best when portraying tsundere characters and Ayano from Yuru Yuri wouldn’t be as lovely if she wasn’t voiced by Saki.

3. Eri Kitamura

[2_images_in_row character='eri-kitamura' anime='Ami Kawashima']

Now here’s a seiyuu who can rival Yoko Hikasa when it comes to sounding slutty and singing. It’s hard to compare their singing prowess because they prefer different genres of music. Eri is a step above Yoko in voice acting mainly because she can unintentionally make a character slutty, thanks to her voice. Takanashi Miu from Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai! and Takagi Saya from Highschool of the Dead, just to name a few. Like any experienced seiyuu, Eri can fit any role ranging from the cute types to the aforementioned slutty types. Her most notable roles are Miki Sayaka from Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica, Kawashima Ami from Toradora!, and Araragi Karen from Bakemonogatari.

Karen Araragi  Nisemonogatari  wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B00K1Y9C5Y" text="" url="" ]

2. Rie Kugimiya

[2_images_in_row character='kugimiya rie' anime='kujikawa-persona-4-the-animation']

If you don’t know Rie “Queen of Tsundere” Kugimiya, then chances are you literally, or figuratively (or both), live under a rock. When it comes to portraying tsundere characters, Rie Kugimiya is unmatched in this department. Her most notable role for being tsundere is, hold your breath, Louise Françoise Le Blanc de La Vallière from Zero no Tsukaima. Rie mostly plays the petite or loli type characters, thanks to her sharp and recognizable voice, but she can use her voice to take on roles of mature female and male characters. On the sexy side of the spectrum, Rie voiced Nena Trinity from Mobile Suit Gundam 00, Kujikawa Rise from Persona 4 the Animation, and Shirayuki Mizore from Rosario to Vampire.

Rosario to Vampire Mizore Shirayuki 00
[sourceLink asin="1421519070" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

1. Inoue Kikuko

[2_images_in_row character='Kikuko Inoue' anime='lust']

Nicknamed as “Onee-chan”, Inoue Kikuko is no doubt an industry legend and has been voice acting in every form of media since 1988. That’s 28 years and counting! Throughout those years, even until now, she's voiced the many characters we’ve grown to love and characters that, well, that make guys excited. Inoue’s years of experience isn’t the only reason why she’s number one on this list, oh no. Aside from said almost 30 years of experience, Inoue is number one because she’s good at voicing that perfect girlfriend, that well-reserved lady, that dignified, mature, sexy, provocative and responsible woman in anime and hentai. In fact, Inoue prefers to take on these roles because her mature voice is simply perfect for the job. Onee-chan’s notable roles include Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist, Furukawa Sanae from Clannad, The Queen from Miyuki-chan in Wonderland, and Eucliwood Hellscythe from Kore wa Zombie Desu ka?. However, Inoue is widely known for voicing Tendo Kasumi from Ranma ½ and Belldandy from Ah! My Goddess!.

Belldandy Oh! My Goddess Aa! Megami-sama wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Madman " url="https://www.madman.com.au/" ]

Final Thoughts

And these are the Top 10 Female Seiyuu with the Sexiest Voice! The sexiness of a character isn’t exclusive by their looks alone because you can’t find them sexy if their voices didn’t match. But even then, with the right voice, a simple-looking girl can make anyone fall in love with them, or make them excited. Music is food for the soul and that’s why we seek it. Music comforts us, music heals us, but let’s not forget that behind the music and behind the lyrics, there is the human voice that gives music its magic. Same thing goes for the seiyuu delivering the sexy. So what do you think of our list? If you know any seiyuu with that sexy voice, please tell us by leaving a comment below!

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Top 10 Most Memorable Pokemon Characters

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Wallpaper Pokemon
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It looks like we simply can’t leave Pokemon for a long time, right? Maybe because Pokemon does not leave us easily either. While we are (still) anxiously waiting for Pokemon Sun/Moon, why not go on a trip back down memory lane? Pokemon is much more than a game. The anime is still ongoing and has offered us all sorts of interesting stories. So, let’s remember our favorite characters together! Let’s see who is the very best!

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10. Gary Oak


Let’s start with one of the most antipathetics, shall we? We have to mention Gary because he was there since the beginning of the Pokemon anime. Gary is Professor Oak’s grandson and first ever rival for Ash. Gary is a selfish, arrogant know-it-all… but he is also a talented Pokemon trainer. He advances quickly on the Pokemon ranks and becomes one of the bests in the Kanto area. Ash is so obsessed with defeating Gary, that we get news about him constantly. Ash also tries to defeat him several times, being comically unsuccessful. And although in the end they recover their friendship, Gary is still shown around in the Pokemon world. Now he might not be a rival, but he still is a Pokemon expert and a little bit more likeable.

9. Samuel Oak

Yukinari Ookido Pokemon

Professor Oak had to be by the side of his grandson. This scientist is one of the most recurrent characters in the entire series. Professor Oak is in charge of the Pokemon Center of Palette Town, and is well known beyond the Kanto Region. He is responsible for overseeing the Pokemon trainers from Palett Town and their Pokemons. Professor Oak is also an expert on Pokemon relationships, that is why he tries to foster such relationships between Pokemons and Trainers. This scientist is so memorable that we wonder if any Pokemon fan cannot identify him. He is somewhat cool for a man his age, and has had his hilarious moments. So don’t worry, we will have yet more of Professor Oak in forthcoming anime episodes.

