1/29(日)サイコヘルメット教の集いスペシャルイベントのグッズ情報公開!!!出演者全員が描かれたイベントオリジナルの版権はmust checkッ!!!!!!!!その他、時間帯や諸注意など詳細をご確認下さい。#モブサイコ100https://t.co/VeFNynCbKv。 pic.twitter.com/5pSX8xiHED — モブサイコ100 (@mobpsycho_anime) January 19, 2017 Mob Psycho 100 comes from the same creator of that insane series in 2015, One Punch Man. One Punch Man was praised as a very action oriented yet funny show that was quite different from other series at the time of its inception. Mob Psycho 100 […]