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Top 10 Anime Bounty Hunters

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Let’s not try to kid ourselves. We all like bounty hunters. They tend to know how to fight, they have some sweet gadgets, and generally they have a pretty awesome vehicle. They are also the ones on the fringe of society who generally have no master. Well, they do bow down to money, because that’s the main incentive for chasing anyone down and most of them are broke. That aside, they generally do decide which jobs they will take on and exactly how they will go about doing their jobs. Thankfully, most of them like causing a little bit of a scene, which leads to some pretty stellar chases and showdowns. Without further wait, let’s get on to the best bounty hunters that anime has to offer.

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10. Jigo from Princess Mononoke

[2_images_in_row character='Bou Jiko Mononoke Hime' anime='mononoke hime']
[sourceLink asin="B003SI4SHW" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 1 " aired=" Jul. 1997 "]

When Prince Ashitaka’s arm is cursed by a demon boar, he is exiled from his hidden village and destined to head westwards for the cure. It’s in the West that an ancient spirit should be able to cure him. It’s from the West that the cursed boar came from. Soon his journey shows him what’s going on in the West for it to hold such promise and such a powerful curse. It’s the struggle between nature and civilization and he finds himself right between the main two combatants: Lady Eboshi and Princess San. Jigo is a wise opportunist, who first appears as a sort of trustworthy and sage-like persona to Ashitaka. He guides Ashitaka towards the Iron City where the struggle between nature and humanity is reaching its head. However, he actually is a bounty hunter who’s setting up as many pieces as possible in order to capture the famous spirit of the forest. Legend says that its head will grant eternal youth and the emperor wants it. So Jigo organizes things in order to weaken the forest and keep most of its denizens at bay, while he makes a last minute grab for the head. The man is clearly quick and capable when it comes to fighting, however, he does fail the mission and is forced to return the forest spirit’s head.

9. Nagi from Tenchi Muyou!

[2_images_in_row character='nagi-tenchi-muyou' anime='dvd Tenchi Muyo!']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B007SPYKFQ" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" Apr. 1995 – Sep. 1995 "]

Tenchi Muyou follows the struggles of 17-year-old Tenchi Masaki after a space pirate by the name of Ryoko crashes into his life. Her mischievous nature alone is enough to flip Tenchi’s life on its head. However, due to Ryoko’s arrival, Tenchi also has two intergalactic officers, a mad scientist, and two royal princesses joining his household. Let the adventures ensue. Nagi is a notorious bounty hunter known across the universe for her ability to bring in any fugitive. Her most recent target, and the only person to ever escape her grasp is the infamous Ryoko, and Ryoko was fleeing more than fighting in their last battle. In other words, Nagi is immensely powerful and knows how to handle people with rather exceptional cunning. Helping her track down and capture wanted men and women is her faithful cat/spaceship Ken-Ohki, who allows her incredible maneuverability and fire power while in space.

8. Natsuki Sasahara from Hyper Police

[2_images_in_row character='hyper-police-sasahara-natsuki' anime='Hyper Police dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00008H2H7" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 25 " aired=" Apr. 1997 – Sep. 1997 "]

Hyper Police presents a world where monsters and humans live together. Being half-human and half-cat, Sasahara Natsuki has a stake in both communities and as a bounty hunter tends to handle a lot of the issues that rise between monsters and humans. Helping her meter out justice are her werewolf assistants Batanen and Tommy as well as the fox demon Sakura. Natsuki is the type of bounty hunter you would want to hire. She is extremely kind and, unlike most characters on the list, she has an intense obsession with upholding the law. Her position as a bounty hunter isn’t one of necessity or convenience, but rather a means for her to enact justice. is very sweet and kind to everyone and always eager to help protect the weak and uphold the law. Her ability to create electrical shots is also very useful for apprehending criminals. However, she happens to be one of the worst bounty hunters on the list. She has shot allies at least twice by accident and when frightened might accidently shock her own team.

7. Roy Revant from Solty Rei

[2_images_in_row character='roy-revant-solty-rei' anime='solty-rei-dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000JJ4WHY" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" Oct. 2005 – Mar. 2006 "]

There are two important things to remember about the future dystopian in Solty Rei. One is that giant conglomerates have amassed most of the world’s wealth and created a huge gap between the rich and the poor. The second is that it’s difficult to tell who’s simply muscle and bone and who has cybernetic body parts. This makes being a bounty hunter particularly difficult as you never know if you’re targeting someone way beyond your means. Well, Roy Revant has made a decent enough living on the job, but one mission he ends needing to be saved by a young girl with unbelievable strength. After this incident him, the girl, and a few others turn their eyes towards the massive issue with wealth distribution. Roy’s had a tough life and reflects that in his work. He’s not beyond roughing up questionable characters in order to get the answers he wants. What do you expect from a guy who’s wife passed away and daughter went missing? However, there’s clearly a soft spot in him as he is still searching after all this time for his daughter and is willing to not only give his savior the name ‘Solty,’ but also adopt her. The guy just has a parental bone in him that won’t quit, and we see it more and more as he protects those around him.

6. Nadie from El Cazador de la Bruja

[2_images_in_row character='Nadie El Cazador de la Bruja' anime='El Cazador de la Bruja The Witch Hunter dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B0015CI55O" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" Apr. 2007 – Sep. 2007 "]

Ellis is on the run for the suspected murder of the prominent physicist Heinrich Schneider. The first person to catch up to her is Nadie, a bounty hunter. Having a last minute change of heart, Nadie decides to help Ellis search for clues about her past instead of turning in the young girl. Thus begins El Cazador de la Bruje. Nadie is the type of woman who makes her own rules no matter what. She takes on the jobs she wants, and if at any moment during the mission she changes her mind, then there’s nothing anyone can do to stop her. She’s a rogue all the way through. Helping her maintain such a lifestyle is the fact that she’s a top marksman. Few people can take her and her Colt .45, her preferred weapon, on in a fight.


5. Saya Minatsuki from Black Cat

[2_images_in_row character='saya-minatsuki-black-cat' anime='Black Cat dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000J3EAYA" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 23 " aired=" Oct. 2005 – Mar. 2006 "]

Train Heartnet is an infamous assassin who has proven himself capable of taking down any target and has received the nickname ‘Black Cat’. However, one day he runs into the mysterious bounty hunter Saya Minatsuki. She exudes a sense of freedom and her outlook on life completely causes Train to pull a 180. He leaves his current organization, determined to be free, and sets off a chain of events that not only affect his prior employers but the world as well. Saya is actually quite an infamous sweeper/bounty hunter in the area. Over the years she has developed a shot that is able to redirect itself. She does this by having an intense understanding of geometry, physics, and her environment. She will essentially aim at a very specific object and rebound the bullet at her opponent in an unexpected way. It’s with this skill that she’s able to take down the high-ranking criminal Preta Ghoul, after Train realizes that his bullets can’t penetrate the villain. Obviously, she has the skills to be a bounty hunter, but more importantly her spirit is very much in tune with the freedom of choice such a life offers. She only does what she wants to when she wants to, and it’s this aspect that changes Train’s life forever.

4. Favaro from Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis (Rage of Bahamut: Genesis)

[2_images_in_row character='Favaro' anime='Shingeki no Bahamut dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B016Y3MIJM" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" Oct. 2014 – Dec. 2014 "]

Viewers are taken into a universe where there’s a human realm, a god realm, and a demon realm. For the most part they stay as separate worlds, however, when Bahamut came about threatening the existence of each world, everyone joined together to imprison him. After that, things have been mostly good in this universe. Some godly forces and demonic forces tend to mix into the world of humans, but everything is balanced. That is until someone steals one of the keys to Bahamut’s imprisonment from the god realm. What Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis does best is captivate the viewers through a sense of wild adventure. Playing a major role in that success is Favaro, whose carefree attitude and swashbuckling style sets the initial tone for the entire story. A good chunk of the first episode is Favaro on a hilarious and destructive chase, as he taunts his fellow bounty hunter and eternal rival Kaisar. He’s the type of character who’s hard to turn away from. He’s ridiculously smooth and can make the best of almost any situation. Helping him out is a loud mouth that never runs out of things to say as well as a very particular sense of fashion.

3. Rally Vincent from Gunsmith Cats

[2_images_in_row character='irene-rally-vincent-gunsmith-cats' anime='Gunsmith Cats dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000059RZ9" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 3 " aired=" Nov. 1995 – Sep. 1996 "]

Let’s take a stroll into a gun free Chicago. Well, it’s not really gun free, because two women, Rally Vincent and Minne May Hopkins, happen to own and run an underground gun shop. This little business gets the two caught up in a much bigger and darker sector of the black market, however, and it’s going to take all their skills combined to get out of this new mess. Rally Vincent became a bounty hunter in order to search for her father, who was searching down the robbers who gunned down his wife. However, her love and skill for guns had developed long before taking up that profession, as her father, an Olympic marksman, had taught her everything he knew. Thus, she knows most guns on an intimate level and uses them with incredible skill and precision. Though her favorite is a CZ-75 First Edition, she also carries a .25 DuO that she mounts on a spring-loaded frame tied to her arm, a SIG P210, and sometimes back-up weapon in an ankle holster. In other words, she’s equipped for any situation, and when you combine her arsenal with her driving skills she can catch or get away from just about anyone.

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Gun Smith Cats Natural Zone Cover" url="http://www.suruga-ya.jp/product/detail/122002003001" ]

2. Kanta Mizuno from Sunabouzu (Desert Punk)

[2_images_in_row character='Kanta Mizuno Sunabouzu' anime='Sunabouzu dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000BZ8ICQ" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" Oct. 2004 – Mar. 2005 "]

Desert Punk sets us down in Japan after a nuclear war has devastated the country and turned it entirely into a desert. It’s in this wasteland that the survivors of the nuclear war have to scrape together a living one way or another. One person who’s made a name for himself in this world is Kanta Mizuno also known as the Demon of the Desert. That moniker was not achieved through luck. At only 17 years of age, Kanta has accomplished tasks that no one else would have been able to and has never failed a mission. His maneuverability and tactics are second to none as he zips around on closes in on victims to nail them with his shotgun. Helping him take on and complete any mission is his cynical view of the world, which detaches him enough to always be clear of mind and at times underhanded. His only weakness is beautiful women who are particularly well endowed. In the end, Katna Mizuno is practically what every guy who watches anime wants to be: extremely skilled and perverted at the same time.

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B00077DAD0" text="" url="" ]

1. Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop

[2_images_in_row character='spike-spiegel-cowboy-bebop' anime='Cowboy Bebop dvd']
[sourceLink asin="6305789312" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" Apr. 1998 – Apr. 1999 "]

Anyone who considers themselves a fan of anime should have seen Cowboy Bebop, but just in case you haven’t, this classic follows around a crew of cowboys, aka bounty hunters, as they travel around the galaxy. Now there are four humans and one dog that make up the crew of the Bebop and each episode is specially crafted to reveal a little bit more about the histories of each character. Though each and every member of the Bebop crew deserves to be on this list, including the one-episode character Cowboy Andy, Spike is in many ways the heart of the show. After all, it is his arc that both jumpstarts and ends the show. More importantly, when it comes down to hunting a fugitive he is the best. He is a skilled martial artist, pilot, pickpocket, and gunman. He knows how to track down his target and capture them even when everything goes wrong. He also has a great sense of humor and one of the sharpest minds in anime, as he consistently comes up with some of the best one-liners. All of this rounds up why you see this space cowboy at the top of the list.

cowboy bebop cosplay spike wallpaper
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Final Thoughts:

A surprising aspect that continuously reappeared when making this list was the similar type of setting each show held. Most of these shows have vast environments with a certain sense of desolation, and that makes a lot of sense. It’s in such settings that require people to find their own way of living and it’s also in such places that official law enforcement doesn’t reach. Thus vigilantes and bounty hunters appear to keep the peace and earn a living. Now, were there any bounty hunters that I overlooked, who you would like to see on this list?

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Top 5 Easy Anime Costumes for Halloween [Update]

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Spooky delights and late-night frights, it’s that time of the year again! With less than a month to go for Halloween 2021, it’s time to get cracking on your costume. For all you anime enthusiasts out there, rather than ghosts and ghouls, why not try dipping your toes into cosplaying and go as your favourite anime character? Want something easy, fun and low-budget? Honey’s Anime has you covered with our updated Top 5 list of Easy Anime Costumes, so unleash your inner cosplayer and get ready to wow everyone this season with the minimum effort required!

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5. Yoh Asakura and Anna Kyouyama from Shaman King (2021)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="twitter" url="https://twitter.com/SHAMANKING_PR/status/1385109863521419266/photo/1" ]

Wanna pair up with your SO this Halloween? Well, we’ve got the perfect costumes for you! Yoh and Anna from Shaman King (2021) are the powerful power couple of this anime season. Slap on an unbuttoned white shirt over green pants, a pair of flip flops, a necklace and a pair of headphones (preferably orange) and you’re already channeling your inner hippie, Yoh. Feeling a bit chilly? Exchange that shirt for a white tee with a green “maple” leaf and you’re good to go. For Anna, all you need is a sleeveless little black dress (a staple in any woman’s closet), flip flops, a red bandana or scarf for your hair and a groovy blue beaded necklace and matching bracelet. And for those of you feeling a little more ambitious, you can level up to the more challenging costumes that Yoh and Anna wear as team Funbari Onsen works its way up the bracket!

4. Mo-Ri Jin from The God of High School

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="twitter" url="https://twitter.com/GOHS_official/status/1328759809005371392/photo/1" ]

If you’re a sucker for epic fight scenes and want to venture beyond classic action anime costumes such as Black Lagoon, Boku No Hero Academia, and the like, then try out God of High School for a new overpowered, kick-ass cosplay. Martial arts meets god-like power, this anime has a host of epic characters for you to choose from, not the least of which is the protagonist Mo-Ri Jin. The God of High School’s MC is crazy powerful, crazy cool, and crazy easy to dress up as. Grab your comfiest pair of loose blue jeans, a white tee, and a black jacket and you’re halfway done already! All you need is a black band for your wrist, some eye-catching red boots, and a green sleep mask to wear on your spiked-up hair and you’ll be ready to test out your Charyeok as the God of High School!

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3. Yumeko Jabami from Kakegurui

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="twitter" url="https://twitter.com/gangan_joker/status/1124179140477734912/photo/1" ]

Why are most non-fantasy, non-sci-fi anime girl costumes school uniforms? When you enjoy your anime with some (debatable) realism, the costumes don’t seem too exciting. Luckily, the same old school-girl costume comes with a twist if you choose Hyakkaou Private Academy’s best (read: compulsive) gambler Yumeko Jabami. For those of you who want a voluptuous, sexy costume that’s neither too basic nor too ecchi, Yumeko is your best bet (pun intended). With the exception of the red blazer with black trimming and cuffs and the waist-length, black hime-cut wig, your Yumeko costume can be made up with basic wardrobe staples. All you need is a white button-up dress shirt and tie, a dark pleated skirt, black stockings, and brown loafers. A smack of your favourite peach-tinted lip, a ring on your thumb and you’re good to go! If you want to go the extra mile, grab a pair of red contacts, throw in a deck of cards and channel Yumeko in her riled-up gambling mode!