8. Mewtwo


The anime, games, and overall franchise is called Pokemon for a reason. Among the hundreds of critters that we can catch, some of them had to be more memorable, right? This is the case for Mewtwo. He was even a protagonist in a Pokemon movie because the guy is so epic! Mewtwo was a clone made from a Mew. He became a different Pokemon species because his DNA was modified. That is why Mewtwo is slightly anthropomorphized. Highly intelligent but also raised to be ruthless, he is one of those Pokemon you would not like to cross unprepared. Mewtwo eventually learns to get along with humans thanks to Mew. This is fortunate, because the few battles we have seen with him are great!

7. Brock

Brock Pokemon

But let’s get back to the comical characters, shall we? Brock was not only part of the games since the beginning, he was also in the anime for a long period! Brock is the Gym leader of Pewter City. He had a double objective to join Ash: to become a better Pokemon Breeder and to search for girls… especially if they are the Jenny officers or Joy nurses. He even can recognize differences between all of them o.O Brock is several years older than Ash, so he usually advises other Pokemon trainers. He is also an expert cook and caretaker. In general, Brock is a capable human being as long as a beautiful girl is not in sight. For all those comical and tender moments he has given us, Brock definitely is one of our Pokemon memorable characters.

6. Red

red wal

The first Pokemon games are still treasured by veteran fans. That is why when the spinoff series Pokemon Origins was announced, everyone was waiting anxiously for it. Red, our protagonist, turned out to be one of the best characters in Pokemon ever. He has all the flaws of an enthusiastic teen, as he is clumsy, insecure and inexpert. Nevertheless, Red also has the guts and the maturity to accept the Pokemon as friends. Red is a prodigy, as he easily defeats Brock back when he was a newbie. Red also managed to enter the Hall of Fame when he won at the Indigo Plateau. He even captured Mewtwo! It doesn’t matter how you look at Red, he is a champion in the Pokemon world.


5. Charizard


We are referring to the Charizard on Ash’s team. When he was a Charmander, he was abandoned by his original owner (Damian) so that he could toughen up. Poor Charmander almost had his fire go out during a storm, if not for Ash and his friends. When Charmander realized Damian had a despicable personality, he decided to stay with Ash, becoming his fifth Kanto Pokemon and one of the most important Pokemon on his possession. When Charmander became Charizard, he no longer listened to Ash’s orders. He was like an adolescent, so Ash had to learn how to control him and win his respect. Ash would not regain some control on him until the incident with a Poliwrath who encased Charizard in ice, almost killing him. Ash had to nurse him back to health throughout night, but the effort paid off. Since then, he has been a loyal companion in his adventures. How not to remember this rebel Pokemon?

4. Team Rocket Trio

Team Rocket

It hardly passes an episode without listening to the comical gags from Jessie, James and Meowth. In reality, the Team Rocket is a whole criminal gang with hundreds of members, but the Trio remain a great legend of failures :p So, we definitely can not ignore them. They have been in the Pokemon anime since the very beginning trying to steal Pikachu. Let’s remember that, in order to become a memorable character, we need them to be tridimensional. At first, the Team Rocket looks and behaves in straightforward ways, but as the series progresses, we learn a lot about their backgrounds. Evil is not built in a day, apparently… and they end up being an adorable team of outcasts. Their Pokemon evolve, their personalities change (amid a little) and they even have small victories along the way. Pokemon would not be the same without the Trio :)

3. Misty

Misty (Kasumi) Pokemon

She is perhaps the most popular female Pokemon trainer. An aspiring Water Pokemon Water, Misty also functions as Gym leader in Cerulean City. She is also the smallest of four sisters, with a tomboy attitude. Misty has a rather accidental first encounter with Ash, who takes her bicycle to rescue Pikachu and ruins it in the process. Thus, Misty follows him to get a repayment. The relationship between Ash and Misty is simply hilarious, full of childish quarrels and the occasional jealousy. It is a much missed piece in later Pokemon seasons. Misty has done cameos in the Best Wishes series and even mentioned in the Diamond and Pearl series. But well… we fans still hope Misty will make a come-back, like other Pokemon trainers had done.

Misty (Kasumi) Pokemon Capture
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Pokemon Anime Capture" url="" ]

2. Ash Ketchum

Satoshi Ash Ketchum pokemon

Here he is, Pokemon trainers. The protagonist of the Pokemon anime in person. It is impossible to ignore Ash in the Top ten, because Pokemon is about his quest to become the best Pokemon Master. Yes, he is ignorant and adamant in episode 1. The guy has gone through a lot and has gotten a little better with time. Ash is far away from the “honor” victories he had in Kanto (where he didn’t technically win). Nevertheless, Ash has a never fading enthusiasm that is rare to find. He has travelled far and wide, finding the most strange of critters. His approach towards Pokemon by befriend them is looked down by many. But Ash has proven to have an unbreakable bond with his Pokemon that has saved lives and won battles. Ash has become a symbol of our childlike curiosity and enthusiasm for more adventures!

Pokemon wallpaper
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1. Pikachu

pokemon pikachu

And finally, who in their right minds don’t know who is Pikachu? His cute, fluffy, bright yellow image has been seen all around the globe. Anyway, this entry is for Ash’s Pikachu, because no two Pikachus are the same. This little critter had a bad temper when he and Ash met. As what usually happens when Ash befriends Pokemon, he saves Pikachu from some Pidgeys, winning the furball’s loyalty. Since then, Pikachu has become Ash’s best friend and the leader of his Pokemon. He shares a lot of the characteristics of Ash: his curiosity, his enthusiasm and his battle will. Pikachu also has shown concern for other Pokemon, especially Misty’s Togepi. Plus, he is powerful and willing to electro-shock anyone who is unpleasant. For being the perfect balance between power and cuteness, Pikachu is the chosen one!

