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Top 10 Creepy Anime Girls [Updated]

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Halloween’s coming up and it’s time to get creepy and spooky. This is that time of year when we can combine darkness, sheer horror and everything evil in this world with lots of candy and TV specials. Of course, this also applies to the world of anime. Anime can also be dark and scary enough to have its well-deserved place on Halloween, especially considering how many creepy anime characters we can find out there. For that reason, today we’re going to take a look at some of the creepiest girls in anime. You know, those who can be as disturbing as Sadako (just google image her out if you’re not sure who she is). We’ve already done this in the past, so you’ll find that the following list is a reworked selection of our original Top 10 creepiest anime girls. If you wish to check out the previous selection just keep scrolling down. Now, sit back and enjoy our Frankentastic list of creepy beauties!

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10. Kaede Fuyou from Shuffle!

[2_images_in_row character='Kaede Fuyou Shuffle!' anime='shuffle-dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B005HVWVU4" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" July 2005 – January 2006 "]

Kaede Fuyou is that sweet girl who just loves cooking for you and taking care of you. She’s so nice and caring that she makes the perfect roommate. Or so it seems… Deep down, Kaede is actually one of the craziest yandere girls ever. Don’t let any other woman come anywhere near you in her presence or you’ll both fear the consequences. Kaede is Rin Tsuchimi’s childhood friend and she’s been living with him ever since their parents died in a car crash. Kaede is not really evil or a deceitful witch like many of the other girls on our list. In fact, she’s a total cutie pie most of the time. The thing is, Kaede is so obsessively in love with Rin that she may experience psychotic breakdowns with violent outbursts whenever other girls are around him. Although, however dangerous she may be, the creepiest thing about her is the psycho face she makes when she’s about to snap. That look with her eyes wide open is your queue to run like hell.

9. Rize Kamishiro from Tokyo Ghoul

[2_images_in_row character='kamishiro rize profile' anime='Tokyo Ghoul dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00Q8RQPN0" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" July 2014 – September 2014 "]

Everyone knows Rize Kamishiro as the sexy she-ghoul who died trying to eat Kaneki and ended up becoming his organ donor. Rize is actually much more than just that (although we don’t underestimate the importance of donating organs). Seriously, Rize is one of the most wicked and vicious ghouls out there, and that’s saying something. Rize is so creepy that she’s not satisfied by just eating people alive. This sexy ghoul needs to psychologically torture her prey like she did with Kaneki, making him fall for her before biting off a piece of his shoulder. Rize doesn’t just feast on your flesh; she also feeds from your fear and she loves watching you try to run for your life while she prepares to taste your insides.

8. Miyu Yamano from Kyuuketsuhime Miyu / Vampire Princess Miyu

[2_images_in_row character='miyu-yamano-kyuuketsuhime-miyu' anime='Kyuuketsuhime Miyu dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00005B8U6" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 4 OVAs " aired=" July 1988 – April 1989 "]

If we’re talking about creepy girls then we definitely need at least one vampire girl on our list. Vampire Princess Miyu, also known as Miyu Yamano, is a creepy little vampire who looks like an innocent 13 year old girl but who’s actually much older. Despite being a vampire, Miyu isn’t really evil as one would expect. As a matter of fact, it’s her job to hunt down evil demons known as Shinma. However, Miyu is no saint herself either. She can be quite dark and sinister; after all she’s still a bloodsucking demon. Although Miyu has mainly good intentions and she chooses her human victims very carefully, from time to time she enjoys playing with human lives. Being an immortal demon, Miyu has no empathy for humans and she may even let people die in front of her. Do not let her good girl image fool you; this vampire lady can get quite scary.

7. Shion Sonozaki from Higurashi no Naku Koro ni / When They Cry

[2_images_in_row character='Sonozaki Shion Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni' anime='Higurashi no Naku Koro ni rei dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B002BWD75U" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" April 2006 – September 2006 "]

Shion Sonozaki is one of our favorite psycho killer girls. She’s Mion Sonozaki’s identical twin, which is already quite creepy. Sometimes these two girls switch places and it can get rather disturbing not knowing whether you’re talking to the fun and cheerful twin or to the one that may kidnap and stab you to death. That’s right, Shion Sonozaki can get a little berserk sometimes. Whenever she gets extremely upset, she may experience psychotic episodes that drive her to kill people in the most wicked and horrifying ways. And as if the killing part wasn’t scary enough, Shion also laughs like a total creep while she’s at it.

6. Misaki Mei from Another

[2_images_in_row character='Misaki Mei Another' anime='Another Another dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B006L16ZY2" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" January 2012 – March 2012 "]

Misaki Mei is by far the sweetest and most adorable girl on our list, although that doesn’t change the fact that she’s creepy as hell. She’s been scaring the hell out of everyone at school since day one; it’s no wonder why the rest of the students refuse to talk to her. The first girl to die on Another (in that epic death scene at the stairs) actually died after being freaked out by Misaki’s mere presence. But how can this cute and seemingly harmless young girl be so scary? We don’t want to spoil anything in case you still haven’t watched this awesome show, but the reason why Misaki Mei is so creepy is because we can’t tell whether she’s dead or alive for most of the show. Weird things happen, no one but the main character can talk to her at first, she sits on an old deteriorated desk and she wears an eye patch for some mysterious reason. Everything about her makes us think she might be a ghost and that she brings death to everyone around her, although we keep constantly questioning that idea, which is also why this show is so great.