2. Subaru Natsuki from Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu (Re:ZERO -Starting Life in Another World-)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="twitter" url="https://twitter.com/ATX_PR/status/1242739499051839488?s=20" ]

If comfort is your priority this Halloween but you still want a cool costume, then go as everyone’s favourite isekai MC: Subaru Natsuki from Re:Zero. Designed to encapsulate our favourite shut-in’s lifestyle, if you pick this costume, you can live the dream of partying in, well, basically, pyjamas, with snacks to boot! An outfit that requires minimum effort for maximum impact, Subaru’s trademark style begins with his unkempt hair (so you don’t even have to think about yours). Throw on a black t-shirt, dark grey tracksuit pants with an orange stripe running down each side and you’re off to a good start. Add a zipped-up dark grey-sleeved white tracksuit jacket with orange cuffs and lines down the side and pop that collar, and finally throw in a pair of black sneakers with, you guessed it, bright orange laces to the mix. Top it off with a white convenience store bag filled with snacks and you’re good to go!

1. Tatsumaki from One Punch Man

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="imdb" url="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4508902/mediaviewer/rm1823360000/" ]

If you want an instantly recognisable anime costume, then nothing really beats a One Punch Man cosplay. While Caped Baldy (oh, Saitama), Genos or Sonic immediately come to mind, we’re adding our favourite sassy child, Tatsumaki, to the list. For this incredibly easy costume, all you really need is a long-sleeved form-fitting black dress with four high-cut slits to show off your legs (grab those scissors!), a pair of low-heeled black shoes, and a green wig with the hair curled upwards. Insanely overpowered with the attitude to match, Tatsumaki is the badass heroine we would all like to be in 2021, and with prudent use of craft scissors, we can be! And honestly, for how easy cosplaying Tatsumaki is, you get double in return with this dual-purpose get-up: on one hand you get to be a staggeringly powerful S-Class Hero and on the other, a callback to arguably the most well-known One Punch Man meme, and really, who wouldn’t want to be both a superhero and a meme?

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Final Thoughts

Planning a costume can be difficult, especially if you want to cosplay an anime character given how intense, intricate and expensive the get-ups can be; but for those with the will there’s always a way, and if your will is open to compromise, an easy way. With this list of easy outfits, we hope you find some inspiration, and maybe some motivation to try your hand at cosplay this Halloween! We counted off 5 easy costumes but we’re sure you guys know tons more! Let us know in the comments what you’re gonna dress up as, or if you have any other fun easy costumes you think we should add to the list!

[author author_id="124" author="" translator_id=""] [ad_bottom class="mt40 mb40"]
[en]Original Article Below[/en][es]Versión anterior[/es]

Hello, everyone! Halloween 2019 is coming and it’s time to prepare a nice anime-themed costume so you can eat expired candy from elderly neighbors who hate kids having fun or look good in anime gatherings or conventions, and then slightly get upset at someone who is cosplaying the same character as you do. As with the previous editions of the Top 10 Easy Anime Costumes for Halloween, the focus is to create costumes you can easily make at home or with friends using little or no budget at all. But the good news is, we’ve picked 10 characters that are very recognizable to the fanbase and at the same time, their clothing is easy to make and, hopefully, are affordable. Oh and before anything else, it’s always important to check out fan wikis for a detailed description of the appearances of the characters you want to cosplay and look at reference images to make sure the costume you’re making is actually easy to do. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s get right to it, then!

10. Lupin III from Lupin III

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When going to a casual Halloween gathering, chances are everyone is cosplaying their as their favorite characters from recent shows like, say, One Punch Man, My Hero Academia, and Boruto. So if you don’t want to be in a place with so many doppelgangers of yourself, then try out legendary anime characters from decades past, like, you know, anime’s most-wanted gentleman thief Lupin III! There are many color options for the jacket because Lupin III’s color scheme differs, but we think you have to two iconic color options: Lupin III in a green or red jacket. Short black hair with side burns are the only thing for the facial features and for the rest, you need a green or red jacket, blue shirt, light-colored tie, and khaki pants (white pants for the red jacket and a dark gray pants for the green jacket). You can carry a toy gun, specifically a Luger variant, but be sure to check first if the convention you’re attending allows imitation guns.

9. Amamiya Ren/Joker from Persona 5

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Persona 5 got an anime show, so technically Joker/Amamiya Ren qualifies here. The Joker costume can be intimidating to make at first glance, but you can get away with it by using any black coat, gray shirt, black trousers, red gloves, and mask. The patterns on the mask aren’t complex, so you’re good with just using a permanent marker (be sure the ink has fully dried to avoid irritating your eyes). The Joker costume has some unique features like the ridiculous long back coattails, but, again, you can get away with it just by using any black coat. Your cosplay doesn’t have to be 1:1 identical because, as stated in the article, we’re doing this on a minimal budget and what’s ultimately important is that your costume is recognizable from any distance.

8. Ashido Mina from Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)

Another easy costume to make, Mina’s defining features of her looks are her pinkish skin, unkempt pink hair and yellow horns. Outside of the school uniform, Mina is often seen with a purple tank top and hot pants. Imitating Mina’s eyes may be difficult, but overall it shouldn’t matter because anyone will recognize you as Mina just for her pinkish skin alone. The best part of Mina’s clothing is they’re very common and chances are you already have a tank top and hot pants in your closet. Oh and if they confuse you for a femme Majin Buu… well… you can’t really blame them, to be quite honest.

7. Sugiura Ayano from Yuru Yuri (YuruYuri: Happy Go Lily)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="https://www.crunchyroll.com/yuruyuri/episode-7-it-will-be-an-unforgettable-day-686353" ]

Yuru Yuri Ten OVA is coming this November and if you want to hype the OVA with your friends in your local anime community, then cosplaying as one of the lovable girls is obviously the first thing you’ll do. For this year, we’re going with Yuru Yuri’s lovesick tsundere Sugiura Ayano. Like with any cosplay involving a long-haired anime girl, a wig is a must-have, and in Ayano’s case, go for a maroon-colored wig. The biggest challenge of a Yuru Yuri cosplay is the unique school uniform. The uniform is similar to a maternity dress with the waistline slightly above the belly and complemented with a white cardigan. Maternity dresses are very common and come in many designs and colors, so the challenging part is to find one that is similar to the Yuru Yuri uniform. The top layer can either be made from scratch or customizing an existing top, shirt, or cardigan. It’ll require some sewing skills, but once you pull it off, you’ll stand out among the rest of the girls cosplaying as a high schooler. If you do plan on making one yourself, please avoid using satin because it’ll make your costume look cheap and it doesn’t look good under a camera flash.

6. Yagami Light from Death Note

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In case you didn’t know, Light is still the main character of Death Note and he deserves some recognition as well. More than L, dare we say. Anyway, Yagami Light is absurdly easy to cosplay because all you need is a suit, light-brown hair/wig, a replica Death Note notebook, and an evil grin. You could wear red contact lenses to accentuate Light’s god complex persona and with the notebook at hand, it’s near impossible for anyone in an anime gathering to not recognize who you’re cosplaying as. Plus, playing as an evil intellectual obsessed with ridding the world of evil (yeah, Light is contradicting himself) is a good costume for Halloween. And hey, Light is more versatile in conventions than L because all you need is to look deliciously evil while carrying a black notebook. The best part is you get to sit like a normal human being… with shoes on!

5. Satanichia (Satania) Kurumizawa McDowell from Gabriel DropOut

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Are you good at laughing uncontrollably like a Saturday morning cartoon villain? Then Satania is the perfect role for you. Dressing up as the gullible demon Satania is very easy and you only need a few accessories you can find literally anywhere. For the facial features, you need a light-reddish wig, a pair of pinkish contact lenses, and a couple of bat-shaped hair clips. For her clothing, you need a red tie with a printed upside down cross, red and black plaid mini skirt, dark gray shirt, a brown jacket, dark gray socks, and brown shoes. Lastly, try to make references of the many Satania memes found on the internet by, say, printing a few of her Special Satanichia Medals to give away, or if you want an obscure meme, carry an “iTODDLERS BFTO” sign and laugh at people owning iPhones. The reference of the latter may go over the heads of an average fan, but certain tech savvy non-Apple users will appreciate you for recognizing the meme.

4. Black Leg Sanji from One Piece

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="https://www.crunchyroll.com/one-piece/episode-808-a-heartbreaking-duel-luffy-vs-sanji-part-2-741945" ]

Out of all the current members of the iconic Straw Hat Pirates, and depending on the timeline of the story, Luffy, Nami, and Sanji are arguably good choices for cosplay for beginners or anyone with a small budget. But for this year, we’ll be picking Black Leg Sanji because his clothes are easy to get from your local thrift store and from your closet. Sanji has been seen in various outfits during his adventures, but his most recognizable look is Sanji wearing a double-breasted black suit, black pants, and black dress shoes. Any suit will do, but the most striking part of his appearance are his facial features. You’re going to need a blonde wig that is long enough to cover one of your eyes, you need to grow a goatee (or paint one on) and a bit of makeup to draw his spiral eyebrows. Oh yeah, smoking in conventions is most likely banned so you may either use a fake cigarette or a lollipop instead. Any One Piece fan will immediately recognize the 4Kids reference if you do go for the lollipop.

3. Makise Kurisu from Steins;Gate

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Don’t dismiss Kurisu as just a girl wearing a lab coat because this genius has style. There are two possible versions of the costume to go for and both of them are relatively easy since Kurisu’s clothes aren’t exotic like a kimono or something. The half-buttoned lab coat version consists of the coat itself, a white short sleeve dress/button shirt with a side pocket, a red necktie, a pair of dark grey tights, black shorts, and a pair of boots. The “casual” version has the same articles of clothing but it replaces the lab coat with a light-brown khaki jacket with black straps on the shoulders to keep the jacket in place. As for facial features, all you need is a chestnut wig (or if you have long hair, dye it with a chestnut color), and some dull violet contact lenses. And for the final touch, go grab yourself a bottle of Dr. Pepper. Not only is the soda a product placement reference in the anime, but it’ll also quench your thirst if you get thirsty. We heard it’s a drink for intellectuals, by the way.

2. Garou from One Punch Man

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="https://www.crunchyroll.com/one-punch-man/episode-3-the-hunt-begins-783082" ]

If you want to be someone from a very recent anime, then Garou is a great pick. Not only is he easily recognizable (we mean, come on, he’s from One Punch-freakin’-Man!), his costume is just a few pieces of clothing, silver hair, and a bottle of strong hair gel. Very easy. If you’re a very fit person, then going for a Garou cosplay is the one for you. For his looks, wear some yellow contact lenses, dye your hair silver and apply some strong hair gel for that Super Saiyan style. Or just go for a spiky wig. For the actual costume, you need a tight black long-sleeved shirt, a yellow sash, loose white martial arts pants, and some slippers. Alternatively, you could go for an injured Garou by wrapping your upper body with bandages instead of wearing the shirt and applying some makeup for the blood and bruises. And, voila! You’re now a hero hunter!

1. Katsura Kotonoha from School Days

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="https://www.crunchyroll.com/school-days/episode-4-innocence-526038" ]

This is Halloween so if you want to look scary while not breaking the bank, then a yandere high school girl is very easy to do. We’re going with Katsura Kotonoha from School Days because all you need for her costume are two wigs (one for you and one for your severed head prop), some decorative contact lenses, either a red or black dye, casual clothes, a severed head prop, and probably an imitation Japanese saw. Kotonoha has long straight black hair that extends to her butt, so unless you have long hair as well, then you’re going to need a wig for this. Kotonoha’s clothes are very simple with a black mini skirt, a typical school uniform-styled suit, and black tights. In order to get that yandere look of Kotonoha’s, you’re going to stain some parts of your dress with red or black dye to simulate blood splatter. You don’t need to go all out and drench the costume with red or black dye; just put a sizable blood splatter on either side of the waist area and, if you’re bringing a saw along, apply some dye on the blade as well. If you can get some contact lenses, go find some that will give your eyes a dead look. And lastly, but optional, is a severed head prop with short hair wig for Makoto’s head. Any head prop will do, or a mannequin head and stain it with some red or black dye and carry it around in your arms when posing for a picture. If you’re not confident that people will recognize your School Days cosplay, then you could print a “Nice Boat” picture as a banner of some sort and carry it along with you. The School Days “Nice Boat” meme images are easily available on the internet. In case you didn’t know, in the original airing of the final tragic episode of School Days, the final episode was delayed after an incident of a girl killing his father with an axe in Kyoto and the empty TV slot was replaced with a 30 minute-long video of a comforting scenery featuring a (nice) boat. The Nice Boat meme was immortalized when School Days ended with Kotonoha hugging Makoto’s severed head on a drifting boat.

Final Thoughts

Phew! There you have it, folks! Cosplaying is an art form and it requires time, dedication, skill, and passion to create the best costumes of your favorite characters out there. This topic, this Top 10 Easy Anime Costumes for Halloween topic, is not the best guide to start. The purpose of this topic is to show you that anyone can cosplay without spending too much money on materials or buying ready-to-wear costumes, and the topic acts as a starting point for anyone who is interested in being part of this hobby. We certainly hope we have provided you some great characters for you to cosplay as, and we hope they’re easy to make in practice. And as always, we love to hear from you, so please leave your thoughts and criticisms in the comment section below! Or better yet, please share pictures of your easy cosplays and maybe you’ll inspire fans to create their own!

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[en]Original Article Below[/en][es]Versión anterior[/es]

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B00C081E46" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]

Get ready, boys and girls! October 2018 is quickly approaching and with it comes everyone’s favorite spooky holiday, Halloween. Several years ago, we here at Honey’s Anime wrote up a Top 10 Easy Anime Costumes for Halloween list to help our readers dress up for various parties and social gatherings—as well as to nab some much needed free candy—and we’re back again with an updated list. These costumes aren’t hard to make and/or get the materials for, which makes them perfect for cosplayers of all skill levels. We still have some time before Halloween so this list should be read ASAP to help you guys and girls survive this 2018 Halloween day!

10. Shinya Kougami from Psycho-Pass

[sourceLink asin="1506701205" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 22 (season 1) " aired=" October 2012- March 2013 " post_id=""]

Have a navy blue or black suit with a nice white shirt? If you do, you’re already partially ready to cosplay as Shinya Kougami from the amazing Psycho-Pass series. The beauty of Kougami’s design is that almost anyone can pull it off even if they don’t have a nice wig, though we do recommend one to make it perfect. The only troublesome part of the whole design for Kougami is the gun the enforcers use from the series as you’ll either have to make your own—which might be easy for the tech savy—or difficult if you plan to buy a replica offline. Regardless of your choice though, Kougami is an excellent cosplay for almost all ages—minus the cigarettes, if you’re under age—and can be a real eye catcher in a good cosplay party.

9. Rin Toosaka from Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="http://www.crunchyroll.com/fatestay-night/episode-2-the-curtain-goes-up-663849" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 (season 1) " aired=" October 2014- December 2014 " post_id=""]

Maybe a business suit isn’t your thing and you’re of the female persuasion. Well don’t worry ladies, we have the ultimate girl for you to cosplay as and her outfit isn’t too difficult to obtain. Rin Toosaka from Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works is a beautiful tsundere dressed in a red thing shirt, black skirt and long knee high long black stockings. While you might think this is a tough outfit to mirror, you’d actually find it funny how many vendors sell Rin’s attire for pretty cheap prices though of course, the quality might differ from person to person. Rin is one beautiful looking girl though and many girls would love to see how it would feel to be like her get the chance if they cosplay as her for either Halloween or any cosplay event. Again though, be weary who you buy from online if you plan on buying Rin’s outfit.