Wallpaper Pokemon
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01CSCQ7V8" text="" url="" ]

Final thoughts

What do you think about our memorable selections from Pokemon? It was really hard to select just ten from such a long series. So please, forgive us if we left your favorite out. Or even better, please comment who else is a memorable Pokemon character. Who else deserves a place on the hall of fame? We will be awaiting for your comments as always. Don’t hesitate to suggest us about other unexplored aspects of Pokemon in our articles too. See you soon!

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Top 10 Anime Introverts

On a broad scale, introversion is defined as any individual who relies on their internal feelings and moods rather than actively seek out external pleasures. That is not to say that they are socially inept, while they may not participate in group activities, they are still perfectly comfortable within smaller groups and perhaps their closest […]

Top 10 Worst Anime Sidekicks

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toradora taiga aisaka wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Toradora Portable Illustration" url="" ]

In a truly incredible anime, it occasionally happens that all of the characters, even the ones cast in supporting roles, are richly developed and just as capable of securing a fan’s interest as the main protagonists. Unfortunately for the anime listed below, that simply is not the case. That is not to say that the anime itself on this list is bad, but rather that the show possesses side characters that offer nothing good to the show. So who are these types of sidekicks and what exactly makes them so bad? Often times, they’re friends of the main character, somehow who pledges to help the central character, and then remains useless. They cry, they unknowingly interfere with the goals of other people, and are sometimes just plain annoying. These are the top 10 worst anime sidekicks.

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10. Sakura Haruno from Naruto

[2_images_in_row character='naruto sakura haruno' anime='Naruto Shippuden dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B001G7ICZQ" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 220 " aired=" Oct 3, 2002 to Feb 8, 2007 "]

Despite Naruto being such a popular show, the anime possesses one of the most disliked, and most unsuccessful, sidekicks. At number 2 on the list, Haruno Sakura is altogether untalented and incapable of achieving what a good sidekick should accomplish. She manipulates Naruto and abuses him, dwelling only on her love of Sasuke as her main motivation in life. A good sidekick should not utilize the main character as a means for pursuing their own goals, especially a goal as frivolous as a one-sided crush. Unable to let anyone approach her, Sakura often can be seen punching people who make any advances or offers of help. Her distasteful behavior is not given the proper character development that it deserves, making her actions seem one-dimensional and gone without a proper purpose. She is given little chance to prove herself as something other than a character who vows to be stronger and unconditionally loves someone of bad taste. Due to the fact that she does not have a good personality, proper background motivations, and is incapable of helping out the main character, Sakura proves herself to be one of the worst sidekicks in anime.

9. Brock from Pokemon

[2_images_in_row character='Brock Pokemon' anime='Pokemon Diamond & Pearl dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B001BP14FI" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 276 " aired=" Apr 1997 to Nov 2002 "]

Now Brock isn’t really a bad guy. He’s a dependable guy (he does, after all, specialize in Rock-type Pokemon) who leaves his position as a Gym Leader to travel alongside Ash. On many occasions, he appears wise and mature, especially compared to how Ash acts. Similar to his trusted Onix, Brock remains solid, and can be level-headed in a variety of situation, dispensing advice. Which is the reason why Brock is only number 10 on the list of worst sidekicks. However, Brock spends most of his time doing nothing but chasing after the resident Nurse Joy in every town the team enters. Slow to battle, despite being a former Gym Leader, Brock truly offers nothing but unsuccessful flirting techniques. He’s a nice guy, but in terms of contributing to the show, he doesn’t amount to much. Occasionally, Brocks takes care of the domestic chores, such as cooking and cleaning for the group, and because of that he gives of an older brother-vibe; however, as his main contributions are mostly only a pleasant smile and an attempt to talk to a girl, Brock fails in his role as being a truly successful sidekick.

8. Yuri Nakamura from Angel Beats!

[2_images_in_row character='angel beats Yuri Yurippe Nakamura' anime='Angel Beats dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B003FZ0M0U" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 13 " aired=" Apr 3, 2010 to Jun 26, 2010 "]

She makes her first impression by convincing other characters to target and physically harm Tenshi; despite discovering that she possesses a sense of humanity, and is not merely an NPC (non-playing character) like the rest of the mindless students at the purgatory high school, Yuri still continues to amass weapons aimed towards Tenshi’s destruction. She dictates over the other students, who listen to her authority, even when it harms others. Headstrong, vocally dominating, and incapable of relenting in her opinions, Yuri is a demanding leader and an unsatisfying sidekick. She proves to be detrimental in assisting the other students peacefully move on and she remains until the very end, desperate not to give up the world which she has grown accustomed to. It is precisely because of this unwavering behavior and lack of understanding for other characters that causes Yuri to be an awful sidekick, and reach the level of infamy needed to be placed on this list.

7. Sunohara Youhei from Clannad

[2_images_in_row character='Sunohara Youhei Clannad' anime='Clannad dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B001PSULZ0" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 23 " aired=" Oct 5, 2007 to Mar 28, 2008 "]

There’s a lot more unnatural about Sunohara other than his dyed hair. Coming in at number 7 on the list of 10 worst anime sidekicks, Sunohara consistently displays bad behavior and a flagrant sense of humor that can, at many times, be too much to handle. A good sidekick should either support the main character’s goals and motivations, or contribute something important to the storyline. Sunohara does neither; rather, his loud interjections detract from focus on more central relationships, such as between Tomoya and Nagisa. By providing nothing but attempted comic relief, that is often repetitive and hit-or-miss, his use as a character is never shown to be necessary. His role, in attempts to create humor, often lead to the overworn gag of him either getting beaten up by other characters, or rejected by women. It is rare for his character progression to move beyond this level of one-dimensional behavior and support other people. He makes very little influence on the series and because of this lack of contribution, he proves to be useless as a side character.

