Bondage – now there’s a word to make heads turn and get people’s attention. In whatever form you are referring to – and yes, there is more than one way to define bondage – it’s definitely a subject that tends to get people excited, and the same goes in the anime world. And we can probably safely assume that if you are reading it, it’s a subject that you are at least mildly curious about. This leads us to the point of this article – our Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage. In this article, we will highlight specific girls from anime shows that are portrayed in at least one scene in bondage. This bondage, however, will vary depending on the anime. In some cases, it will be the most traditional form that most people think of first when they hear the word – namely, bondage of a sexual nature, with elements like belts, gags, ropes, and minimal clothes. Some of these bondage girls will, however, be in situations where they are being held captive for whatever reason in the plot of the anime. While they are still tied up, hence “bondage,” they are likely to be wearing more clothes, and their bondage will not be related to a sexual scenario. We hope to have a good balance of both in our Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage, so that whatever you are looking for, we can help you find it!
10. Erza Scarlet from Fairy Tail

Good things come to those who wait, and you will have to wait until episode 63 of Fairy Tail (2014) to see our first choice on our list of the Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage. But believe us, it is worth the wait! The character you will get the chance to see in some bondage action is Erza, the scarlet-haired, well-endowed mage. While fans of Fairy Tail often get to see Erza in her provocative armour and clothing, seeing a female with curves in all the right places tied up is something special of course! Especially when it’s Erza, with her typically forceful and strict character. In episode 63, Erza finds herself, along with Natsu, captured and chained to a wall. True to her strong personality, Erza is not easily intimidated by her captors, and despite being tortured she remains strong and confident in herself. There is some argument from fans about how censored this bondage scene is compared to the manga – in the anime, Erza is depicted fully clothed (though only in a tight, small dress), whereas in the manga, she is naked. However, even with her clothes on, it’s hard to deny that Erza’s bondage scene is still a great one for the fans to enjoy!
9. Hostage, Triage X

Triage X is a series that has a lot of short bondage sequences, but for our Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage, we have chosen the hostage from episode 4. Triage X follows the story of many women that are fighting against the “tumours” of society – criminals that they think are beyond redemption, and must instead be killed. Of course their exploits and adventures in an ecchi series full of fan-service often finds themselves in vulnerable and questionable situations quite regularly, but episode 4 features full-on BDSM bondage involving the person they are trying to help. When Mikoto, one of the main female heroines, goes to a warehouse to remove one of these so-called “tumours”, she finds that the man in quest has a woman with him, a hostage. However, the hostage is in no ordinary binds – she is being forced to crawl on her hands and knees on the ground, a leash around her neck, leather belts on her body, and a gag in her mouth. The leader goes so far as to stand on her back, yanking at the chain around her neck before Mikoto eventually begins fighting him. This intense and very risqué depiction of bondage puts the hostage from Triage X on our list of the Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage – and if you are looking for even more similar situations, be sure to check out the rest of this series, too!
8. Souji "Tail Red" Mitsuka from Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu. (Gonna Be the Twin-Tail!!)

Coming in at number 8 on our list of Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage is actually a bit of a trap – it’s Tail Red, from Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu. If you’re a fan of the show, you’ll already know the secret, but for anyone new to the story the truth may come as a surprise. Tail Red is in reality a boy – high school student Souji Mitsuka. However, when he uses the Tail Gear, he transforms into twin-tail warrior Tail Red, who is undeniably a female. The bondage sequence we are referring to on our list is from episode 2 of Ore, Twintail ni Narimasu, and because Souji is in his Tail Red form at the time, he gets to be included on our list of Anime Girls. Lucky chance, Souji! Tail Red is already an attractive and provocative girl, with her long, bright red twin-tail hair style and her outfit of a bathing suit paired with thigh-highs, boots, and long gloves. In episode 2, we get to see her in a more vulnerable position – tied up with ropes in a very traditional, BDSM-style. As a male character, who can become a female one, and thus finds themselves in the middle of a large female harem, Tail Red makes for a unique and interesting addition to our Top 10 Anime Girls (?!) in Bondage!
7. Chifuyu Himeki from Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de (When Supernatural Battles Became Commonplace)