8. Yato from Noragami

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B00IU5ZVDI" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 (season 1) " aired=" January 2014- March 2014 " post_id=""]

Noragami’s Yato is easily one of the coolest god characters in the whole series, hands down. Able to fight with a sword—who just so happens to be a dude named Yukine—and is capable of quick movements and of course, he is a god! Now if you want to be Yato for a day yourselves, you’d be amazed to know how easy it is to dress like Yato for a good cosplay experience. Yato’s outfit is only a black and white striped track suit with brown boots and a jagged scarf. You could easily go to any sports store right now and find half of Yato’s outfit for less than $100! That makes Yato a great cosplay choice for those who are eager to get a good Halloween outfit going from an anime series that is pretty amazing.

7. Rintarou Okabe from Steins;Gate

[sourceLink asin="B004TK5YOE" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" April 2011- September 2011 " post_id=""]

You know what goes perfect with spooky Halloween outfits, mad scientists bent on world destruction! Anime fans though won’t want to be a creepy looking mad scientist though and that’s why we advise to dress as Rintarou Okabe from the Steins;Gate series. Wearing his nice tan cargo pants with a white/grey shirt and his legendary lab coat, Okabe just screams easy but awesome cosplay for those looking for a recognizable character from the anime landscape. Okabe’s get up will be a lot of individual parts but your wallet should scream for joy as it doesn’t get bled dry like some cosplays. Plus, for some ,Okabe’s attire might already be a daily wardrobe choice that just needs the lab coat for that finishing touch.

6. Ochako Uraraka from Boku no Hero Academia (My Hero Academia)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="http://www.crunchyroll.com/my-hero-academia/episode-28-midoriya-and-shigaraki-740983" ]
[Information episodes=" 13 (season 1) " aired=" April 2016- June 2016 " post_id=""]

Superheroes and Halloween go together quite well in our minds and you’re probably going to see a ton of Supermen and Batmen running around this Halloween. Though we know you anime viewers—especially the female demographic—wouldn’t want to go with the casual heroes from comics but want one from anime and manga. Thus, we give you Ochako Uraraka from Boku no Hero Academia. Don’t worry about Ochako’s more demanding superhero outfit though readers, you’re going to want her regular outfit of a black tank top and blue pants legs—and wig if you can—to really feel like Ochako but without having the hassle of a hard cosplay to get. See, now you can be a cute superhero and also be comfortable as well!

5. Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV from Cowboy Bebop

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="http://www.crunchyroll.com/cowboy-bebop/episode-13-jupiter-jazz-part-2-719495" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" April 1998- April 1999 " post_id=""]

We’re going to assume many of you readers might procrastinate and wait till literally the day of Halloween to get an outfit which means panic mode sets in. Don’t worry though, we have you covered, folks! If you want an outfit that is pretty easy to obtain last minute then we direct to you a classic anime character in the form of Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV from the legendary Cowboy Bebop, though most know her just as Ed. The super hacker extraordinaires’ outfit is pretty basic with a white sleeveless shirt, black hot pants and goggles. It is very simple. Simple, easy and pretty cool; just be warned it might not be the best outfit if you decide to go trick or treating and it’s 45 degrees out…Though the next one might be worse for those who want to avoid being too cold.

4. Nami from One Piece

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="AVBA-29716" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 852 " aired=" October 1999-present " post_id=""]

Nami, everyone’s favorite straw hat pirate, is easily one of the simplest cosplay ideas for Halloween ever. Whether you go with Nami’s current “dress”—which is literally a bikini top and jean pants—or her original striped t-shirt and shorts, Nami is an easy cosplay idea. Again though, word of warning to all of you ladies out there reading this. Please do not cosplay as Nami’s current wardrobe and get sick. October is the start of the fall season and we don’t want anyone to be sick before Halloween or after.

3. Kiki from Majo no Takkyuubin (Kiki’s Delivery Service)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="NEOGDS-267815" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 1 (Movie) " aired=" July 1989 " post_id=""]

Want a classic witch-like costume for Halloween but again want to keep it anime themed? Why not dress as the super easy—but stylish—Kiki from Majo no Takkyuubin? Kiki literally only wears a blue dress, red bow on her head and has a broom she flies on. Now while the latter part is impossible to get a hold on—though if you do please tell us here at Honey’s Anime where to get one—but the rest of Kiki’s outfit is pretty common/standard. You might not be the most decked out cosplayer at a party but we guarantee many anime fans will know instantly who you’re going for and that’s always a good thing for a cosplayer.

2. Rokurou Okajima (Rock) from Black Lagoon

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="http://www.crunchyroll.com/black-lagoon/episode-2-mangrove-heaven-763485" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 (season 1) " aired=" April 2006- June 2006 " post_id=""]

As you’ve noticed, our list of the Top 10 Easy Anime Costumes for Halloween is literally becoming outfits that require no effort whatsoever. However, that’s why they are easy after all. These outfits let you become cool anime characters without having to put in hundreds of hours sewing or going online and praying a vendor has the outfit you’re looking for. Case in point, Rokurou Okajima—better known as Rock—from Black Lagoon is the outfit that will save many of you more business orientated readers a lot of headache this costume Halloween year. Rock only wears a business shirt, green tie and slacks…seriously how easy is that, right?! Plus, if you have to work before a Halloween party, you can wear this cosplay to work then go to the party, undo your tie and be ready to cosplay as Black Lagoon’s finest regular dude in the series.

1. L from Death Note

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="8577874176" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 37 " aired=" October 2006- June 2007 " post_id=""]

Are you guys and girls ready for the easiest cosplay literally of all time?! Look no further than L from Death Note! L has easily one the simplest outfits for guys—and girls—in the form of a white long sleeve shirt, jeans and sneakers. If you want the perfect L then you’ll need his hair and make up, but even without that, you can still look L and might already if this fits your normal attire. Simple, cheap but oh so perfect, that is why L from Death Note takes the top spot on our list of the Top 10 Easy Anime Costumes for Halloween list.

Final Thoughts

Halloween is the one time of the year where people get to truly dress up in costumes and outfits of characters they love and admire. It’s also a great time for anime fans to cosplay for no reason other than to feel like their also in a costume. We counted off our Top 10 Easy Anime Costumes for Halloween list but we think there could be more. What anime character outfits do you guys find easy to cosplay? Let us know in the comments below! For more articles for this Halloween season, be sure to keep stuck to our spooky—but awesome—hive here at Honey’s Anime!

[author author_id="078" author="" translator_id=""]
[en]Original Article Below[/en][es]Versión anterior[/es]

Durarara wallpaper Halloween
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Durarara!! Relay Official Website" url="http://d-game.dengeki.com/drrr/r/spec/" ]

Halloween is a great time to dress up as your favorite anime character. If you have never tried cosplaying before, Halloween is the perfect opportunity to test the waters and see if you like it. Here at Honey’s, we have created a list that embodies the easiest anime costumes for Halloween. For this list, we came up with ideas that you can easily make with items from home or your local thrift store. This doesn’t mean that you can’t blow people away with these costumes, they can be just as impressive as the expensive costumes found online.

10. Gray Fullbuster from Fairy Tail

Fairy Tail dvd
[sourceLink asin="B00CYMMU9G" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 175 " aired=" Oct 12, 2009 to Mar 30, 2013 "]

A mixed cast of misfits make up the characters in Fairy Tail. It is Lucy Heartfilia’s dream to join this guild and become a force against the evil in the world. After running into Natsu Dragneel, her dream becomes reality. With the guidance of Ezra, Natsu, and Gray, Lucy begins to find her own path and strengths within the guild. This is an epic story with a vast cast of characters. Fairy Tail is full of memorable character designs, all of which are pretty easy to replicate. But none could be easier than Gray Fullbuster’s outfit. It is basically loose fitting pants and muscles. Gray decides not to wear a shirt most of the time and to keep his hair messy. The most difficult part of this costume will be drawing the Fairy Tail tattoo on your chest. After that, you’re done! With Gray’s gruff attitude you can spend all of Halloween night walking around huffing at everything and picking fights with any ginger-haired costume you see.

9. Heiwajima, Shizuo from Durarara!!

Durarara dvd
[sourceLink asin="B00GNGJBXW" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" Jan 8, 2010 to Jun 25, 2010 "]

In a city like Tokyo, you wouldn’t be surprised to find some strange characters. But in the town of Ikebukuro, the level of weird is abnormally high. With European ghosts, possessed swords, and super strong bartenders, you would think it was Halloween every day of the week. But in this story we follow Mikado Ryuugamine, who is a seemingly normal high school boy, as he tries to find his place among all this weirdness. One of the most loved characters from this anime is the recklessly strong Shizuo. He has a disease that allows him to use his strength to its full potential, at the expense of his own body. But because of his quick temper, he rarely restrains himself. This means you can catch him chucking vending machines and street signs throughout Ikebukuro on a regular basis. Shizuo never changes his outfit because it was a gift from his beloved younger brother. But this only helps him become more recognizable. Shizuo wears a bartender’s uniform; white button-down shirt, black slacks, black vest, and sharp looking glasses. To take it even further you can make your own cardboard street sign to carry around. It makes for amazing pictures!

8. Phoenix Wright from Ace Attorney (Gyakuten Saiban: Sono "Shinjitsu", Igi Ari!)

Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney dvd
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01EWSMLV6" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" Apr 2, 2016 to Sep 24, 2016 "]

Ace Attorney made the jump from legal consultant video game to anime this year. Phoenix Wright is a super sweet character and is dedicated to justice and his clients. In his world, people are guilty until proven innocent. The anime goes through several of his cases when he’s first starting out as a lawyer. We see him gather evidence, talk to witnesses, and then bring it all to court to prove his client is not guilty. After a series of successful games, Ace Attorney has made the jump from video game to anime. Phoenix Wright is a pretty simple costume to recreate. It’s a navy suit, red tie, and a whole lot of hair gel. To people who are familiar with the games, an “Objection” sign is also key to this costume. This is a very interactive costume, as it allows you to run around a yell “Objection” at anything you desire. Your friends will really love you by the end of the night.

7. Yato and Hiyori from Noragami

noragami dvd
[sourceLink asin="B00U14BKLI" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" Jan 5, 2014 to Mar 23, 2014 "]

Despite Noragami being a world of gods and spirits, the character designs are rather mild compared to other anime with similar themes. Yato is an unknown God who will answer any prayer for just 5 yen. When he joins up with high school girl turned spirit, Hiyori, we begin to learn more about Yato’s past. This anime has great fight scenes and witty banter between all its characters. Yato is a lovable and goofy character that would be a great idea if you want to do a couples’ costume with the main female lead, Hiyori. Their antics together are adorable and would make a unique Halloween costume. Instead of it just being a couple of normal high school uniforms, Hiyori sports a cat tail under her purple sailor uniform, and Yato doesn’t wear a uniform at all. Instead, he wears a black track suit and an old, white bandana around his neck. Easy enough to find in any thrift store.

6. Misty from Pokémon

Pokemon dvd
[sourceLink asin="B00M9W8HRA" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 276 " aired=" Apr 1, 1997 to Nov 14, 2002 "]

The world of Pokémon offers many options for costumes. Whether you want to be a main character, or create a costume based on a Pokémon. Anthropomorphized costumes that are based on creatures like Pokémon are called ‘Gijinka”. This has become more popular recently as the world of Pokémon continues to grow. With the world of Pokémon consisting of many regions and new Pokémon, the options for costumes seem to never end. Pokémon is a part of everyone’s childhood, whether you watched it or not. It has many recognizable characters, but the most popular female is definitely Misty. This is definitely many people’s first stepping stone into the world of cosplay, and is great for Halloween. Misty’s outfit consists of a yellow crop top, jean shorts, and a side ponytail. If you want to up your Misty costume level, break out your classic pokeballs and Togepi plushie for that extra touch. Unless you plan on being outside in the cold all night, a Misty costume is great if you want to give everyone nostalgia feels.

5. L from Death Note

[sourceLink asin="B005AZRP76" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 37 " aired=" Oct 4, 2006 to Jun 27, 2007 "]

Light Yagami is an above average high school student who finds a strange notebook that claims to be a Death Note. It says, that if any name is written inside, the person bearing that name will die. Light decides to test this, and when he discovers its true, he resolves to fight a personal war against the criminals of the world. He is joined by the shinagami, Ryuk, who is the true owner of the Death Note. When the world starts to notice that someone is illegally killing criminals, the super genius L is assigned to catch him. This is a story about the battles between two geniuses and the people who are caught in the middle. L is another classic character that has been cosplayed at every convention since Death Note began. Being a bit of a manic genius, his character design only consists of a white, long-sleeve T-shirt and jeans. His personality is what is truly recognizable about him. With his messy black hair, sleepy eyes, and unique way of sitting, every L can easily be picked out of a crowd. This is definitely another easy recreation and can be done just from your own closet. We recommend going all the way with this and breaking out the black eyeliner to get that perfect, sleep-deprived genius look.

4. Winry from Fullmetal Alchemist (Hagane no Renkinjutsushi)

Fullmetal Alchemist dvd
[sourceLink asin="B000BZ8IGM" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 51 " aired=" Oct 4, 2003 to Oct 2, 2004 "]

When Edward and Alphonse Elric lose their mother, they try to bring her back using the power of alchemy. This goes horribly wrong, and the consequences are dramatic. This event starts their search for the Philosopher’s stone to try and rectify their mistake. You follow their journey across the country of Amestris. We begin to see that they are not the first to search for the stone, and there are dark secrets surrounding its existence. There are two versions of Fullmetal Alchemist. The original anime follows the manga for a bit and then goes off in a different direction. Years later, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood was created, which follows the original manga exactly. The character of Winry is seen in both iterations of the anime as the main female character. She is the childhood friend of Edward and Alphonse, and is their constant reminder of home. Being a strong character herself in both versions of the anime, she is a popular character to create a costume for. She is one of the best automail mechanics and it is her job to maintain Edward’s metal arm. Her most recognizable character design is her in her work clothes. She wears a red or green bandana, black, strapless crop top, and cargo pants. It is the perfect combination of working girl and a just a touch of sexual appeal. If you want to go for a slightly risque look without going overboard, Winry is the way to go. She is a sweet character, who really cares for her childhood friends. And if people don’t recognize you, you can always say you are a mechanic!

3. Kiki from Kiki's Delivery Service

Kiki Kiki’s Delivery Service dvd
[sourceLink asin="B002ZTQVLG" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 1 " aired=" Jul 29, 1989 "]

This list would not be complete without a character from a Ghibli movie. Kiki’s Delivery Service follows the young witch Kiki as she spends a year away from home for her training. She does not have many skills as a witch, so she decides to start a delivery business, since that is what she is best at. This is a heart-warming film about the struggles of growing up and not really fitting in. It is a classic anime movie and Kiki is a character that is appropriate for people of all ages. Kiki is such a spirited and warm character; you can’t help but smile while watching the movie. If you are wanting to go for the cute look this Halloween, then you can’t go wrong with Kiki’s classic but easy design. Kiki wears a dark blue or purple loose-fitting dress and a big red bow in her hair. You can step it up by carrying a broom or her black cat, which is the signature look for a witch. This is another character that translates well into a non-anime costume as well if you are partying with people who are not familiar with anime. You can just tell them you are an adorable witch in training!

[sourceLink asin="B00SD0HRUA" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

2. IBM from Ajin: Demi-Human

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B018W6WFDI" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 13 " aired=" Jan 16, 2016 to Apr 9, 2016 "]

With the new season of Ajin starting in October, there is no better time to create a one of a kind Ajin costume. Ajin is a horror, thriller anime that follows the struggles of a new kind of immortal human. Other people fear these demi-humans, known as Ajins, because of their unknown powers and strengths. Ajins are hunted by the government of Japan and subjected to brutal experiments and torture. This is a violent anime and not for the faint of heart. Want to have a scary costume for Halloween, but not sure which anime character can bring that fear factor? Look no further than one of the IBM (Invisible Black Matter) monsters from Ajin. This is the next level mummy costume that everyone can actually be afraid of. To make this costume just create a ton of black bandages to wrap around yourself. These can be made from old clothes or sheets. Before Halloween definitely take some time to perfect that creepy walk. You’ll have people screaming and talking about how good your scary costume game is for years!