6. Taiga from Toradora!

[2_images_in_row character='toradora taiga aisaka' anime='Toradora dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B005F7J7A2" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 25 " aired=" Oct 2, 2008 to Mar 26, 2009 "]

A girl should always keep her promises. Taiga, embarrassed from revealing her own confession regarding Kitamura, promises to help Ryuuji win the affection of her own best friend, Minori. The two form an unlikely pair dedicated to assisting the other person with their love life, and this ambition forces the two characters into becoming much closer with each other than they had anticipated. Although enjoyable as a character, Taiga ultimately fails at her single task as a sidekick: to assist the main character with their goal. In the case of Taiga, her own friendship with Ryuuji interferes with his pursuit of Minori. Despite being keenly aware of how Ryuuji feels, the pursuit of Minori seemingly leads nowhere, and instead, continues on to the two characters developing feelings for each other. Which is sweet and the charm of the anime, but altogether the worst thing for a sidekick to do. While a charming character who contributes to the anime with her depth and character, she breaks the one promise she intended to keep, placing her at number 7 on this list.


5. Sakuno Ryuzaki from Prince of Tennis

[2_images_in_row character='sakuno-ryuzaki-prince-of-tennis' anime='Prince of Tennis dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00EXF992I" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 178 " aired=" Oct 10, 2001 to Mar 23, 2005 "]

It’s commonly agreed upon that Prince of Tennis is an anime of outstanding quality, which only makes it all the more upsetting when a poor character taints the high standards the anime sets. Sadly, this the unfortunate case for Prince of Tennis. An otherwise remarkable anime, the meek and noisome behavior of Sakuno Ryuzaki sours the entire season. Her personality remains transparent, existing only to try and offer support to Ryoma, who she attaches to far too intensely. On top of offering nothing of interest in terms of her own behavior, she also detracts from the focus on Ryoma with unnecessary As a sidekick, her job is to support the main character, which she attempts to do, but in actuality only seems to cling towards him and suffocate him, which is ultimately detrimental in the end.

4. Chibi Moon from Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon

[2_images_in_row character='Chibi Usa Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon R' anime='Sailor Moon Crystal dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00LJO86MU" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 46 " aired=" Mar 7, 1992 to Feb 27, 1993 "]

Perhaps the creators thought that with the love for the original Sailor Moon, introducing a cute, smaller Sailor Moon would be a certain way to win the viewers’ hearts and reach a broader fan base. Unfortunately for them, Chibi Moon, Sailor Moon’s daughter from the future, is almost universally deemed to be annoying as a sidekick and an overall waste of space. Chibi Moon craves attention and demands it by reaching out in selfish manners, thinking only of herself. While her childish behavior can be excused since she is still young, often times Chibi Moon acts like a brat and does not contribute to assisting with the main characters. Therefore, due to her grating attitude and immature actions towards the other more important characters in the anime, she fails at being a good sidekick.

3. Carla from Fairy Tail

[2_images_in_row character='charles-fairy-tail' anime='charles-fairy-tail-dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B009A5S2ME" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 102 " aired=" Apr 5, 2014 to Mar 26, 2016 "]

The main role of a sidekick is to support the other characters. In the case of Carla, all she offers is criticism. Even to Wendy, Carla does a poor job of helping. Happy sets the example for what a successful sidekick should strive for; supportive, comedic, and capable of contributing to the storyline. Carla, in contrast, simply does not measure up. She ridicules Natsu for his inability to travel fast due to motion sickness, an endearing flaw that he possesses, and even berates Happy, as well, for not being aware of his own overarching mission. At many times, Carla proves to be unnecessary for overcoming obstacles, and her acidic personality never seems to improve. Her entitled behavior and judgement for others contrasts directly with the optimistic attitude of the rest of the Guild, making her seem even more out of place than she already is. Additionally, she places too much importance on her own abilities, which constructs a massive superiority complex that Carla never bothers to tone down. Her entire presence in the anime appears to be irrelevant at best and, at the worst, distasteful to most fans.

Fairy Tail manga wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="B00JRUNGUA" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

2. Raki from Claymore

[2_images_in_row character='raki-claymore' anime='Claymore dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B004JPJHMY" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" Apr 4, 2007 to Sep 26, 2007 "]

A sidekick exists to support the main role. That is always the case, whether it is through verbal support or acting as a personality foil or by engaging directly with the plot. Sadly, Raki, from the anime series Claymore, does none of these, putting him at number 3 of the 10 worst sidekicks. Ignoring the fact that Raki acts weak and is seemingly incapable of achieving anything other than cooking, he also inhibits Clare from achieving her sole ambition; to kill Priscilla. Consistently, Raki impedes Clare in important tasks, and in turn accomplishes nothing himself, despite continuously declaring he wants to be strong and help others. As he impedes the main character and does not fulfill his goals as a sidekick, Raki places high on the list of worst side characters.

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1. Misa Amane from Death Note

[2_images_in_row character='deathnote misa amane prof' anime='Death Note  dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000M342JA" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 37 " aired=" Oct 4, 2006 to Jun 27, 2007 "]

Death Note is acclaimed and beloved in the anime community. With a show as top-notch as Death Note, one might expect that all of the characters would be compelling and enrich the show in an intricate way. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Coming in at the top of the list for the worst sidekicks in anime is Misa Amane, from Death Note. There is nothing worse than a one-dimensional character; Misa Amane is entirely defined by her naive, one-sided obsession with Light, the sociopathic and charismatic owner of a notebook that can kill whoever’s name is written in its pages, and that is the only facet of her personality that she represents in the entire anime. She is represented in the anime as a ‘dumb blonde’ character; if a sidekick cannot truly enrich the show, then they should be included in the first place.