The bondage in our 7th spot on the list of Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage is one that stands apart for having a completely different context than the others on the list. It goes to Chifuyu Himeki from Inou-Battle wa Nichijou-kei no Naka de, in episode 4. Chifuyu is one of the main characters of the anime, and fills the role of being the “lolicon,” or small, cute girl, character. She is very shy and playful, which is what makes her bondage scene especially so surprising. What sets Chifuyu in bondage apart from the rest of the girls in our list is that hers is entirely voluntary, because it’s actually staged! While all the other girls on our list have either been captured against their will, or have been at the very least left in a vulnerable, sexy situation, Chifuyu’s bondage outfit is just a cosplay! She is in a white straightjacket held in place with leather bonds, complete with a blindfold and a gag. Her outfit is very reminiscent of the bondage that Misa Amane of Death Note finds herself in (see number 4 of this list). But very unlike Misa, Chifuyu is only playing along with the rest of the cast who are also cosplaying, making her bondage much more light-hearted and fun!
6. Nancy Lee from Ninja Slayer From Animation

Ninja Slayer From Animation certainly has the most unique and cutting-edge style of any other anime on our list of the Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage. Our choice specifically is Nancy in episode 12. Ninja Slayer From Animation is an action anime at its core, full of intense violence and exciting fights despite each episode only being twelve minutes long. Nancy herself is definitely a strong fighter, usually seen beheading her opponents and dominating battles. In episode 12, however, we get to see a very different and more vulnerable side of Nancy. She finds herself tied up in a style of Japanese rope bondage called “shibari,” with the rest of the cast trying to save her. In the meantime, there is no shortage of shots of Nancy struggling against the rope bonds, grunting and moaning. The intense and colourful animation style of Ninja Slayer From Animation, with its pronounced outlines and high contrast, make it easy to see all of her curves and add to the excitement of the scene. That intensity and over-the-top art style, along with the use of shibari specifically, are what put Nancy on our list of the Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage.
5. Akane Ryuuzouji and Celia Cumani Aintree from Walkure Romanze

Our decision to include Walkure Romanze on our list of Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage is based on the quality and length of the bondage scene – and that it involves not one, but two girls! Episode 7 finds Akane and Celia not only both tied up, but in fact, tied together. Typically the story of Walkure Romanze revolves around a medieval jousting tournament, but episode 7 took an extremely different turn for the fans involving the series’ two main females. Even just leading up to the actual bondage, you can expect a lot of stripping, groping, and cuddling between Akane and Celia. However, that isn’t what this article is about, so on to the fun! Walkure Romanze features exhibitionist bondage, with Akane and Celia tied up with ropes inside a windmill surrounded by many other people outside – and eventually one that finds them in their vulnerable state and takes the opportunity to get in on the fun with a bit of groping as well! If you’re looking for a more prolonged bondage sequence with plenty of boob shots, and multiple girls, look no further than Walkure Romanze.
4. Misa Amane from Death Note

Easily one of the most famous and iconic anime of our time, Death Note finds itself on our list of the Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage thanks to its main female character, Misa Amane. Misa is a gothic Lolita girl and one of the most important characters in the series. As her character develops into the second Kira, since she too has a Death Note and a Shinigami the same as Kira himself, she becomes more intriguing and stronger throughout the course of the series. But first, let’s back up to near the start of the series – specifically, episode 6. Misa begins the series as an up-and-coming alternative model, and a strong supporter of Kira after he eliminates the criminal who killed her family. Eventually L, the lead detective on the Kira case, suspects that Misa is in fact the second Kira, and has her captured. Rather than simply putting her in a cell, or handcuffing her, L completely restrains Misa in total bondage – she is unable to move or even see due to the straight jacket she has to wear, secured with thick belts and a large blindfold. Eventually her predicament wears on her, and while Misa refuses to speak about Kira, she does ask her Shinigami Rem to kill her. Misa isn’t able to become free from her situation for a long time, and the uniqueness and totality of her bondage, as well as their significance to the plot of the series, put Misa on our list of the Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage.
3. Kallen Stadtfelt from Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch R2 (Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2)

