足立慎吾さん描きおろしのクリスマスイラストで、ドレスアップしたワグナリアメンバーが皆さまをお迎えします!さらに、オリジナルクリスマスツリーの展示やプレゼント企画も!詳細は→https://t.co/9D09fw3uSk(ANXさと) pic.twitter.com/TLwBDD3wh3 — WWW.WORKING!! (@Wagnaria) December 4, 2015 The metaphor “Christmas Cake” is used to describe women who are past their youthful age, or in this case, women who are over the expiry date (usually over the age of 25) so they are deemed undesirable by men. There are many reasons why women are still […]