Misa Amane Death Note Wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="B016RF9714" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]


The sidekicks listed here are the worst of the worst, incapable of contributing anything to the main characters and detracting from otherwise great anime with one-dimensional personalities and ambitions. Sadly, this situation is all too common; so if any major side characters were missed in this list that were unforgivable in their roles as a sidekick, comment below!

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6 Anime Like Strike Witches [Recommendations]

The greatest generation is even greater in this alternate universe featuring flying girls with furry ears and tails. The year is 1944 and the Neuroi (aliens), who invaded Europe in 1939, are a dark threat to humanity. They usually arrive in the form of aircraft, drive out or kill the human population, and plunder the […]

Top 10 Anime Grandmothers/Grandmas

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[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Summer Wars Movie" url="" ]

We tend to think about grandmothers as sweet elderly women who like to take care of little children. They also make the best cookies, or perhaps teach some home-oriented, useful skill whenever you ask. Or maybe they mediate between your parents and you. But is that all that is there to say about grandmothers? Of course not, and much less if we are talking about anime grandmothers. So let’s see which type of great grannies we can find!

Warning: we have some spoilers here and there. Proceed with caution.
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10. Kazusa Takatori from Shounen Maid

[2_images_in_row character='kazusa-shounen-maid' anime='shounen maid DVD']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01DZ99XKU" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" Apr 8, 2016 to Jul 1, 2016 "]

Kazusa is the grandmother of the protagonist, Chihiro. This old lady was introduced to us in an unusual way. Kazusa loves to go to the local park to chase cats. She does everything in her power to get close to them, but they always escape. Yet, when Kazusa realizes she is being observed by Chihiro, she straightens up and tries to appear as the respected granny. This particular relationship between grandmother and grandson is curious, as Kazusa didn’t get along well with Chihiro’s mother nor with his uncle. That is why she conceals her identity from Chihiro at first. However, Chihiro is not like the cats; even when he uncovers the difficulties of the family relationships, he continues to get along well with Kazusa. They use to get together in the park, talking casually about daily life things. Thus, we can assume Kazusa is a rather easy going grandmother.

9. Sui Shijima from Hanasaku Iroha (Blossoms for tomorrow)

[2_images_in_row character='sui-shijima-hanasaku-iroha' anime='Hanasaku Iroha dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00O6B9ETM" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" Apr 3 to Sep 25, 2011 "]

Meet the grandmother of Hanasaku Iroha’s protagonist, Ohana. She is the owner of the Taisho period inn Kissuisou where Ohana is sent to live. Sui Shijima is always wearing kimonos and a very stern look. Although her hair is rather short and fashionable, her posture and voice command obedience. We can expect, as Ohana is a straightforward girl with a deep sense of justice, that Ohana does not get very well with her severe grandmother in the beginning. Sui Shijima made her work to pay for her stay at the inn, and they talked frequently. Ohana wants some things to change but her grandmother is quite old-fashioned. Nevertheless, Sui Shijima is concerned about her staff and believes her granddaughter will be able to handle the inn in the future. It’s just that Sui does not convey her feelings so easily.

8. Hitoha Miyamizu from Kimi no na wa (Your name)

[2_images_in_row character='hitoha-miyamizu-kimi-no-na-wa' anime='kimi-no-na-wa']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="4041047803" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 1 movie " aired=" Aug 26, 2016 "]

This affable looking and plump woman is the grandmother of one of the protagonists of the movie, Mitsuha Miyamizu. Hitoha functions as the head of the sacred shinto Shrine in a small town among the mountains. She teaches Mitsuha all the duties of a miko, including how to make sake with spitted rice (that would be Kuchikamisake). Hitoha is also shown to be knowledgeable on Kumihimo, a traditional Japanese braid making technique. Hitoha raised Mitsuha and her sister Yotsuha when their mother passed away. Although Mitsuha doesn’t precisely like the traditional town and the duties of a miko, Hitoha tries her best to make the experience meaningful for her. She is always by her granddaughters side when she is needed! Hitoha is also shown to be wise, as she tells Mitsuha (hinting towards her encounters with Taki): “Treasure the experience. Dreams fade away after you wake up.”

7. Sakae Jinnouchi from Summer Wars

[2_images_in_row character='sakae-jinnouchi-summer-wars' anime='summer wars dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00B1RB942" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 1 movie " aired=" Aug 1, 2009 "]

Imagine you are a computer genius who manages a whole cyber world. Suddenly, you get confronted by reality: a friend from your high-school invites you to her great-grandmother’s birthday party in a small provincial town… and introduces you as her fiancee to her family! To add the cherry to the cake, there are several cyber attacks unleashed. Confused? Not more than Kenji Koiso, our protagonist. The thing with the famous great-grandmother Sakae is that, when the cyber attacks wreck havoc in the real world, she makes use of her connections to help control the situation. Taking into account that the cyber attacks disabled her heart monitor and provoked her to an early death, we see how Sakae remained calm during the stressful ordeals. Sakae simply arranged some things during the few hours she had left and requested Kenji to look after the family. She also requests her family to re-incorporate the outcasted Wabisuke, which prompts the clan to join the cause to try to stop the Summer Wars. She was a selfless and composed force of good during the entire movie.