Black Ghost ajin wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B018MG75BK" text="" url="" ]

1.Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop

Cowboy Bebop dvd
[sourceLink asin="B00005QCW4" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" Apr 3, 1998 to Apr 24, 1999 "]

Cowboy Bebop has been on the air for such a long time, it was actually the first anime to air on Adult Swim in 2001. As soon as you hear the theme song you know Spike and his partner Jet were up to no good. Far in the future, humans are able to travel far beyond earth and now there’s a need for galaxy bounty hunters to help the police catch outlaws. These bounty hunters are affectionately called “Cowboys”. This anime follows Spike and his misadventures as he tries to catch criminals around the galaxy. The original space cowboy, Spike Spiegel is always cool in a fight. His signature look includes an off-white button down, loose black tie, and a navy close-fitting suit. Our idea for this costume is to find someone to also create a Captain Malcolm costume from Firefly and be the two best space cowboys the galaxy has ever seen.

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="CR Cowboy Bebop" url="" ]

Final Thoughts

There are too many options to really say that this is the end-all list for easy anime costumes. Have you created any easy anime costumes in the past? Were they a total hit? Let us know if you create any of these costumes yourself and if you were recognized in them. The best part of creating an anime costume is when someone recognizes you in it and you get to share that moment of shared love for anime.

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Top 10 Anime Bounty Hunters

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[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Black Cat ANIMAX Official Image" url="" ]


Let’s not try to kid ourselves. We all like bounty hunters. They tend to know how to fight, they have some sweet gadgets, and generally they have a pretty awesome vehicle. They are also the ones on the fringe of society who generally have no master. Well, they do bow down to money, because that’s the main incentive for chasing anyone down and most of them are broke. That aside, they generally do decide which jobs they will take on and exactly how they will go about doing their jobs. Thankfully, most of them like causing a little bit of a scene, which leads to some pretty stellar chases and showdowns. Without further wait, let’s get on to the best bounty hunters that anime has to offer.

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10. Jigo from Princess Mononoke

[2_images_in_row character='Bou Jiko Mononoke Hime' anime='mononoke hime']
[sourceLink asin="B003SI4SHW" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 1 " aired=" Jul. 1997 "]

When Prince Ashitaka’s arm is cursed by a demon boar, he is exiled from his hidden village and destined to head westwards for the cure. It’s in the West that an ancient spirit should be able to cure him. It’s from the West that the cursed boar came from. Soon his journey shows him what’s going on in the West for it to hold such promise and such a powerful curse. It’s the struggle between nature and civilization and he finds himself right between the main two combatants: Lady Eboshi and Princess San. Jigo is a wise opportunist, who first appears as a sort of trustworthy and sage-like persona to Ashitaka. He guides Ashitaka towards the Iron City where the struggle between nature and humanity is reaching its head. However, he actually is a bounty hunter who’s setting up as many pieces as possible in order to capture the famous spirit of the forest. Legend says that its head will grant eternal youth and the emperor wants it. So Jigo organizes things in order to weaken the forest and keep most of its denizens at bay, while he makes a last minute grab for the head. The man is clearly quick and capable when it comes to fighting, however, he does fail the mission and is forced to return the forest spirit’s head.

9. Nagi from Tenchi Muyou!

[2_images_in_row character='nagi-tenchi-muyou' anime='dvd Tenchi Muyo!']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B007SPYKFQ" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" Apr. 1995 – Sep. 1995 "]

Tenchi Muyou follows the struggles of 17-year-old Tenchi Masaki after a space pirate by the name of Ryoko crashes into his life. Her mischievous nature alone is enough to flip Tenchi’s life on its head. However, due to Ryoko’s arrival, Tenchi also has two intergalactic officers, a mad scientist, and two royal princesses joining his household. Let the adventures ensue. Nagi is a notorious bounty hunter known across the universe for her ability to bring in any fugitive. Her most recent target, and the only person to ever escape her grasp is the infamous Ryoko, and Ryoko was fleeing more than fighting in their last battle. In other words, Nagi is immensely powerful and knows how to handle people with rather exceptional cunning. Helping her track down and capture wanted men and women is her faithful cat/spaceship Ken-Ohki, who allows her incredible maneuverability and fire power while in space.

8. Natsuki Sasahara from Hyper Police

[2_images_in_row character='hyper-police-sasahara-natsuki' anime='Hyper Police dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00008H2H7" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 25 " aired=" Apr. 1997 – Sep. 1997 "]

Hyper Police presents a world where monsters and humans live together. Being half-human and half-cat, Sasahara Natsuki has a stake in both communities and as a bounty hunter tends to handle a lot of the issues that rise between monsters and humans. Helping her meter out justice are her werewolf assistants Batanen and Tommy as well as the fox demon Sakura. Natsuki is the type of bounty hunter you would want to hire. She is extremely kind and, unlike most characters on the list, she has an intense obsession with upholding the law. Her position as a bounty hunter isn’t one of necessity or convenience, but rather a means for her to enact justice. is very sweet and kind to everyone and always eager to help protect the weak and uphold the law. Her ability to create electrical shots is also very useful for apprehending criminals. However, she happens to be one of the worst bounty hunters on the list. She has shot allies at least twice by accident and when frightened might accidently shock her own team.

7. Roy Revant from Solty Rei

[2_images_in_row character='roy-revant-solty-rei' anime='solty-rei-dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000JJ4WHY" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" Oct. 2005 – Mar. 2006 "]

There are two important things to remember about the future dystopian in Solty Rei. One is that giant conglomerates have amassed most of the world’s wealth and created a huge gap between the rich and the poor. The second is that it’s difficult to tell who’s simply muscle and bone and who has cybernetic body parts. This makes being a bounty hunter particularly difficult as you never know if you’re targeting someone way beyond your means. Well, Roy Revant has made a decent enough living on the job, but one mission he ends needing to be saved by a young girl with unbelievable strength. After this incident him, the girl, and a few others turn their eyes towards the massive issue with wealth distribution. Roy’s had a tough life and reflects that in his work. He’s not beyond roughing up questionable characters in order to get the answers he wants. What do you expect from a guy who’s wife passed away and daughter went missing? However, there’s clearly a soft spot in him as he is still searching after all this time for his daughter and is willing to not only give his savior the name ‘Solty,’ but also adopt her. The guy just has a parental bone in him that won’t quit, and we see it more and more as he protects those around him.

6. Nadie from El Cazador de la Bruja

[2_images_in_row character='Nadie El Cazador de la Bruja' anime='El Cazador de la Bruja The Witch Hunter dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B0015CI55O" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" Apr. 2007 – Sep. 2007 "]

Ellis is on the run for the suspected murder of the prominent physicist Heinrich Schneider. The first person to catch up to her is Nadie, a bounty hunter. Having a last minute change of heart, Nadie decides to help Ellis search for clues about her past instead of turning in the young girl. Thus begins El Cazador de la Bruje. Nadie is the type of woman who makes her own rules no matter what. She takes on the jobs she wants, and if at any moment during the mission she changes her mind, then there’s nothing anyone can do to stop her. She’s a rogue all the way through. Helping her maintain such a lifestyle is the fact that she’s a top marksman. Few people can take her and her Colt .45, her preferred weapon, on in a fight.


5. Saya Minatsuki from Black Cat

[2_images_in_row character='saya-minatsuki-black-cat' anime='Black Cat dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000J3EAYA" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 23 " aired=" Oct. 2005 – Mar. 2006 "]

Train Heartnet is an infamous assassin who has proven himself capable of taking down any target and has received the nickname ‘Black Cat’. However, one day he runs into the mysterious bounty hunter Saya Minatsuki. She exudes a sense of freedom and her outlook on life completely causes Train to pull a 180. He leaves his current organization, determined to be free, and sets off a chain of events that not only affect his prior employers but the world as well. Saya is actually quite an infamous sweeper/bounty hunter in the area. Over the years she has developed a shot that is able to redirect itself. She does this by having an intense understanding of geometry, physics, and her environment. She will essentially aim at a very specific object and rebound the bullet at her opponent in an unexpected way. It’s with this skill that she’s able to take down the high-ranking criminal Preta Ghoul, after Train realizes that his bullets can’t penetrate the villain. Obviously, she has the skills to be a bounty hunter, but more importantly her spirit is very much in tune with the freedom of choice such a life offers. She only does what she wants to when she wants to, and it’s this aspect that changes Train’s life forever.

4. Favaro from Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis (Rage of Bahamut: Genesis)

[2_images_in_row character='Favaro' anime='Shingeki no Bahamut dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B016Y3MIJM" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" Oct. 2014 – Dec. 2014 "]

Viewers are taken into a universe where there’s a human realm, a god realm, and a demon realm. For the most part they stay as separate worlds, however, when Bahamut came about threatening the existence of each world, everyone joined together to imprison him. After that, things have been mostly good in this universe. Some godly forces and demonic forces tend to mix into the world of humans, but everything is balanced. That is until someone steals one of the keys to Bahamut’s imprisonment from the god realm. What Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis does best is captivate the viewers through a sense of wild adventure. Playing a major role in that success is Favaro, whose carefree attitude and swashbuckling style sets the initial tone for the entire story. A good chunk of the first episode is Favaro on a hilarious and destructive chase, as he taunts his fellow bounty hunter and eternal rival Kaisar. He’s the type of character who’s hard to turn away from. He’s ridiculously smooth and can make the best of almost any situation. Helping him out is a loud mouth that never runs out of things to say as well as a very particular sense of fashion.

3. Rally Vincent from Gunsmith Cats

[2_images_in_row character='irene-rally-vincent-gunsmith-cats' anime='Gunsmith Cats dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000059RZ9" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 3 " aired=" Nov. 1995 – Sep. 1996 "]

Let’s take a stroll into a gun free Chicago. Well, it’s not really gun free, because two women, Rally Vincent and Minne May Hopkins, happen to own and run an underground gun shop. This little business gets the two caught up in a much bigger and darker sector of the black market, however, and it’s going to take all their skills combined to get out of this new mess. Rally Vincent became a bounty hunter in order to search for her father, who was searching down the robbers who gunned down his wife. However, her love and skill for guns had developed long before taking up that profession, as her father, an Olympic marksman, had taught her everything he knew. Thus, she knows most guns on an intimate level and uses them with incredible skill and precision. Though her favorite is a CZ-75 First Edition, she also carries a .25 DuO that she mounts on a spring-loaded frame tied to her arm, a SIG P210, and sometimes back-up weapon in an ankle holster. In other words, she’s equipped for any situation, and when you combine her arsenal with her driving skills she can catch or get away from just about anyone.

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Gun Smith Cats Natural Zone Cover" url="http://www.suruga-ya.jp/product/detail/122002003001" ]

2. Kanta Mizuno from Sunabouzu (Desert Punk)

[2_images_in_row character='Kanta Mizuno Sunabouzu' anime='Sunabouzu dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000BZ8ICQ" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" Oct. 2004 – Mar. 2005 "]

Desert Punk sets us down in Japan after a nuclear war has devastated the country and turned it entirely into a desert. It’s in this wasteland that the survivors of the nuclear war have to scrape together a living one way or another. One person who’s made a name for himself in this world is Kanta Mizuno also known as the Demon of the Desert. That moniker was not achieved through luck. At only 17 years of age, Kanta has accomplished tasks that no one else would have been able to and has never failed a mission. His maneuverability and tactics are second to none as he zips around on closes in on victims to nail them with his shotgun. Helping him take on and complete any mission is his cynical view of the world, which detaches him enough to always be clear of mind and at times underhanded. His only weakness is beautiful women who are particularly well endowed. In the end, Katna Mizuno is practically what every guy who watches anime wants to be: extremely skilled and perverted at the same time.

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B00077DAD0" text="" url="" ]

1. Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop

[2_images_in_row character='spike-spiegel-cowboy-bebop' anime='Cowboy Bebop dvd']
[sourceLink asin="6305789312" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" Apr. 1998 – Apr. 1999 "]

Anyone who considers themselves a fan of anime should have seen Cowboy Bebop, but just in case you haven’t, this classic follows around a crew of cowboys, aka bounty hunters, as they travel around the galaxy. Now there are four humans and one dog that make up the crew of the Bebop and each episode is specially crafted to reveal a little bit more about the histories of each character. Though each and every member of the Bebop crew deserves to be on this list, including the one-episode character Cowboy Andy, Spike is in many ways the heart of the show. After all, it is his arc that both jumpstarts and ends the show. More importantly, when it comes down to hunting a fugitive he is the best. He is a skilled martial artist, pilot, pickpocket, and gunman. He knows how to track down his target and capture them even when everything goes wrong. He also has a great sense of humor and one of the sharpest minds in anime, as he consistently comes up with some of the best one-liners. All of this rounds up why you see this space cowboy at the top of the list.

cowboy bebop cosplay spike wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="B016FBNSBU" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

Final Thoughts:

A surprising aspect that continuously reappeared when making this list was the similar type of setting each show held. Most of these shows have vast environments with a certain sense of desolation, and that makes a lot of sense. It’s in such settings that require people to find their own way of living and it’s also in such places that official law enforcement doesn’t reach. Thus vigilantes and bounty hunters appear to keep the peace and earn a living. Now, were there any bounty hunters that I overlooked, who you would like to see on this list?

[author author_id="047" author="" translator_id=""] [ad_bottom class="mt40"]

Top 5 Anime Girls to Spend Christmas With [Update]

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[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="twitter" url="https://twitter.com/re_zero_rezelos/status/1341318813174906880?s=20" ]

It’s that wonderful time of year again, and who better to spend it with than imaginary 2D women?! All jokes aside, Christmas is the time of year to spend with friends, family, and lovers alike, which got us all wondering which anime girls we would like to spend the festive season with? Let’s take a look at the Top 5 Anime Girls to Spend Christmas With!

Spoilers Ahead!

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5. Kurisu “Christina, Assistant, American Virgin, Perverted Genius Girl, The Zombie, Celeb 17” Makise from Steins;Gate

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="imdb" url="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1910272/mediaviewer/rm83819008/" ]

Steins;Gate is one of the most popular anime of the last ten years and with good reason as it turned the Sci-Fi genre on its head with the outlandish story around time travel and government conspiracies. There are numerous amazing characters in Steins;Gate that we would love to spend Christmas with, but who better to get festive with than the one and only ‘Christina’! Kurisu Makise is a genius who has written scientific papers and skipped grades in school, but throughout Steins;Gate, we see her softer side in wanting part of a normal life. Despite Christmas being all about food, Kurisu Makise is not much of a chef, but that just means you can go for a more traditional Japanese dinner and get some sort of KFC or fried chicken. Even though Christmas is normally considered a family holiday, if that isn’t your sort of thing, then Kurisu is the perfect person to spend Christmas with due to her strained familial relationship with her father.