5. Palm Siberia from Hunter x Hunter (2011)

[2_images_in_row character='Palm Siberia Hunter x Hunter' anime='Hunter X Hunter dvd']
[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="B00GLH3F6C" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 148 " aired=" October 2011 – September 2014 "]

This is where it starts to get really creepy. Since we’ve mentioned Sadako (the girl from The Ring; “Samara” in the American version), the next particular anime girl comes right to our mind. Palm Siberia is a hunter with a particularly unsettling look. She has long scruffy dark hair, very pale skin and she’s usually seen wearing a long pink dress. Besides, she emanates a dark and frightening aura caused by stress. Despite her very disturbing look that makes us think she’ll pop out of the TV and take our soul when we least expect it, Palm is actually a nice woman with warm feelings towards Gon. Of course, as her super creepy appearance also implies, she’s not exactly the sanest girl ever. Palm has a rather volatile temper and can even experience violent and psychotic outbursts. Yeah, other than that, she’s pretty normal…

4. Yuno Gasai from Mirai Nikki / The Future Diary

[2_images_in_row character='gasai-yuno-mirai-nikki' anime='Mirai Nikki dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B01302GZSK" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" October 2011 – April 2012 "]

And since we’re talking about temperament (no, we’re not bringing Trump up. That’d be way too creepy) and violent psychotic outbursts, we obviously have to talk about the yandere queen, Yuno Gasai. Yuno is by far one of the creepiest and most frightening girls in anime, mainly because she’s totally unpredictable. Just when you think you’ve seen her craziest and most psychotic side, you find another skeleton in her closet (sometimes literally). Yuno is capable of absolutely anything in order to be with the target of her sick obsession, her lovely Yuki. She would go as far as drugging him and kidnapping him; hell, she would even kill him if that allowed her to be with him. But still, Yuno’s creepiness goes even further than that. What makes her truly creepy is her bipolarity and how she changes from a sweet loving girl to a psychopathic serial killer. That and her crazy eyes; those can really freak you out!

3. Ai Enma from Jigoku Shoujo / Hell Girl

[2_images_in_row character='jigoku Shoujo enma AI' anime='Hell Girl dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B0014567UC" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" October 2005 – April 2006 "]

And now we enter the realm of the really spooky. Ai Enma is a creepy little girl who dwells in a world of twilight. She is known as Hell Girl because her job consists on taking the souls of her victims directly to Hell. It is said that you can reach her on a website at midnight (what are they doing next, Youtuber demons?) and type the name of the person you hate so that Hell Girl comes to take their soul. The story may sound a bit like a cliché, but Ai Enma is an awesome and really creepy character. She has been delivering people’s vengeance for over 400 years already. That is Ai’s punishment for unleashing her own hatred against the people who killed her and burned their entire village to cinders. Seriously, how can so much hatred fit in such a little girl?

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[sourceLink asin="B007TQEP6S" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]

2. Megumi Shimizu from Shiki

[2_images_in_row character='Shimizu Megumi Shiki' anime='shiki dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B007BMIG6U" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 22 " aired=" July 2010 – December 2010 "]

Of course, one vampire girl is not enough to make a good list of creepy anime characters. That’s why we also have the sexy yet startling Megumi Shimizu. She’s one of the creepiest and most vicious Shikis around. Megumi is a bloodthirsty demon capable of such monstrous acts as killing her friend’s father. Megumi hates the villagers so much for not accepting her eccentricity in life that she enjoys killing them and making them suffer. Although she enjoys creeping into boys’ rooms much more. Megumi is still a girl after all, and as such she is attracted to hot young guys like Natsuno, whom she loves to stalk. Megumi is the kind of vampire girl who can come out from under your bed when you least expect it to give you a surprise you’ll never forget…

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[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Official Website" url="http://www.okiagari.net/gallery/index.html" ]

1. Sachiko Shinozaki from Corpse Party: Tortured Souls

[2_images_in_row character='Sachiko Shinozaki Corpse Party' anime='Corpse Party dvd']
[sourceLink asin="B00CFSTU1U" asin_jp="" text="" url="" ]
[Information episodes=" 4 OVAs " aired=" July 2013 "]

And finally we have the creepiest ghost girl in the history of anime. Sachiko Shinozaki is the run-for-your-freaking-life kind of girl. She was murdered by the school principal in such brutal way that she cursed the school, and even after several generations her ghost still haunts everyone in it. For a 7-year-old girl, Sachiko is a tiny bit more sadistic and gruesome than you’d expect. She enjoys watching people suffer both physically and psychologically, and she can get really creative with the ways in which she tortures, mutilates, and murders her victims. Sachiko loves hanging people as much as she loves slicing, slashing, and eviscerating them, although quite often she will just settle for poking her victims’ eyes out with her weapon of choice, a pair of scissors. Yup, Sachiko is indeed scary as hell, and you need to have guts to face her (literally).