6. Marnie from Omoide no Marnie (When Marnie was there)

[2_images_in_row character='Marnie Omoide no Marnie' anime='Omoide no Marnie dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00ZAZB4T6" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 1 movie " aired=" Jul 19, 2014 "]

This enchanting movie tells us the story of Anna, an orphan girl who travels to an old town by the sea during her summer vacations. She discovers a mysterious girl called Marnie, who appears and disappears as if she was made of dreams. Anna and Marnie will forge a strong relationship, meanwhile some friends help the orphan girl to uncover her past. In the end, it turns out that Marnie is the spirit of Anna’s deceased grandmother, who finally makes her see that she was deeply loved by her true family. What can we say about a ghost grandmother that poses as a child? Studio Ghibli makes a masterpiece of every production they make, especially in the way they portray the characters so naturally. There is love and yearning between Anna and Marnie throughout the whole movie. The freshness and innocence of their adventures, plus the final moving revelation, make this unusual grandmother an unforgettable character.


5. Claire Skyheart from Dimension W

[2_images_in_row character='Claire Skyheart Dimension W' anime='Dimension W dvd 2']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B019MMA0RE" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" Jan 10 to Mar 27, 2016 "]

Here we have an interesting grandmother with long hair and pretty features. But just looking once at her face makes us realize this lady rules with a cold, iron gaze. Claire Skyheart is the Chief Operations Officer of New Tesla Corporation’s Central 47, which means she is the leader of a delicate operation to find illegal devices. You know how technology can be misused, so someone has to do something about it. Claire Skyheart could pass as too cold if not for her interactions with her granddaughter Shiora, as shown in Dimension W. This lady is also awfully clever. An expert on covert operations, she knows how to get information from people (even from her innocent granddaughter). For a lady with no peculiar magical powers, she is pretty much a bad-ass!

4. Chi-Chi from Dragon Ball GT

[2_images_in_row character='chi-chi-dragon-ball-gt' anime='Dragon Ball GT dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B001M6SH6U" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 64 " aired=" Feb 7, 1996 to Nov 19, 1997 "]

Chi-Chi is perhaps one of the most recognizable female characters from the list. We met her as a little child and have news about her in every Dragon Ball anime season. Chi-Chi is the princess of the Fire mountain and wife of Goku, the protagonist. She bears him two children (Gohan and Goten), and eventually her first son will bear Pan, the her granddaughter. Throughout the Dragon Ball series, Chi-Chi is a tough warrior concerned about her family’s well-being. In this part, she is in her fifties and mostly hangs out with Videl and Bulma. Nevertheless, Chi-Chi keeps watching mainly over her two sons and being slightly more easygoing with Pan. Although she wanted her granddaughter to be more girly, but you know… Saiyan blood always takes over.

3. Chiyo from Naruto Shippuden

[2_images_in_row character='chiyo-naruto-shippuuden' anime='gaara naruto dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00V75VSJY" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" Unknown " aired=" Feb 15, 2007 to present "]

This old lady is the grandmother of Sasori of the Red Sand, but is often called Honoured Grandmother by everyone who knows her. She is a venom and puppet expert from the village of Sunagakure. Chiyo has pretty bad-ass credentials. She was in the Second Shinobi World War and she sealed the one tailed Shukaku inside Gaara. You simply can not cross such a formidable grandmother easily. Chiyo retired from public life and passed her time relaxing with her brother, while also taking care of her grandson Sasori. To help him deal with the loss of his parents, she trained him in the art of puppets. Sasori developed incredible ninjutsu abilities thanks to Chiyo. The only flaw of this grandmother is that she chose to ignore the signs of dark intentions in Sasori.

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Naruto Ep 263" url="" ]

2. Gloriosa from One Piece

[2_images_in_row character='gloriosa-one-piece' anime='One Piece dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B004W75BQU" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" Unknown " aired=" Oct 20, 1999 to present "]

Meet Elder Nyon, former Empress of the Kuja tribe. This women-only tribe lives in the Amazon Lily, an empire located in the Maiden Island. Of course, they have their very own Pirate crew, the Kuja Pirates! These women train from their youths to become tough warriors and adventurers. In her youth, Gloriosa travelled the world far and wide in order to cure her “love disease”. Unlike other members of the tribe who died due to this illness, Gloriosa came back to the Island and became a wise Empress. She also found and trained the Gorgon sisters, one of whom is the current Kuja Empress and considered the most beautiful and powerful woman in the world: Boa Hancock. Although Gloriosa has a solitary life style, she is always by the side of the Gorgon sisters when they need her and functions as an adviser for Hancock. Despite that, their relationship is not the best, they keep close to each other. They share a lot in common after all, being powerful adventurers on oceans crossed mostly by men!

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="One Piece 3D2Y: Ace no shi wo Koete! Luffy Nakama Tono Chikai" url="" ]

1. Cologne from Ranma ½

[2_images_in_row character='cologne-ranma-%c2%bd' anime='ranma ½ manga']
[sourceLink asin="1421565943" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 161 " aired=" Apr 15, 1989 to Sep 25, 1992 "]

Meet the leader of the Chinese Amazons, who live close to the Jusenkyo lakes! The people Cologne leads are very important in the Ranma ½ anime, as various techniques the characters learn have been perfected by them. Her great-granddaughter is Shampoo, who is in love with Ranma and follows him to Japan to destroy him, but later, upon discovering that he is male, to make him marry her. Thus, Cologne also moves to Japan, opening a Chinese food restaurant called the Cat Cafe with Shampoo. Cologne is the coolest and most powerful grandma you will find on this list. She has a good sense of humour and enjoys observing the battles and general comical difficulties the younger cast of Ranma has to go through. Despite her minute size, Cologne will always have wise advice and artful tricks for training Shampoo and the others. Besides being a great martial artist, Cologne also knows a lot about Chinese herbs, cooking, and magical artifacts. If you wanted everything that makes for a great grandmother in one pocket size combo, look no further! We have Cologne!