4. Rem from Re:Zero kara Hajimeru Isekai Seikatsu (Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="imdb" url="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt5607616/mediaviewer/rm3685376512/" ]

People may be wondering why Rem was chosen for this list instead of Emilia, and it’s simple, maid over princess any day. Why spend Christmas serving a princess the whole time when you can have quality time with the sweetest maid in anime! Rem is most well known for her confession to Subaru in Re:Zero - Starting Life in Another World and his rejection due to being in love with Emilia. This means that spending Christmas with Rem is unlikely to upset anyone and will likely cheer her up. Being from an unknown fantasy world, Christmas might be a strange concept for Rem, but as seen during the OVA episode E-EX Memory Snow, Rem can relax and have fun at a festive time despite her seriousness while she works as a maid. Subaru also introduces a Snow Festival in this episode, the closest thing to a Christmas in the Re:Zero universe so far! Rem may not be everyone’s first choice to spend Christmas with, but at least we know she would be great company for anyone at this festive time of year!

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3. Megumin from Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! (KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on This Wonderful World!)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="gifmagazine.ne" url="https://gifmagazine.net/post_images/3971285" ]

KonoSuba is well known for its comedy and absolutely absurd interactions between the main party. Any one of the three girls, Darkness, Aqua, or Megumin, not to mention Wiz or Yunyun, would be excellent companions for Christmas time. Of course, picking one of the characters to spend the festive period will boil down to personal preference, like if you want a drinking buddy, then Aqua will be your choice or if you enjoy the company of a masochist, Darkness will be for you. Still, for everyone, the universal choice of Megumin is the safest bet. Megumin is the kind of character that caters to all tastes, providing some of the best comedic moments in Konosuba like her overuse of the explosion spell, her only magic spell, which wipes Megumin out to the point of not being able to walk. Not to mention the hilarity that ensues in the episode A Friend for This Crimson Demon Girl in the typical anime bath scene with Megumin and Kazuma after fighting a huge toad and running into Yunyun for the first time. Megumin also sports chuunibyou characteristics, giving her a larger-than-life persona that would be explosive to spend the festive period with. Not only will spending the festive period with Megumin likely be full of mishaps and laughs, but she is also likely to bring along her cat Chomusuke and her apparent rival/best friend Yunyun, making a party out of any situation, and isn’t that what Christmas is all about?

2. Raphtalia from Tate no Yuusha no Nariagari (The Rising of the Shield Hero)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="imdb" url="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9529546/mediaviewer/rm3494142208/" ]

Rising of the Shield Hero received some controversial coverage after its release. At the story's start, the main female character is a slave, and some unsavoury story elements are used to set up the central plot. However, despite this, Rising of the Shield Hero has gone on to be one of the best-rated Isekai anime of the last five years. Raphtalia quickly won over the audience’s hearts as an interesting character with a naivety that came from someone unfamiliar with the world around her, guided by the tough love of the main character Naofumi Iwatani who freed Raphtalia from her enslavement. Raphtalia is a kind character, exhibiting big sister energy during her interactions with Filo and Melty as Naofumi’s party travel across the world trying to defeat the world, ending aberrations that have been spawning during the apocalypse. This kindness and friendliness are why Raphtalia ranks so highly on this list, characteristics of a festive companion that is likely to bring joy to anyone around her during the holidays. Not to mention that Raphtalia’s loyalty is second to none, meaning she would go to the end of the world to protect those she cares for, though that might mean it could be hard to pry her away from Naofumi.

1. Mai Sakurajima from Seishun Buta Yarou wa Bunny Girl Senpai no Yume wo Minai (Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="imdb" url="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8993398/mediaviewer/rm2475260928/" ]

A real-life bunny girl? What more could someone want in a companion at Christmas time! How about a model and successful actress as well? Why not all rolled into one, which is what you get with Mai Sakurajima!? Instead of carrying the usual attitude of a successful celebrity, Mai expresses a more humble attitude. Despite emitting some tsundere energy, Mai never overreacts to teasing or strange situations. She is a kind and quiet individual even though she has a larger-than-life presence due to her career. A Christmas spent with someone with so much talent would be top of the list for anyone, and the added likeability of her character means that spending the festive period with Mai would be a good time for all! Added to Mai herself is the likelihood of all the other characters from Bunny Girl Senpai showing up to a festive party!

Final Thoughts

Christmas is a holiday to spend with others, and the recent events have shown how important that is for everyone, so whether they’re 3D or 2D, make sure to spend it with your favourite people! After all, the festive period is what you make of it, be it romance, friendship, drunk banter, or whatever else you consider a good time this holiday season! So what did you think of our list for Christmas? Did we miss anyone you would want to spend Christmas with? Let us know in the comments!

[author author_id="126" author="" translator_id=""] [ad_bottom class="mt40 mb40"]
[en]Original Article Below[/en][es]Versión anterior[/es]

Christmas is the best season of the year to spend time with your family and friends. And, if you’re lucky, maybe you have a significant other to cuddle by the fireplace. All of that led us to wonder... which anime girls would we want to spend Christmas with if we could? Whether romantically tinged (as it tends to be in Japan) or not, who would be the best girl to help us get in the holiday spirit? Let’s take a look at them; the Top 10 Anime Girls to Spend Christmas With!

10. Phosphophyllite from Houseki no Kuni (Land of the Lustrous)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="sentai" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" October 2017 – December 2017 " post_id=""]

This technically genderless (but female-looking) gem starts out as a whiny brat who has spent her 300 years of life being clumsy, useless, and just supremely unhelpful to the rest of the gems. She’s desperate for a real job that can hold her attention, and we think that putting her in charge of organizing Christmas festivities would brighten her attitude right up. Phos can be quite endearing when she’s excited, such as when she first went out hunting for Lunarians, so helping her string up garlands or pick out the best Christmas tree is bound to be adorable. She can spend more time with Antarcticite, too! At the very least, we want to give her a short reprieve from the avalanche of suffering she’s due for after winter is over.

9. Popuko and Pipimi from Poputepipikku (Pop Team Epic)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="http://www.crunchyroll.com/pop-team-epic/episode-6-the-30th-cyber-war-759097" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" January 2018 – March 2018 " post_id=""]

Traditions are going out the window if we spend Christmas with these two nutjobs. Popuko and Pipimi are so unpredictable that we would just want to hang out with them to see what holiday hijinks they come up with. Based on some promotional art spotted in Akihabara last year, it seems like they dream of namahage demons instead of sugarplums and plan to kidnap people by posing as Santa and invading homes. Also, their Christmas dinner appears to be a smiling brown creature wearing a beret. We couldn’t make any of that up if we tried.

8. Hiyori Iki from Noragami (Noragami: Stray God)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="http://www.crunchyroll.com/noragami/episode-2-snow-like-725825" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" January 2014 – March 2014 " post_id=""]

Hiyori may not be the most useful character in terms of combat ability (except for her ayakashi-boosted wrestling moves, of course), but there’s one thing she excels at above everyone else in Noragami; making sure her friends are happy. She does everything she can to keep Yato and Yukine on good terms with each other, and she regularly risks her own safety to stay by their side. But the most heartwarming thing she ever did was stay up all night to make a tiny shrine for Yato out of craft supplies. This small gesture meant so much to Yato that he lost all words and just cried out of happiness. We’d love to help Hiyori make more gifts for her friends to spread the Christmas spirit of giving from one’s heart.

7. Sasha Braus from Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="http://www.crunchyroll.com/attack-on-titan/episode-40-old-story-776025" ]
[Information episodes=" 25 " aired=" April 2013 – September 2013 " post_id=""]

Sasha loves one thing above all else in her post-apocalyptic world, and that’s food. With the remaining humans cramped within walls to protect themselves from the Titans, good food is hard to come by unless you’re rich or steal it from those who are. Even though she’s a highly competent soldier and possibly the best sniper in the Survey Corps, most people remember Sasha for her tendency to steal meat and potatoes from her superiors. Christmas is the time of year where we go all out and prepare the best meat, side dishes, and desserts that we can manage. Sasha would be ecstatic if we asked her to bake cookies with us, and she’d be in heaven at the sight of a dining table laden with Christmas dinner. We would cook and bake all month long just to see the look of pure joy on her face.

6. Maika Sakuranomiya from Blend S

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="ANZX-12681" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" October 2017 – December 2017 " post_id=""]

She’s a pure and precious jewel, perfectly embodying Japanese elegance with her straight black hair and shy demeanor... at least according to her love interest, Dino. In reality, Maika is a genuinely sweet girl with an unfortunate case of resting bitch face that makes her look much more intimidating than she really is. Since she loves the Japanese concept of Christmas, we’d be happy to eat a traditional Kentucky Fried Chicken meal with her as she reminisces about how the statue of Colonel Sanders was her “first love”. Afterwards, we could take her out for a walk among the glittering streetlights and snow-covered footpaths of the city. And even if her face doesn't show it, we’ll know that Maika is having a great time.

5. Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="http://www.crunchyroll.com/fairy-tail/episode-51-fairy-tail-of-the-dead-meeeen-677439" ]
[Information episodes=" 175 " aired=" October 2009 – March 2013 " post_id=""]

Almost every member of Fairy Tail has some strange personality quirk, but S-class mage Erza takes the cake. She brings her trademark intensity into any situation, whether it’s a life-or-death battle against a dark guild or just a tipsy Christmas party with her friends. In the OVA “Fairies’ Christmas”, Erza gets herself and all of the other main characters absolutely plastered so they can play a variant of the Osama/King drinking game – which is really just an excuse for her to force her friends to do embarrassing things (often involving nudity) all night long. If we spent Christmas with Erza, we’re sure it would turn out to be a drunk and debaucherous day.

4. Nanako Kuroi from Lucky☆Star

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B000WGUM46" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" April 2007 – September 2007 " post_id=""]

Not everyone has someone to hold close under the mistletoe, and Kuroi-sensei is especially bitter about it. At the age of 27, she’s considered to be just like a Christmas cake—something that nobody wants after the 25th passes. But she never gives up hope and she even buys a Christmas cake after the holiday is over just to prove that it still has value. We wish that we could bond with her over cake and cheap wine, crying out our romantic woes and playing video games borrowed from Konata. After all, Christmas is what you make of it yourself, and nobody should have to spend it alone when they have plenty of reasons to celebrate.

3. Akira Kenjou/Cure Chocolat from Kirakira☆Precure A La Mode

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B06Y129PQK" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 49 " aired=" February 2017 – January 2018 " post_id=""]

As possibly the first anime hero with chocolate-based superpowers, Akira Kenjou would be invaluable around Christmastime. On top of that, she’s a kind person who puts her chronically ill sister’s health and happiness above all else. We’d love to spend time making sweets with her and the rest of the team at the patisserie they run together. Akira’s favorite dessert to make for her little sister Miku is a brownie and chocolate bar combination that looks like a doghouse, complete with a puppy made of strawberry and whipped cream peeking out from the entrance. It would be fun to add royal icing and sanding sugar to make snow atop the doghouse, maybe even with tiny candies to resemble Christmas lights for the full holiday experience.

2. Shio Koube from Happy Sugar Life

[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" July 2018 – September 2018 " post_id=""]

We can’t stand seeing innocent people being taken advantage of, especially when they’re children who don’t know any better, and Shio’s life with the secretly maniacal teenager Satou is so disturbed that it looks like something out of a true crime kidnapping documentary. Shio has no idea that she’s being kept away from the rest of the world, that her family is looking for her, or that being locked in a small apartment with no free will is unusual. If we could manage to rescue her from Satou’s chilling embrace, we would give Shio the best Christmas ever. Let’s go see Santa! Decorate the tree! We’ll get her all the presents she could ask for! After all of the abuse that she’s unknowingly suffered, it would be the least we could do.

1. Megumi Tadokoro from Shokugeki no Souma (Food Wars! Shokugeki no Souma)

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" bookwalker_id="" cdj_product_id="" text="crunchyroll" url="http://www.crunchyroll.com/food-wars-shokugeki-no-soma/episode-11-the-magician-from-the-east-678181" ]
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" April 2015 – September 2015 " post_id=""]

Every student at Toutsuki Culinary Academy is an expert at some kind of cuisine, like homestyle Japanese or fermented ingredients. Souma’s shy, blue-haired friend Megumi specializes in Asian comfort food that instantly soothes the spirits of anyone who eats it. She doesn’t have the unshakable confidence of her peers (which tends to put her at risk of expulsion more often than not), but when she gets the chance to shine, she proves that her cooking is worthy of the school’s impossibly high standards. Christmas food is basically optimized for comfort, from pies to roast turkey to mulled cider on a chilly winter’s night. We bet that spending Christmas with Megumi would be delicious, since she could prepare old favorites and come up with new dishes that we didn’t even know we were craving. She’s a sweet girl who deserves a happy holiday, and Christmas seems like the perfect one to share with her.

Final Thoughts

As we mentioned before, Christmas is what you make of it. Hanging out with these girls could bring romance, friendly bonding, drunk shenanigans, or just about anything else you could think of to make your holiday season special. We just wish we had more Christmas episodes so we could see those scenarios for real! What did you think of our list? Which anime girl would you want to spend Christmas with? Let us know in the comments, and thanks so much for reading!

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[en]Original Article Below[/en][es]Versión anterior[/es]

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Christmas time is finally upon us and it is our pleasure here at Honey’s Anime to share the Christmas spirit with all of you anime fans. As you know, the holiday season is that time of year to spend time with your family and the people you love the most. Of course, as good anime freaks we also love anime and its awesome characters, so why not share that too? For this reason we bring you a list with the cutest, hottest, funniest and most cheerful anime girls you’d love to spend Christmas with. Last year we did the same list but mostly focusing on anime girls who have special Christmas episodes (you can check that list right below this one). As this is an update, we’re going to select some of the newest girls in anime who can bring something to the table on this magical and wonderful time of year. This is our updated Top 10 anime girls to spend Christmas with! Enjoy the gifts! ;)

10. Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01LVWEE1H" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 13 " aired=" July 2016 – September 2016 " post_id=""]

Shizuru Nakatsu has to be THE loli of 2016. She’s just so cute and special that we’d love to spend Christmas with her. Even though she’s a bit shy and doesn’t speak much, Shizuru has a very powerful way of expressing her emotions through her lovely face and mesmerizing heterochromatic eyes. Shizuru is absolutely adorable and full of a contagious cheerfulness that will surely help make this Christmas all the much more special. But that’s not it. Shizuru is also great at preparing delicious fish dishes like mackerel pike, and you know tasty food is always an essential part of Christmas.

9. Ruby Kurosawa from Love Live! Sunshine!!

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01N51JWYC" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 13 " aired=" July 2016 – September 2016 " post_id=""]

Ruby Kurosawa is one of the members of the school idol group Aqours and also a member of the sub-unit CYaRon. Obviously, spending Christmas with a teenage idol is probably one of the best ways to spend the holidays. Of course, all of the girls from Love Live Sunshine would be a great choice as they can perform just for you, but Ruby is special in many ways. For an idol, Ruby Kurosawa is quite shy and fearful (especially of men), but she can still put on a good show. Of course, apart from being an idol, Ruby has other talents that may be useful on Christmastime. Ruby is great at knitting and sewing, so you will definitely be getting some fancy warm clothes for Christmas.