Kallen Stadtfelt, who prefers to use her mother’s maiden name of Kouzuki, is a leading member of Zero’s revolutionary army the Black Knights in Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch. Kallen is a very strong and confident female protagonist, and is good at fighting and piloting her Knightmare. She’s never afraid to speak her opinion, even to Lelouch, and can be very aggressive. Because of her position in the Black Knights, she often is a target of violence. Eventually, in episode 11 of the second series of Code Geass, Kallen was finally captured for Britannia by Li Xingke when the Black Knights attempted to kidnap Empress Tianzi. Though Lelouch promised to rescue her, in the meantime Kallen found herself passed about between her captors and eventually given to Suzaku Kururugi, one of the Knights of Britannia. While captured, Kallen goes through several bondage situations that depict her both tied up on the floor as well as strapped to a table. She never stops fighting though, and doesn’t let her vulnerable situation damper her aggressive, strong personality. Seeing how such an intense character faces being captured and tied up is what puts Kallen so high on our list of the Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage.

2. Asuna Yuuki from Sword Art Online

We certainly cannot have a Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage list without bringing up Asuna from Sword Art Online. Asuna’s sequence in bondage in episode 24 of the original Sword Art Online series is a highly discussed and debated scene in the anime community. Whether you loved it or hate it, it’s hard to deny that from a bondage standpoint it’s very good. The second half of Sword Art Online saw Asuna almost removed from the main plotline, and instead captured by Fairy King Oberon and kept in a cage in the ALfheim Online game. Oberon’s avatar was controlled by Asuna’s ex-fiancé, Sugou Noboyuki. When Kirito, the series’ main protagonist and Asuna’s boyfriend, tries to save her in the final episode of the show, he is confronted by Oberon. Not about to go down without a fight, Oberon ties up and harasses Asuna in front of Kirito, and in her vulnerable state she is barely able to fight back against what is arguably almost rape. Asuna is saved by Kirito in the end when he killed Oberon, but the critical moments before her rescue land her in our number two spot on our list of the Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage.

1. Hana Katsuragi from Seikon no Qwaser (The Qwaser of Stigmata)

This brings us to our number one spot on our Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage list, and that spot belongs to Hana Katsuragi from Seikon no Qwaser. Hana is not a girl in bondage for only one scene, but rather, she is in it many times throughout the entire series! In fact, most of Hana’s screen time is spent either completely tied up, or at least in some kind of bondage-style outfit of ropes, leather, or ribbons. She not only has sequences of sexual BDSM kinds of bondage, but she also finds herself captured and tied up by the enemy on more than one occasion. The plotline of Seikon no Qwaser revolves around people that can fight with supernatural abilities through powers they gain by drinking soma, a magical substance found in the breasts of women. Many of the characters have a soma “reserve” character that they typically drink from, and Hana is Ekaterina’s starting from episode 4. Ekaterina is a “lolicon” style of character with a dominating attitude, and she constantly subjects Hana to sexual abuse usually through bondage and humiliation, and often makes Hana wear little more than BDSM-style outfits of leather belts and nothing more. All of this time spent in bondage does eventually give Hana BDSM-related abilities later in the show though – and some part of her really seems to enjoy it! The sheer number of times Hana is depicted in bondage, as well as the variety of different styles that she endures, puts Hana in the top position of the Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage.

Final Thoughts
There you have it, Honey’s Anime’s Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage. Whether that bondage had our favourite females in a precarious and vulnerable sexual situation, or our girls were just the victim of being captured for one reason or another, they were certainly all tied up for our enjoyment. Some of the girls liked it, some of them didn’t – but we as viewers all certainly did! So next time you feel like getting all tied up with your favourite heroine, be sure to check out one of our Top 10 Anime Girls in Bondage from the list! No matter what kind of bondage you’re looking for, we’re sure you can find something to satisfy you here. But did we miss your favourite tied up lady? Do you think we should have prioritized them in a different order? Or maybe you agree with us and just want to share your love for a bondage girl? Whatever it is, please let us know in the comments below!