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Ranma ½ Capture" url="" ]

Final thoughts

And there you have them! Ten diverse grandmother characters! There is one for every taste, don’t you think so? But do tell us if your favorite granny was among the list. If not, please share your favorite anime grandmother with us in the comments. See you soon!

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Top 10 Useless Female Characters in Anime

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vampire knight wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="B003XQ82UI" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

Compared to useless males, there are way more useless females to exist in the world of anime. They range from the ditzy idiot who can do nothing but cause trouble, the righteous indignation female who just ends up looking really stupid when they realise that they were raging about nothing or the completely detrimental females who end up screwing over everyone. This is really a shame because in real life, there are plenty of famous female figures that have done much to contribute to the world. While they have their differences, male and females are equally valuable to the world. Just think back. Has any female contributed to your life in a major way? Your mother might be one of them. So here at Honey’s, join us as we count down the Top 10 Useless Female Characters in Anime and shout together “But girls don’t even do that!”

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10. Ubukata Chikako (Days)

[2_images_in_row character='ubukata-chikako-days' anime='Days anime']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01IP92NO8" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" Jul 2016 - Dec 2016 " post_id=""]

Ubukata is the manager of the soccer team that Jin and Tsukishi reside in for the anime Days. Of the duo, Tsukishi is considered to the talentless one compared to the genius playstyles of Jin. Hence, he receives much criticism from the majority of people around him at the start because there are many who think that Tsukishi shouldn’t even bother playing on the same field as Jin as he would only hamper him. Instead of supporting him like a good manager should, Ubukata joins in on the berating and tells him to his face that he should quit as well. This is all due to her insecurities from her past. She had tried to write a novel at some point but decided to quit completely because she received criticism just like Tsukishi. Thus, she spends most of the season picking on the one guy who won’t fold at criticism like her. Even when she finally lightens up, she can’t even do her job properly and gets the names of players wrong.

9. Takamiya Naho (Orange)

[2_images_in_row character='naho takamiya orange' anime='orange_poster_H_TOHOnashi_CS6 dvd']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01HNOSG38" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 13 " aired=" Jul 2016 - Sep 2016 " post_id=""]

Naho is the main character of the anime Orange. Which just makes it a thousand times more depressing to place her on this list. But if she’s useless, she’s useless. Have you ever regretted anything? Now don’t go full macho and state that you don’t know what regrets are. Just be real for a moment. Have you ever wanted to change anything in your past? If you had the opportunity to tell your past self-something like “Don’t go for that girl because she’ll break your heart.” Would you? Naho has that very opportunity. And she does use it. The problem lies not in that she’s stupid enough not to take the opportunity. Even though it’s proven that the letter is completely legit and she should totally follow her own bloody advice, Naho acts like a dumb shit who never does what she is told to by her future self even if it’ll erase her regrets and possibly save the life of the boy she loves! If you ever get this same opportunity, remember to ask yourself if you were just that stupid in the past. Communicating with the past you might cause more problems than solve them.

8. Lalatina Dustiness Ford aka Darkness (Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!)

[2_images_in_row character='Lalatina Darkness Dustiness Ford' anime='Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! dvd']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B019GX9CKA" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 10 " aired=" Jan 2016 - Mar 2016 " post_id=""]

Darkness is one of the companions that accompany Kazuma on his dubious quest to slay the demon king and save the world. She boasts one of the stronger classes obtainable; that of the crusader. A crusader is able to hit hard and take many hits with their body. That's where everything goes wrong. Darkness is an extreme masochist who enjoys getting hit by strong attacks. Because of this, she invests all her points on endurance and refuses to raise her accuracy. Thus, she misses every single time she attacks, even at point blank range. It's debatable whether she or “one-shot” Megumin is more useless, but at least Megumin is accurate. Darkness is so bad that the Internet has dubbed her as “critical miss!" to denote the magnitude of her uselessness in the series. At least she's funny and not frustrating to watch right?

7. Tea Gardner (Yu-Gi-Oh!)

[2_images_in_row character='anzu-tea-gardner-mazaki-yu-gi-oh-duel-monsters' anime='yu-gi-oh wallpaper']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01C7LH4VC" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 27 " aired=" Apr 1998 - Oct 1998 " post_id=""]

The world of YGO is filled with countless duelists who pit their hand crafted decks against each other in a battle to see who is the best. The duelist that the series follows most of the time is Yugi Moto, the secretly reborn Pharaoh who can duel like nobody’s business. On the side, he has his childhood friend Tea Gardner, another supposed duelist. Why supposed? She’s participated in maybe 1 or 2 duels even though the series has stretched on for a couple of seasons. Instead of being a driving force like Yugi or Kaiba, she ends up being the infomercial for the audience in explaining what the cards do. The very cards that have been explained a thousand times to us. As if we didn’t play the game already. If she explains what Pot of Greed does one more time, somebody’s gonna get a hurt real bad.

6. Amane Misa (Death Note)

[2_images_in_row character='Misa Amane Death Note' anime='Death Note  dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000M342JA" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 37 " aired=" Oct 2006 - June 2007 " post_id=""]

Death Note is about the death game between super detective L and super megalomaniac Light Yagami. So how does Misa fit into this? Well for one, she’s super in love with Light. And she’ll do anything for him like completely because he’s hot and stuff. Yes, they made the only female who got her very own Death Note a literal ditzy blonde bimbo who can’t think beyond her infatuation for a boy. While Misa isn’t completely useless, as she makes a great tool for Light, she’s simply wasted potential. The first female Death Note user could’ve pretended she was a ditzy blonde idiot in love with Light but actually stabs him in the back later and takes his Death Note away from him, introducing a third player in the game. Instead, she becomes the only survivor of the game purely through her sheer stupidity.