8. Mumei from Koutetsujou no Kabaneri / Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress

[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" April 2016 – July 2016 " post_id=""]

Mumei is certainly one badass loli as well as one of the most interesting anime girls of this year. Everything about Mumei is just awesome, from her looks to her kickass moves and her cool fearless personality. A Christmas time with Mumei can only be full of adventures. Mumei could put on a Christmas show for you displaying some of her sick moves and maybe she can even teach you some of them, which can turn out to be quite funny if you’re already drunk on cider and champagne. Besides, Mumei is still a little girl who likes playing with toys, so we’re sure she’s full of Christmas spirit. And of course, there’s always the possibility of a zombie outbreak, in which case Mumei will have your back. ;)

7. Yume from Hai to Gensou no Grimgar / Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash

Hai to Gensou no Grimgar dvd
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01AJGAA40" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" January 2016 – March 2016 " post_id=""]

Yume seems to be that kind of girl you can easily make friends with. Yume is the most outgoing character of the show, she’s very open about everything and she’s really friendly. It’s almost impossible not to like her and it’s just as hard not to fall for her. Even though Ranta teases her for having a flat chest, Yume is still an absolute beauty and we’d be blessed to spend Christmas next to her. As a huntress, Yume is really hard working, so you can definitely count on her to help you decorate the Christmas tree and your whole place. Yume’s hunter skills can also come in handy to get a nice fat turkey for dinner. But most importantly, this lovely girl can make a good friend to share all the nice things of Christmas with.

6. Niko Niiyama from Kiznaiver

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01E9RG9JA" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" April 2016 – June 2016 " post_id=""]

Niko Niiyama is the eccentric girl of the group on Kiznaivers. We would also like to spend Christmas with some of the other Kiznaiver girls like Chidori who’s super sweet and a great cook or even Noriko, the cold emotionless girl who we’d love to see overcome by the Christmas spirit (if it worked on the Grinch it can certainly work on her). However, we think that a Christmas with Niko would just be super fun. Niko Niiyama is always bright, childish and energetic. That is the kind of girl we want to spend Christmas with: someone who is always happy, smiling and enjoying the nice moments. Niko can be somewhat childish and immature, but sometimes that’s what we need to be like in order to enjoy life. Niko would surely make our Christmas all the much merrier!

5. Kurumi Tokisaki from Date a Live

Kurumi Tokisaki de Date a Live
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B00CL80PUE" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" April 2013 – June 2013 " post_id=""]

Yes, we know, Kurumi Tokisaki is not exactly the nicest girl out there, but we can find many reasons why it would be cool to spend Christmas time with her. For one thing, when she’s not killing people or loathing humans, Kurumi can be really sweet and polite. Besides, we know Kurumi has a soft spot for little animals, so as long as you fill your place with fluffy kittens nothing can go wrong. But the main reason why we’d love to spend Christmas with the beautiful yet deadly Kurumi Tokisaki is because of her time manipulation abilities. Think about it, if Kurumi is in a good mood maybe she can take you back to your past Christmas and you could experience the holidays over and over again. That means more of that delicious Christmas food, more gifts, more fireworks, more Christmastime and a lot of adventure. That’d definitely be something else!

4. Sharo Kirima from Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? / Is the Order a Rabbit?

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01G6F6K24" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" April 2014 – June 2014 " post_id=""]

Sharo Kirima is one little blonde beauty who works at the herbal tea café, Fleur de Lapin. Sharo is the most insecure and sensitive girl on the show and she’s quite shy. So, why would we want to spend Christmas with her? Well, all it takes to make Sharo a lively and playful girl is a little caffeine. She becomes totally hyper whenever she has some coffee. But the main reason why we think it would be awesome to spend Christmas with the lovely Sharo is because she knows how to serve people. You would just have to sit back and relax while Sharo prepares the dinner table with all the Christmas food. What could be better than being pampered by this lovely girl?

3. Naho Takamiya from Orange

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01HNOSEP8" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 13 " aired=" July 2016 – September 2016 " post_id=""]

Who wouldn’t want to spend Christmas with the sweetest girl ever? Naho Takamiya is very likely the loveliest anime girl of 2016, which is why she’d be a great girl to spend Christmas with. Naho is super hard working when it comes to making good things for her friends, so you can bet she’d make a fine job with the Christmas decoration for you. Maybe you can do it together and have a lot of fun while you’re at it. After all, Christmas is all about sharing with the people you love. And who knows, maybe you end up having a moment with the sweet Naho under the mistletoe. But even if you don’t, at least you know you’re getting a nice gift. Naho is great at making gifts!

2. Hotaru Shidare from Dagashi Kashi

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01C3WP8V8" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 13 " aired=" January 2016 – April 2016 " post_id=""]

Hotaru Shidare is definitely one of the hottest anime girls of 2016. That’s already reason enough to make us want to spend Christmas with her, but Hotaru is also crazy funny. There is just no way we can have a boring Christmas with Hotaru at our side. We know for a fact that things will end up as hilarious and bizarre as a candy eating contest in bondage. As eccentric as Hotaru can be, she’s also quite serious about her passions (mostly candy). And since Christmas time is full of sweets and yummy food, we’re sure that Hotaru would work really hard to give you the best Christmas party ever. Besides, Hotaru would make sure to keep those candy boots pretty full. Yum!

1. Hestia from Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka / Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?

Hestia Wallenstein Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B00W6J703I" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 13 " aired=" April 2015 – June 2015 " post_id=""]

Do we really need a good reason to want to spend Christmas with the gorgeous Hestia (or any other time of year for that matter)? Hestia is one of the sexiest and most charming anime girls we’ve met in the last couple of years, so we have no doubt she would look great in a sexy Miss Claus costume. But of course, Christmas is not really about sex appeal but more about family, friends, gifts (even though they tell you it’s not about gifts), sharing good things and being thankful for everything in your life. And this is actually another reason why Hestia would be the best company on Christmas. Hestia has a strong sense of family as we can judge from the way she cares about Bell and how she regards him as her family even though he’s just a human. Hestia would make sure to make us feel at home and to give us that warm familial love. Plus, she could also gift us some kickass abilities!


That was our updated list of Christmas anime girls. We hope you’ve liked it and that you’re starting to feel the Christmas spirit. We’d certainly love to spend the holidays with these beauties. If you want to see even more ladies that would make the perfect company for Christmas then just check our original selection below. You can also go ahead and tell us which anime girl you think would be perfect to spend Christmas with and why, although sometimes you don’t even need a reason. Share your passion for anime and your Christmas spirit with us in the comment section below. Merry Christmas!! :3

[author author_id="018" author="" translator_id=""]
Original Article Below


Christmas is that happy time of year you spend with your family getting gifts, having delicious food, but mostly sharing the Christmas spirit that bonds us to our beloved ones. As countless Christmas specials have taught us, this time of year is much more than just getting gifts. Christmas is about sharing and caring for the one next to us (regardless of our religion and beliefs). Of course, we usually spend this holiday with our families, but what would happen if you had to spend Christmas with someone else? Say, an Anime girl for example. It could be pretty damn interesting if you ask me. Since this time of year is all about sharing with the ones we love, why not share with those Anime girls we love so much. The following is a selection of the 10 Anime ladies you’d love to be with on Christmas!

10. Umaru Doma from Himouto Umaru-chan / My Two-Faced Little Sister

[sourceLink asin="B0117NXUYG" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" Jul 2015 – Sep 2015 "]

What better than to start Christmas Day next to the most childish girl in the world of Anime? The lovely Umaru-chan is an expert at always getting what she wants. Christmas time will be full of gifts with Umaru, so you’ll have the time of your life next to her. She’s also extremely kind and generous, so even if you don’t get what you wanted or as many gifts as you expected, she will surely share with you whatever it is she asked Santa for (which would probably be a bunch of manga comics, DVDs and videogames). And you get to play and rest with her in the warmth of her kotatsu. Pretty cool, huh?

wallpaper Himouto Umaru-chan

9. Rin Hoshizora from Love Live! School Idol Project

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B00J8CHI8S" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 13 " aired=" Jan 2013 – Mar 2013 "]

Basically, any of the girls from Love Live! would be great to spend Christmas with. Rin just happens to be my favorite one and probably also the cutest, constantly acting like a cat and ending her sentences with nyan. OMG, she’s so cute :3 Wouldn’t it be great having a pop idol for Christmas just for you? She could sing some Christmas jingles and dance for you. You would have plenty of love and hugs from her and you could also spend all day playing sports on the back yard with her while you wait for Santa’s arrival. I’d really love to get a neko-chan like her for Christmas.

Love Live! School Idol Project wallpaper

8. Aisaka Taiga from Toradora!

[sourceLink asin="B00LAD4KMU" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 25 " aired=" Oct 2008 – Mar 2009 "]

Aisaka Taiga may be known as the Palmtop Tiger for being overly aggressive and rude. Still, we all know deep down she’s a cute little girl who just wants to be loved and walk around with someone who cares for her. And isn’t just that what Christmas is all about? You can’t possibly watch this show without falling for this adorable tsundere girl. I would love to be the one dressing as Santa Bear (ep. 19) to stand by her side during Christmas Eve. Plus, she could sing “Holy Night” to me with that beautiful voice of hers, and who knows; maybe we could end the night under the mistletoe.


7. Yui Hirasawa from K-On!

[sourceLink asin="B0083QJVMQ" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 13 " aired=" Apr 2009 – Jun 2009 "]

Christmas with Yui Hirasawa would be a very musical and cheerful Christmas. Yui could play the Christmas boogie on her Les Paul for you and whatever jingle you ask her. She’s also extremely sweet. As sweet in fact as the amount of candy she can have. She’s a sweet tooth, so you will have plenty of sweet treats on Christmas Eve. Yui would also be constantly holding your hand and hugging you since she likes to express her love in a physical way. You could also get warm under the kotatsu with her before or while you open your gifts. And what do you know? Maybe you get a brand new electric guitar for this Christmas.

K-On wallpaper

6. Shiro from No Game No Life

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B018XADROO" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" Apr 2014 – Jun 2014 "]

Shiro is just another sweet little girl we’d love to share Christmas Day with. I bet Shiro gets plenty of gifts for Christmas and they would all surely be cool games. We’d get to play all day long with the game master girl. Just one thing, you’d probably like to team up with her unless you want to get your butt kicked every single time. This little girl is capable of beating the gods themselves, so you won’t stand a chance against her even if she plays using only her feet. But seriously, Christmas with Shiro would mean loads of gaming and loads of fun.

Shiro No Game No Life wallpaper 3
[sourceLink url=" http://seiga.nicovideo.jp/seiga/im3999946 " a_text=" No Game No Life Fan Art"] [/hide]

5. Winry Rockbell from Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

[sourceLink asin="B000BZ8IGM" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 64 " aired=" Apr 2009 – Jul 2010 "]

Winry Rockbell is that sweet yet tomboyish cute girl you’d love to be around at all times, but especially during Christmas time. She’s a bit tough and even rude at times, but she can be extremely sweet towards the people she loves. Winry proves to be extremely caring and she also bakes the yummiest pies. Winry’s warm personality would surely fill you with the Christmas spirit. She’s also good at handcrafting, so Christmas decoration won’t be absent. Besides, you just might get something far better than anything you’ve ever asked Santa for; a brand new automail body part! How cool would that be?

Fullmetal Alchemist wallpaper

4. Chii from Chobits

[sourceLink asin="B0000TG49M" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" Apr 2002 – Sep 2002 "]

What if we could literally ask Santa for anything we could think of? I bet most of us would probably ask for a beautiful girl. In the world of Chobits, such thing is possible. Just imagine getting a gorgeous girl (persocom, whatever, it’s almost the same) like Chii for Christmas. Yup, that’d be your best Christmas ever. You would have a sweet and adorable girl by your side to follow your every order. Besides, she knows very little of our world, so you could teach her all there is to know about Christmas, the Christmas spirit, family, love and sharing. You could also watch together all those Christmas specials you’ve already seen a million times on your own, because she won’t know any of them. Also, if you’re lucky you just might get a bonus Christmas gift from her. ;)

Chobits wallpaper

3. Naru Narusegawa from Love Hina

[sourceLink asin="B0000AC8OJ" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" Apr 2000 – Sep 2000 "]

How wonderful it would be spending Christmas Day at the Hinata Inn together with the gorgeous tsundere Naru and the rest of the girls. Christmas time would be the perfect excuse to draw Naru away from her books for once, and you could all decorate the Hinata House like one big family. The Christmas spirit should be more than enough to soften Naru for a while and let her express the warm feelings she’s constantly repressing. Besides, it is said (on Love Hina’s Christmas Special: Silent Eve) that if you confess your love on Christmas Eve, your dreams will come true. Plus, you’ll get to sleep in an all-girls dorm afterwards.

love hina

2. Konata Izumi from Lucky Star

[sourceLink asin="B001662FKA" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" Apr 2007 – Sep 2007 "]

I believe that Christmas with Konata would be the one of the funniest Christmas ever. It would be full of jokes, fun and loads of food. She loves Anime probably just as much as you do, so you can sit and watch Anime Christmas specials together instead of watching “How the Grinch stole Christmas” for the millionth time. Plus, you’d be getting tons of cool stuff like ero-games, videogames and all sorts of games to play all Christmas Day long. You could also have the rest of the girls over for some Christmas cake and talks about Santa, girls’ bust size (ep. 11) and your favorite Anime shows.

Lucky Star Wallpaper 1

1. Asuna Yuuki from Sword Art Online

[sourceLink asin="B00DK2HJAE" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 25 " aired=" Jul 2012 – Dec 2012 "]

I believe Asuna would be one of those people who are full of Christmas spirit. She is so selfless, kind and honorable that I can’t help but to think of her on Christmas helping the people in need and doing all sorts of charity work with the biggest smile on her face. It’s always nice to have people like that around you. Asuna is incredibly determined and she tends to take things very seriously, so I bet that she would do an amazing job at decorating your place and getting it ready for Santa’s arrival. One thing though, she’s not exactly the best cook in the world, so try to take care of the food yourself or have someone else do it for you.

Sword Art Online wallpaper 2

sword art online christmas wallpaper

This was our selection of girls to spend the upcoming Christmas with. All these nice and lovely girls would make the best company for setting up the Christmas tree, decorating the house with candles and candy canes, exchanging gifts and Christmas cards, playing around on the snow making snow angels and having snow fights, or even playing board games next to the chimney. You could share a delicious Christmas turkey with potatoes and cranberry sauce, and a Japanese Christmas cake for dessert. You could also end a perfect Christmas Eve together beneath the mistletoe. Because, what is Christmas if not being together with the ones you love? And we certainly do love all of these wonderful girls! :3 I hope you liked my selections and that you may start to feel the Christmas spirit inside you. Merry Christmas! :D

[author author_id="018" author="" translator_id=""]

Enjoy the Holidays with our Christmas Articles!

Honey's Anime - Christmas Wallpaper
Yanayme Roman


illustrated by : Yanayme Roman

Yo! I'm yet another anime lover that lives in japan! I also love RPG games! My goal in life is to work in an animation studio! I love drawing anime! Love all related to anime!!

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Top 5 Anime by Yanayme Roman

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Top 10 Anime Bounty Hunters

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[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Black Cat ANIMAX Official Image" url="" ]


Let’s not try to kid ourselves. We all like bounty hunters. They tend to know how to fight, they have some sweet gadgets, and generally they have a pretty awesome vehicle. They are also the ones on the fringe of society who generally have no master. Well, they do bow down to money, because that’s the main incentive for chasing anyone down and most of them are broke. That aside, they generally do decide which jobs they will take on and exactly how they will go about doing their jobs. Thankfully, most of them like causing a little bit of a scene, which leads to some pretty stellar chases and showdowns. Without further wait, let’s get on to the best bounty hunters that anime has to offer.

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10. Jigo from Princess Mononoke

[2_images_in_row character='Bou Jiko Mononoke Hime' anime='mononoke hime']
[sourceLink asin="B003SI4SHW" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 1 " aired=" Jul. 1997 "]

When Prince Ashitaka’s arm is cursed by a demon boar, he is exiled from his hidden village and destined to head westwards for the cure. It’s in the West that an ancient spirit should be able to cure him. It’s from the West that the cursed boar came from. Soon his journey shows him what’s going on in the West for it to hold such promise and such a powerful curse. It’s the struggle between nature and civilization and he finds himself right between the main two combatants: Lady Eboshi and Princess San. Jigo is a wise opportunist, who first appears as a sort of trustworthy and sage-like persona to Ashitaka. He guides Ashitaka towards the Iron City where the struggle between nature and humanity is reaching its head. However, he actually is a bounty hunter who’s setting up as many pieces as possible in order to capture the famous spirit of the forest. Legend says that its head will grant eternal youth and the emperor wants it. So Jigo organizes things in order to weaken the forest and keep most of its denizens at bay, while he makes a last minute grab for the head. The man is clearly quick and capable when it comes to fighting, however, he does fail the mission and is forced to return the forest spirit’s head.

9. Nagi from Tenchi Muyou!

[2_images_in_row character='nagi-tenchi-muyou' anime='dvd Tenchi Muyo!']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B007SPYKFQ" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" Apr. 1995 – Sep. 1995 "]

Tenchi Muyou follows the struggles of 17-year-old Tenchi Masaki after a space pirate by the name of Ryoko crashes into his life. Her mischievous nature alone is enough to flip Tenchi’s life on its head. However, due to Ryoko’s arrival, Tenchi also has two intergalactic officers, a mad scientist, and two royal princesses joining his household. Let the adventures ensue. Nagi is a notorious bounty hunter known across the universe for her ability to bring in any fugitive. Her most recent target, and the only person to ever escape her grasp is the infamous Ryoko, and Ryoko was fleeing more than fighting in their last battle. In other words, Nagi is immensely powerful and knows how to handle people with rather exceptional cunning. Helping her track down and capture wanted men and women is her faithful cat/spaceship Ken-Ohki, who allows her incredible maneuverability and fire power while in space.

8. Natsuki Sasahara from Hyper Police

[2_images_in_row character='hyper-police-sasahara-natsuki' anime='Hyper Police dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00008H2H7" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 25 " aired=" Apr. 1997 – Sep. 1997 "]

Hyper Police presents a world where monsters and humans live together. Being half-human and half-cat, Sasahara Natsuki has a stake in both communities and as a bounty hunter tends to handle a lot of the issues that rise between monsters and humans. Helping her meter out justice are her werewolf assistants Batanen and Tommy as well as the fox demon Sakura. Natsuki is the type of bounty hunter you would want to hire. She is extremely kind and, unlike most characters on the list, she has an intense obsession with upholding the law. Her position as a bounty hunter isn’t one of necessity or convenience, but rather a means for her to enact justice. is very sweet and kind to everyone and always eager to help protect the weak and uphold the law. Her ability to create electrical shots is also very useful for apprehending criminals. However, she happens to be one of the worst bounty hunters on the list. She has shot allies at least twice by accident and when frightened might accidently shock her own team.

7. Roy Revant from Solty Rei

[2_images_in_row character='roy-revant-solty-rei' anime='solty-rei-dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000JJ4WHY" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" Oct. 2005 – Mar. 2006 "]

There are two important things to remember about the future dystopian in Solty Rei. One is that giant conglomerates have amassed most of the world’s wealth and created a huge gap between the rich and the poor. The second is that it’s difficult to tell who’s simply muscle and bone and who has cybernetic body parts. This makes being a bounty hunter particularly difficult as you never know if you’re targeting someone way beyond your means. Well, Roy Revant has made a decent enough living on the job, but one mission he ends needing to be saved by a young girl with unbelievable strength. After this incident him, the girl, and a few others turn their eyes towards the massive issue with wealth distribution. Roy’s had a tough life and reflects that in his work. He’s not beyond roughing up questionable characters in order to get the answers he wants. What do you expect from a guy who’s wife passed away and daughter went missing? However, there’s clearly a soft spot in him as he is still searching after all this time for his daughter and is willing to not only give his savior the name ‘Solty,’ but also adopt her. The guy just has a parental bone in him that won’t quit, and we see it more and more as he protects those around him.

6. Nadie from El Cazador de la Bruja

[2_images_in_row character='Nadie El Cazador de la Bruja' anime='El Cazador de la Bruja The Witch Hunter dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B0015CI55O" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" Apr. 2007 – Sep. 2007 "]

Ellis is on the run for the suspected murder of the prominent physicist Heinrich Schneider. The first person to catch up to her is Nadie, a bounty hunter. Having a last minute change of heart, Nadie decides to help Ellis search for clues about her past instead of turning in the young girl. Thus begins El Cazador de la Bruje. Nadie is the type of woman who makes her own rules no matter what. She takes on the jobs she wants, and if at any moment during the mission she changes her mind, then there’s nothing anyone can do to stop her. She’s a rogue all the way through. Helping her maintain such a lifestyle is the fact that she’s a top marksman. Few people can take her and her Colt .45, her preferred weapon, on in a fight.


5. Saya Minatsuki from Black Cat

[2_images_in_row character='saya-minatsuki-black-cat' anime='Black Cat dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000J3EAYA" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 23 " aired=" Oct. 2005 – Mar. 2006 "]

Train Heartnet is an infamous assassin who has proven himself capable of taking down any target and has received the nickname ‘Black Cat’. However, one day he runs into the mysterious bounty hunter Saya Minatsuki. She exudes a sense of freedom and her outlook on life completely causes Train to pull a 180. He leaves his current organization, determined to be free, and sets off a chain of events that not only affect his prior employers but the world as well. Saya is actually quite an infamous sweeper/bounty hunter in the area. Over the years she has developed a shot that is able to redirect itself. She does this by having an intense understanding of geometry, physics, and her environment. She will essentially aim at a very specific object and rebound the bullet at her opponent in an unexpected way. It’s with this skill that she’s able to take down the high-ranking criminal Preta Ghoul, after Train realizes that his bullets can’t penetrate the villain. Obviously, she has the skills to be a bounty hunter, but more importantly her spirit is very much in tune with the freedom of choice such a life offers. She only does what she wants to when she wants to, and it’s this aspect that changes Train’s life forever.

4. Favaro from Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis (Rage of Bahamut: Genesis)

[2_images_in_row character='Favaro' anime='Shingeki no Bahamut dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B016Y3MIJM" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" Oct. 2014 – Dec. 2014 "]

Viewers are taken into a universe where there’s a human realm, a god realm, and a demon realm. For the most part they stay as separate worlds, however, when Bahamut came about threatening the existence of each world, everyone joined together to imprison him. After that, things have been mostly good in this universe. Some godly forces and demonic forces tend to mix into the world of humans, but everything is balanced. That is until someone steals one of the keys to Bahamut’s imprisonment from the god realm. What Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis does best is captivate the viewers through a sense of wild adventure. Playing a major role in that success is Favaro, whose carefree attitude and swashbuckling style sets the initial tone for the entire story. A good chunk of the first episode is Favaro on a hilarious and destructive chase, as he taunts his fellow bounty hunter and eternal rival Kaisar. He’s the type of character who’s hard to turn away from. He’s ridiculously smooth and can make the best of almost any situation. Helping him out is a loud mouth that never runs out of things to say as well as a very particular sense of fashion.

3. Rally Vincent from Gunsmith Cats

[2_images_in_row character='irene-rally-vincent-gunsmith-cats' anime='Gunsmith Cats dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000059RZ9" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 3 " aired=" Nov. 1995 – Sep. 1996 "]

Let’s take a stroll into a gun free Chicago. Well, it’s not really gun free, because two women, Rally Vincent and Minne May Hopkins, happen to own and run an underground gun shop. This little business gets the two caught up in a much bigger and darker sector of the black market, however, and it’s going to take all their skills combined to get out of this new mess. Rally Vincent became a bounty hunter in order to search for her father, who was searching down the robbers who gunned down his wife. However, her love and skill for guns had developed long before taking up that profession, as her father, an Olympic marksman, had taught her everything he knew. Thus, she knows most guns on an intimate level and uses them with incredible skill and precision. Though her favorite is a CZ-75 First Edition, she also carries a .25 DuO that she mounts on a spring-loaded frame tied to her arm, a SIG P210, and sometimes back-up weapon in an ankle holster. In other words, she’s equipped for any situation, and when you combine her arsenal with her driving skills she can catch or get away from just about anyone.

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Gun Smith Cats Natural Zone Cover" url="http://www.suruga-ya.jp/product/detail/122002003001" ]

2. Kanta Mizuno from Sunabouzu (Desert Punk)

[2_images_in_row character='Kanta Mizuno Sunabouzu' anime='Sunabouzu dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B000BZ8ICQ" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" Oct. 2004 – Mar. 2005 "]

Desert Punk sets us down in Japan after a nuclear war has devastated the country and turned it entirely into a desert. It’s in this wasteland that the survivors of the nuclear war have to scrape together a living one way or another. One person who’s made a name for himself in this world is Kanta Mizuno also known as the Demon of the Desert. That moniker was not achieved through luck. At only 17 years of age, Kanta has accomplished tasks that no one else would have been able to and has never failed a mission. His maneuverability and tactics are second to none as he zips around on closes in on victims to nail them with his shotgun. Helping him take on and complete any mission is his cynical view of the world, which detaches him enough to always be clear of mind and at times underhanded. His only weakness is beautiful women who are particularly well endowed. In the end, Katna Mizuno is practically what every guy who watches anime wants to be: extremely skilled and perverted at the same time.

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1. Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop

[2_images_in_row character='spike-spiegel-cowboy-bebop' anime='Cowboy Bebop dvd']
[sourceLink asin="6305789312" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" Apr. 1998 – Apr. 1999 "]

Anyone who considers themselves a fan of anime should have seen Cowboy Bebop, but just in case you haven’t, this classic follows around a crew of cowboys, aka bounty hunters, as they travel around the galaxy. Now there are four humans and one dog that make up the crew of the Bebop and each episode is specially crafted to reveal a little bit more about the histories of each character. Though each and every member of the Bebop crew deserves to be on this list, including the one-episode character Cowboy Andy, Spike is in many ways the heart of the show. After all, it is his arc that both jumpstarts and ends the show. More importantly, when it comes down to hunting a fugitive he is the best. He is a skilled martial artist, pilot, pickpocket, and gunman. He knows how to track down his target and capture them even when everything goes wrong. He also has a great sense of humor and one of the sharpest minds in anime, as he consistently comes up with some of the best one-liners. All of this rounds up why you see this space cowboy at the top of the list.

cowboy bebop cosplay spike wallpaper
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Final Thoughts:

A surprising aspect that continuously reappeared when making this list was the similar type of setting each show held. Most of these shows have vast environments with a certain sense of desolation, and that makes a lot of sense. It’s in such settings that require people to find their own way of living and it’s also in such places that official law enforcement doesn’t reach. Thus vigilantes and bounty hunters appear to keep the peace and earn a living. Now, were there any bounty hunters that I overlooked, who you would like to see on this list?

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Top 10 Anime Motorcycle Riders

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Is there anything more kickass than a motorcycle? The correct and only real answer to this question is no. No, there is nothing more awesome than a motorcycle. Not swords, not guns, not cool clothing, not even fast cars. So when compiling a list of the coolest bikers, you are essentially making a list of the coolest people in existence. Enough said. Okay, well maybe not enough said, because there’s so much to say about these characters. They tend to be a bit more rowdy and intense than most characters, and they also tend to be the center of attention whenever on screen. With that said, let’s get on to the top 10 characters in anime, because bikers are the best.

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10. Rin Suzunoki from Bakuon!!

[2_images_in_row character='bakuon-rin-suzunoki' anime='Bakuon dvd']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01DLFHF94" text="" url="" ]

Bakuon!! follows the lives and adventures of several girls who attend Okanoue Girls’ High School and have an avid love for motorcycles. It’s extremely lighthearted and fun as it delves into the passions and quirks of the members (and a certain unofficial member) of the motorcycle club. Rin is the top rider of the group and has a particular love for Suzuki motorcycles. Her own bike happens to be a Suzuki GSX400S Katana, and if anyone disses any Suzuki model, she gets pissed off. It doesn’t even matter if the model is honestly an ugly one. She also tends to have a lot of difficulty controlling bikes from any other manufacture. Her love and personal obsession with the Suzuki comes from the fact that it was her father who introduced her to bikes and the Suzuki GSX400S Katana she has was previously his. Oh, and she happens to be the unofficial member of the group.

9. Mondo Oowada from Danganronpa

[2_images_in_row character='mondo-oowada-danganronpa-kibou-no-gakuen-to-zetsubou-no-koukousei-the-animation' anime='DanganRonpa dvd']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01I0826T6" text="" url="" ]

Danganronpa is a detective thriller filled with mystery and suspense. It follows the capture of 15 high school students within the confines of Hope Peak Academy. To escape from this everlasting school detention, a student must successfully kill another student without being caught. Everyone else dies, but that one student is set free. However, if the other students figure out who the killer was, then the murderer is executed and imprisonment continues. Mondo Oowada’s appearance doesn’t give off the best first impression. He comes off as a delinquent and rightfully so as he happened to be the second leader of the largest bike gang in Japan. Despite his attitude being quite foul, he does have a big heart and is extremely protective of those close to him. He also has one of the largest inferiority complexes in the series. He hates to be seen as weak and consistently has to tell himself that he’s strong. A large part of this is due to the fact that he his gang never felt that he would be a good enough replacement for his older brother, which in turn led to him challenging his brother to a race and ultimately his brother’s death.

8. Kenji Harima from School Rumble

[2_images_in_row character='Kenji Harima School Rumble' anime='School Rumble dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00R7ECEP6" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

School Rumble primarily follows the love triangle between Kenji Harima, Tenma Tsukamoto, and Kurasama. You see, Harima likes Tenma and Tenma likes Kurasama and Kurasama likes food. Add to this triangle a bunch of crazy friends and side relationships, and you have the amazing comedy that is School Rumble. Loud, stupid, aggressive, but with a heart of gold, Harima is a character who’s hard to hate. Despite being the school delinquent, he has one of the most innocent and caring personalities in the entirety of School Rumble, and there are a lot of characters in the show. He also goes through some of the most memorable and comedic phases. There’s his stint as a hermit/prophet with a herd of animals following him about. There’s his time working on a ship to find out his captain is a manga writer. Oh, and any scene where him and Eri are ribbing at each other will leave you in stitches.

7. Reiko from Golden Boy

[2_images_in_row character='reiko-golden-boy' anime='Golden Boy dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B008XJM8TG" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

Golden Boy is one of those anime, we’ve all seen and probably at an age when we shouldn’t have seen it. It follows the wacky adventures that one rather perverted college dropout, Kintarou Ooe, consistently finds himself in. It also probably caused quite a few people to join the rank of dropout in hopes of experiencing such encounters. Reiko is the last love interest of the series and debatably the most sexually depicted female in the series. We are introduced to her while she’s using her bike to well pleasure herself. Once again, this anime is for those 18 and over. Not only do bikes give her an extra thrill, but she honest to god loves them. She loves how close they get her to the action, where she can feel every inch of the road and how close to danger she is. In her mind, her bike is the ultimate being and she consistently challenges herself while riding it.