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5. Kuran Yuuki (Vampire Knight)

[2_images_in_row character='Yuuki Cross Vampire Knight' anime='dvd Vampire Knight']
[sourceLink asin="B0046H0I1O" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 13 " aired=" Apr 2008 - Jul 2008 " post_id=""]

Remember that one shoujo anime that everyone was really hyped about maybe 10 years ago? That’s either Vampire Knight or Skip Beat. Vampire Knight is about a vampire couple giving birth to a girl because their son needs someone to marry. You got that right. A girl was birthed to become the betrothed wife of her own brother. So that’s screwed up and all, but what makes her so useless? She goes along with it. Any other person would feel completely indignant or at least stop to question when presented with a story about their past like this, not go along with the flow! Not only that, she ends up following so many of the shoujo tropes by over relying on her man beefcake to take care of her throughout the series. She’s definitely one of the typical shoujo damsels.

4. Sayaka Miki (Puella Magi Madoka Magica)

[2_images_in_row character='madoka magika sayaka miki00' anime='Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00KUDO4FY" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" Jan 2011 - Apr 2011 " post_id=""]

Madoka is the stunning and gritty take on Mahou Shoujos by the esteemed Shaft studio. In it, magical girls are made like every product on the conveyor belts as sacrifices to the demons that they battle. First off, the girls are given a wish that they can use to transform them into magical girls. It can be any wish, and the stronger their desire for this wish, the more powerful they are as magical girls. So with such a wish, what does Sayaka do with it? Does she wish for unlimited wealth or unparalleled beauty? No she wishes for the boy that she has a crush on, not one that she has a relationship with or any guaranteed future, to recover from his injuries. She had one wish, and she squandered it on someone who probably won’t even appreciate it at all. All because she suffered from boy fever. Come on guys, girls don’t do that. Not all they think about is boys you know?

3. Henrietta de Tristain (Zero no Tsukaima)

[2_images_in_row character='Henrietta de Tristain Zero no Tsukaima' anime='Zero no Tsukaima dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00PTUB352" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 13 " aired=" Jul 2006 - Sep 2006 " post_id=""]

Zero no Tsukaima revolves around Louise, the zero of a mage who can’t cast any spells properly and her human summon, Saito. The two try their best to get along and discover why she sucks so much as a mage while getting into trouble all the time. Henrietta is the princess and later queen of Tristain, the country the Louise resides in. She also happens to be the childhood friend of Louise, and as such relies on her. But maybe she relies on her a bit too much. As the crowned ruler of a sovereign nation, you’d think she would have a bit more latitude to carry out her will or that of the people. Instead, we get arc after arc where the basic premise is “Henrietta has a problem so she asks her friend Louise, who can’t cast any spells, to go fix them.” There was even that little bit where she sides with her undead boyfriend controlled by the enemy and attacks Louise. You know? Louise? The one who was cleaning up her mess constantly?

Henrietta de Tristain Zero no Tsukaima wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B00MNP80XE" text="" url="" ]

2. Orihime Inoue (Bleach)

[2_images_in_row character='Inoue Orihime Bleach' anime='Bleach dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B0007U9AFE" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 366 " aired=" Oct 2004 - Mar 2012 " post_id=""]

Hoo boy. We’ve arrived at one of the most worthless females to ever exist in the Bleach series. Earlier in the series, she’s useless in the sense that all she can really do to contribute is heal the cast. That’s not the worst thing in the world, even though there’s an entire division in Soul Society dedicated to healing already. At least she’s being a support character. But in the later part of the series, she gets threatened by Aizen. Either she goes with them or Aizen attacks her friends. Instead of realizing that he would’ve have attacked them anyway, she panics and leaves with Aizen, causing Ichigo and gang to go stir crazy and attack Aizen’s base to rescue her, nullifying the reason she went with them in the first place. So okay, her amazing healing power isn’t just healing but the reversal of time itself. But is this godly ability used for good? No, she helps Aizen activate the goddamn Hogyoku, the damn thing that will help him kill her friends faster.

Inoue Orihime de Bleach wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Magazine Bleach Op Image" url="" ]

1. Nunnally vi Britannia (Code Geass)

[2_images_in_row character='nunnally-lamperoug-code-geass-hangyaku-no-lelouch' anime='Code Geass dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B006O94DLI" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 25 " aired=" Oct 2006 - Jul 2007 " post_id=""]

Anyone who has watched Code Geass to the end can tell you what the basic story is about. Lelouch, though angry at the Britannian Empire, is only fighting against the oppressors of the world because he wants to make a beautiful peaceful world for his sister, whom he loves dearly. To that end, he even makes the world fear him as the demon emperor so that they will be united against a symbol. At the conclusion of the series, it seems he has succeeded because Nunnally is the new ruler of Britannia and she is opening peace talks with other countries. But everyone forgets the Fleija arc, and what she did during that arc. Remember that awesome brother who would do anything for her? Well she didn’t. When the cunning Schneizel approaches her with the “Your brother is evil please halp” proposition, she just goes “Yeah sure”. She then proceeds to take whole of the Fleija trigger, which is the equivalent of holding a few hundred nuclear missiles in your hand. And they are all poised to destroy her beloved brother.

code geass wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Newtype Nov 2007" url="" ]


All in all, it’s just a damn shame. The anime industry often holds females at a much lower regard than guys most of the time (though that’s another article for another day), despite them being equal as human beings. There is much potential that is simply squandered. It is so easy to think up strong female characters that have never been done, simply because there are so few. We could do with more than the paltry sum we have right now. But that’s all we got at the moment. Got any other useless females that make you rage? Share with us in the comments below!

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