6. Tsumugu Kinagase from Kill la kill

[2_images_in_row character='Tsumugu Kinagase Kill la Kill' anime='Kill La Kill dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B01FR3629M" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

Kill la Kill follows Ryuuko Matoi as she challenges the hierarchy of Honnouji Academy in order to find out who killed her father. To properly take on the school’s student body though, Ryuuko most don the sentient powersuit, Senketsu. Enter Tsumugu, who has an extreme personal hatred for life fiber uniformas, because he believes that they feed off and the wearer and will eventually kill the wearer. He also finds the people who have to rely on such suits to be inherently weak and does not respect them. In this society, that’s a bold perspective, but Tsumugu has the bite to back up his bark. He’s extremely strong as he can hold his own against club leaders donning Goku Uniforms and he’s extremely intelligent. In most cases, he has a very specific plan of attack and uses stealth and means of distraction to his advantage.


5. Onizuka from Great Teacher Onizuka

[2_images_in_row character='gto Eikichi Onizuka' anime='Great Teacher Onizuka dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00EBDXYPK" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

Great Teacher Onizuka follows the attempts of a 22-year-old delinquent to meet girls through becoming a teacher. Making this goal of his quite difficult, outside of clearly being a pervert, is Onizuka’s rather rambunctious and devious classroom. It’s full of students who seem determined to make him a bachelor for life, if not to send him straight to jail. Though we don’t really get to see him ride often in the series, Eikichi Onizuka was part of a bike gang, which definitely defined a major portion of his character. It explains his nonchalance, his ability to handle pranks, and his careless attitude when things seem to take a dangerous turn. He’s a rebel just like so many of his students and it’s this part of his personality that allows him to get through to them.

4. Saber from Fate/Zero

[2_images_in_row character='age 16 fate saber' anime='fate-zero-dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00IIK6C10" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

Fate/Zero follows the participants in the Fourth Holy Grail War as they battle it out to have their wish granted. Referred to as one of the bloodiest wars ever, ufotable decided to didn’t turn away from the challenge and create one epic and brutal ride for viewers. Saber is one of those characters you hope succeeds no matter what. From the get go she’s the type of character you’re impressed by. She’s extremely powerful, which is obviously denoted by her Saber class, and she generally goes into battle with a strategy beforehand. Even though she likes to prepare, she despises using underhanded tactics and would much rather win through honorable duels. These characteristics mixed with her concerns about being an absolute ruler create a dynamic character who you can put your faith into. Perhaps she was not as charismatic as the Rider in Fate/Zero, but compelling due to her uncertainty and drive for repentance. Oh and she happens to be a complete badass on a bike, outclassing even Rider in speed.

3. Kino from Kino’s Journey

[2_images_in_row character='Kino Kino no Tabi The Beautiful World' anime='Kino no Tabi The Beautiful World dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B005OK0YUC" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

Kino’s Journey is an exploration of self-identity through travel as it follows the trail of Kino and her bike, Hermes. Based off of Keiichi Sigsawa’s series of light novles, this anime depicts a lot of its themes through the ambivalence of the environment and requires a particular eye to pick apart the ever-changing influences that challenge Kino. With such a particular anime, it’s difficult at times to see how much Kino develops. There was the obvious moment when she decided to leave the Land of Adults and became a traveler rather than settle with some predestined course. Outside of that, her character seems to have been settled into a specific frame of mind. There’s nothing truly wrong with that, as she is an impressive and independent protagonist. That is to say she never felt one-sided in the first place as she consistently deals with the fears tied to settling down and has to handle hostile people on a daily basis. However, there are moments and reflections of hers that show just how much her environment is changing her. This is particularly noticeable whenever she decides to help someone as that creates roots and ties.

Kino no Tabi The Beautiful World wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B000094FX4" text="" url="" ]

2. Tetsuo Shima from Akira

[2_images_in_row character='akira shima tetsuo' anime='akira dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00ENNBZ68" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

How could you not expect a character from Akira to make the list? This movie did wonders for the vibe and imagery attached to bikers in the anime world. Bikers were rebels on the outskirts of society. They were fast, reckless, and characters to keep an eye on. Though Tetsuo wasn’t the most dangerous of the biker group, he was easily the most dynamic. A good chunk of Akira’s story revolves around Tetsuo as he is the character who develops into the antagonist of the movie. We watch him go from being the runt of the group to a dangerous and powerful supernatural being. Now, some might argue that he simply developed a god complex at the onset of his powers, however, that’s a slight to the time developers put into his character. Yes, he does have a certain inferiority complex, but it is developed strategically from the beginning with his actions and views creating conflict between others. He never seems able to have enough influence or power to have anyone really listen to him. Once he does get his powers, he doesn’t just go on a rampage, but actually desires to get them under control. It’s not until he is injured, jailed, and abandoned that his desire for power finally takes control.

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1. Celty from Durarara!!

[2_images_in_row character='Celty Sturluson Durarara' anime='Durarara dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00GNGJBXW" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

Brain’s Base definitely went all out in the narrative department when it came to creating Durarara!! Few shows have the ability to interlink so many diverse characters. There’s gang leaders, a Dullahan, an information broker, a black market surgeon, and so many more who have their personal stories run directly alongside if not into one another. Who doesn’t love the ethereal and haunting grim reaper of DRRR!!? Celty is one of those characters that allow the show to take on its supernatural pretense with ease. Her design as well as her backstory permits the show to reach into exciting levels of fiction. Let’s not forget how visually amazing the ways they she can manipulate her powers are. From careening down a massive skyscraper on her motorcycle to creating impenetrable gloves, she is a fierce character with a feisty and honorable personality. Unlike most other characters, you can generally trust her intentions as she tries to alleviate the conflicts between parties.

durarara Wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="B00WX6KHVG" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

Final Thoughts:

Bikers really are the best characters in the anime world. They are intense and require a certain extra depth than most characters. Part of that is because a motorcycle is an extremely unique item. Having a motorbike suggests a lot more about a character than a sword or gun could ever do. Now, were there any motorcycle riders that I might have missed in this list?

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Top 10 Seiyuu with the Cutest Voice

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Shidare Hotaru dagashi kashi wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B017CHJYAK" text="" url="" ]

Isn’t it awesome when you start watching an anime and you realize that one of the characters has a strangely familiar voice? Don’t you just love the fact that Haruhi Suzumiya, Konata Izumi and Misa Misa are portrayed by the same voice actress (Aya Hirano, although 99% of you already knew that)? Everyone loves a good voice actor or seiyuu, because these people are the ones who breathe life into anime characters. Today, we’ll pay tribute to some of the best seiyuu with the cutest voices in the industry. Since there are so many incredible voice actors out there, we’ll narrow our scope a bit and we’ll only deal with those who have the cutest voices. You know, those who make us go “aww :3” by merely listening to them, especially as they go “onii-chaaaan!!”. Yeah, you can bet we’re going to have a bunch of lolis in here. This is our Top 10 seiyuu with the cutest voices!

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10. Haruka Tomatsu

[2_images_in_row character='haruka-tomatsu' anime='Lala Satalin To LOVE-Ru']

Haruka Tomatsu has had several main roles ever since she began her career as seiyuu in 2007. She has played major roles such as the charming (although spooky) Megumi Shimizu from Shiki, the more recent Rena Kariu from ReLIFE and even the legendary Gintoki from Gintama°. These roles are evidence enough to prove Haruka is one of the best voice actresses in the industry. Still, what makes her one of the cutest voices out there are definitely her roles as two of the most adorable and beloved young girls in anime. We’re clearly talking about Lala Satalin from ToLOVE-Ru and the unmatched Asuna from SAO. Those are some girly performances indeed, and Haruka Tomatsu’s cute voice was certainly up to the challenge.

9. Nazuka Kaori

[2_images_in_row character='nazuka-kaori' anime='nunnally-lamperoug-code-geass-hangyaku-no-lelouch']

Nazuka Kaori is an amazing voice actress who can adapt to all kinds of roles. She has performed on shows FMAB as the lovely Maria Ross and on Soul Eater as the charming Tsubaki Nakatsukasa. However, Nazuka Kaori’s greatest works have been giving life to adorable characters such as Miyu Edelfelt from Fate/kaleid and Kisa Souma from Fruits Basket. This talented artist can seriously make such characters sound super kawaii. Besides, who can forget about the beautiful and charming Nunnally Lamperouge from Code Geass and her sweet angel voice. Nazuka’s voice can really make us fall in love with her characters whether they are sexy ladies, cute lolis or the sweetest girl who ever rode a wheelchair.

8. Aki Toyosaki

[2_images_in_row character='aki-toyosaki' anime='YunYun Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo!']

Aki Toyosaki is an expert when it comes to giving life to sweet young girls. Most of her roles are either little kawaii girls or the shy and fragile type of sexy babes. Among her numerous works we can find Momo Belia from To LOVE-Ru, Izana Shinatose from Sidonia no Kishi, Suu from Shugo Chara, YunYun from KonoSuba and the list goes on and on. Still, none of her roles are nearly as lovely and charming as her role in K-ON, where she plays the delightful Yui Hirasawa. Seriously, there’s hardly anything as cute as hearing Yui Hirasawa’s cover of “Hey Jude”. Aki Toyosaki’s voice is so damn kawaii!

7. Yukari Tamura

[2_images_in_row character='Yukari Tamura' anime='mei-sunohara-clannad']

Yukari Tamura has such a sweet and special voice that she’s worked in all of Key’s masterpieces. She had a major role on Kanon as Mai Kawasumi, a supporting role on Air as Michiru and an unforgettable role on Clannad as the adorable Mei Sunohara. Hmm… could it be a coincidence that Yukari Tamura has worked in all the anime adaptations of Key’s major productions? Of course, not! Yukari Tamura’s voice is ideal for these kind of melancholic high school dramas. She knows very well how to portray cute and lovely characters, as we can also judge from one of her most exceptional works as Rika Furude from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. Yukari Tamura definitely has a sweet and lovely voice that fits perfectly well in any innocent girl character.

6. Aoi Yuuki

[2_images_in_row character='aoi-yuuki' anime='Tatsumaki One Punch Man']

Aoi Yuuki is a 24 year old voice actress who has given life to over a hundred different anime characters. She is mostly famous for her roles as the lovely Fremy Speeddraw from Rokka no Yuusha, Yuuki Konno from SAO2 and the adorable psycho girl Tatsumaki from One Punch Man. Aoi Yuuki’s beautiful voice allows her to take many different roles, as she’s also worked on Tokyo Ghoul √A and Overlord. However, it is due to her ability to pull a super cute voice that she generally plays little girl roles. The best and most recent example of her talent is the lovely Hinazuki Kayo from ERASED. It’s surely not an easy task to voice this cute and introverted 10 year old girl who was physically abused by her parents. That poor little girl just melted our hearts, and her voice contributed a lot into achieving that effect.

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5. Suzuki Keiko

[2_images_in_row character='suzuki-keiko' anime='yumemi-hoshino-planetarian-chiisana-hoshi-no-yume']

Suzuki Keiko is one seiyuu that is not yet among the most famous names in anime, but that is certainly on her way to the top. She’s had some interesting roles in Clannad and Little Busters, apart from a couple works on some hentai shows (yup, she can be quite versatile). Still, Suzuki’s most interesting roles are the most recent ones. She has played no other than the absolutely charming Yumemi Hoshino from Planetarian and one particular loli that could easily become the loli of the year, Shizuru Nakatsu from Rewrite. Suzuki Keiko has a particularly cheerful and sweet voice that really contributes to making us fall for her characters. For instance, Yumemi Hoshino’s final wistful soliloquy in Planetarian is the absolute climax of the show and her sweet breathtaking voice is indeed a key element of that scene in particular. Suzuki certainly made many of us cry with that role.

4. Ayana Taketatsu

[2_images_in_row character='ayana-taketatsu' anime='dagashi kashi hotaru shidare']

Ayana Taketatsu is a major star in the anime industry and she has worked in several massively popular shows. She’s especially good at giving her voice to cute and lovely girls such as Kotori Itsuka from Date A Live, Koneko Toujou from High School DxD, Azusa Nakano from K-ON, Ako Suminoe from Kiss x Sis and Mio Isurugi from MM!. Those are indeed some big names in the world of cute and captivating anime girls. Still, this charming voice actress has recently gained even more popularity thanks to her fantastic role as the gorgeous sweet tooth Hotaru Shidare from Dagashi Kashi. This is probably one of Ayana’s best acting roles as she not only has the right cute girl voice, but she was also capable of providing that smug tsundere tone that characterizes the beautiful Hotaru Shidare. Ayana’s sweet voice goes perfectly well with this lovely candy queen.

3. Aimi Tanaka

[2_images_in_row character='aimi tanaka profile picture' anime='peipain-show-by-rock']

Now, Aimi Tanaka takes cuteness to a whole new level. True, she’s not a big name in the anime industry and she’s not really one of the most relevant voice actresses at the moment. Still, she’s had some interesting roles and she has the potential to be a famous seiyuu. Why do we say this? Well, because she’s the voice of the ultra kawaii Umaru-chan from Himouto! Umaru-chan! If there is one character in anime that represents sheer cuteness then that is the irresistibly adorable Umaru Doma. Aimi Tanaka did a marvelous job at portraying Umaru in all of her tantrums and her silly adventures. That alone is more than enough to earn her a nice spot at the top 3 of our list.

Himouto! Umaru-chan wallpaper
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B0117NXX7K" text="" url="" ]

2. Ai Kayano

[2_images_in_row character='AiKayano' anime='Mema Meiko Honma Anohana']

Ai Kayano is a major star in the anime industry, as she has given her voice to numerous characters in dozens of shows. Since she has a very sweet and soft voice she usually plays young cute girls. Some examples of this are her roles in Ao Haru Ride, Golden Time, Guilty Crown, Kamisama Dolls, Ro-Kyu-Bu, Your Lie in April and her fantastic performance as the lovely Shiro in No Game No Life. As you can see, Ai Kayano’s super kawaii voice is just everywhere. Her most recent works include even more charming and cute girls such as Chizuru Hishiro from ReLIFE and Darkness from KonoSuba. Yes, they’re pretty much opposites from each other, but still, both the awkwardly social nerdy girl and the sadistic sexy paladin are innocent, pure and fragile women who just need someone to love them and take care of them. That’s exactly what Ai Kayano’s angelic voice conveys in most of her roles.

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1. Kana Hanazawa

[2_images_in_row character='Hanazawa Kana' anime='Hana Midorikawa Prison School']

This former idol is simply huge in the world of anime. Kana Hanazawa is one of the best and most popular seiyuu out there. Chances are you’ve already heard her voice in several different anime. She’s the voice of Shiro from Deadman Wonderland, Nadeko Sengoku from Monogatari, Tenshi from Angel Beats, Hana from Prison School, Anri from Durarara and even of Rize Kamishiro from Tokyo Ghoul. That’s right, Kana Hanazawa portrays many of the cutest and most charming ladies in anime. Her most recent works are as the mysterious gothic loli Kagari on Rewrite and as the nicest girl ever, Naho Takamiya on Orange. These are by far two of the most kawaii characters of the season, if not of the year, (especially the impossible-not-to-fall-in-love-with Naho) and it’s really no surprise that Kana Hanazawa has been the producers’ choice to play such roles. This cutie of a seiyuu has without a doubt one of the sweetest and most captivating voices ever!

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B01HNMXV44" text="" url="" ]


This is the end of our list of cutest voice seiyuu. We hope you’ve liked it and that you’ve learned some of the names that give voice and life to some of your favorite characters. I bet many of you were shocked to know how many awesome characters share the same voice actress. Who knows? Perhaps you may have just found your new favorite seiyuu. We’d like to know what you think. Did you know any of these people? How much do you appreciate their work? Can you think of any other seiyuu (male or female) with a really cute voice that we may have missed? Let us know in the comments! ˆ-ˆ

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