[sourceLink asin="" asin_jp="" text="Official Website" url="http://blog.5pb.jp/corpse/2015/09/09/twitter1%E4%B8%87%E4%BA%BA%E7%AA%81%E7%A0%B4%E8%A8%98%E5%BF%B5%E5%A3%81%E7%B4%99%E3%83%97%E3%83%AC%E3%82%BC%E3%83%B3%E3%83%88%EF%BC%81/pc_1920x1200_a/" ]


Well, this is it for our list of creepiest anime girls. We hope you’ve enjoyed it and that you’re starting to get into the Halloween spirit. For even more creepy anime girls, feel free to check our previous list just below this one. Also, you can let us know what you think of these scary and creepy girls or name any other that we may have missed. Share your thoughts with us and have a spooktacular Halloween! ˆ-ˆ

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Original Article Below

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When you've watched enough anime, you start to notice that there is a standard set of character types that are in most anime. You've got your kuuderes, danderes, clumsy characters, and the ever popular tsundere, but there's just not enough love out there for the creepy anime girl! You know that creepy anime girl who may be a stalker, have abnormal hobbies, or just is too gloomy and comes off all wrong, right? Yeah, that's the one. There's only a handful of creepy anime characters out there, but you just can't forget to share the love for the creepy anime girl who really gives the anime some comedic and unforgettable moments. Keep in mind, yes, yanderes are creepy, but not every creepy anime girl is a yandere! Now, check out this list of top 10 creepy anime girls to remember.

10. Mogami Kyouko (Skip Beat!)

[imageCharacterWithAnime character='Skip Beat! Kyouko Mogami' anime='Skip Beat dvd']
[Information episodes=" 25 " aired=" October 2008 - March 2009 "]

Kyouko is a sweet, teenage girl who dreams of being a princess and believes in fairy tail endings, which is why she followed her childhood friend, Shou, to Tokyo to help him follow his dreams. While in Tokyo, Kyouko has been working hard every day to support their lifestyle while she waits for Shou's career to pick up. One day, she overhears Shou bad mouthing her and calling her a boring wallflower despite all that she did to support him, so Kyouko swears vengeance and enters the entertainment world to accomplish her goals. Yes, the #10 creepy anime girl is Mogami Kyouko, who shines bright with talent and innocence. Why? Once Shou breaks Kyouko's innocent young female heart, we get to see Kyouko's inner demons swarm out with a desire for vengeance. Not only that but Kyouko develops a routine of cursing Shou, muttering to herself openly, and plaguing the public with her inner demons. It's a riot to see how Kyouko gets herself into trouble with her dark wrath and hatred, especially when she's the type who wants to be a princess. Maybe she can be a princess of darkness?

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9. Motoba Kirie (Himouto! Umaru-chan)

[imageCharacterWithAnime character='Motoba Kirie Himouto! Umaru-chan' anime='Himouto! Umaru-chan  dvd']
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" July 2015 - September 2015 "]

Doma Umaru is perfect in every way from her grades, athletic ability, beauty, and personality, but when she gets home, she's a hamster loving otaku with a love for junk food, video games, anime, TV, and cola! Her older brother Taihei always ends up stuck with all the chores. Umaru's camouflage is perfect, however, so when others see her in her "himouto" mode, they don't even know it's her. Motoba Kirie is a creepy anime girl who is often misunderstood as being a bad person, which often leaves her alone. Why is she creepy? Well, even if Kirie is technically kind at heart, she has been known to stalk Umaru home, worship chibi Umaru, and stare in silence for long periods of time, which could make anyone uncomfortable.

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8. Kosame (Girls Bravo: First Season)

[imageCharacterWithAnime character='Kosame Girls Bravo First Season' anime='dvd Girls Bravo First Season']
[Information episodes=" 11 " aired=" July 2004 - September 2004 "]

Due to his small size, Yukinari has always been terrorized by girls which resulted in his developing an allergy to girls that causes him to break out in hives if he is near a girl or touched by a girl. One day Yukinari is transported to Seiren, a city that orbits the Earth and is female dominated. Yukinari is terrified of the girls who chase him in Seiren, but there is one special girl, Miharu, whose touch does not give him hives. Kosame is one scary girl to do combat against, but watch out, if you beat her, she's the obsessive type. Throughout Girls Bravo, she’s constantly stalking Kirie, spying on her, and if she gets a chance, Kosame goes for the grab! Whether it's just an obsessive girl crush or full on shoujo ai, Kosame does not do things lightly, but it's her creepy antics that make Girls Bravo a fun anime to catch when you need a few laughs.

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7. Katsura Kotonoha (School Days)

[imageCharacterWithAnime character='Katsura Kotonoha School Days' anime='school days dvd']
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" July 2007 - September 2007 "]

Itou Makoto falls in love with Katsura Kotonoha, a girl who rides the same train as he does. His new classmate, Saionji Sekai finds out about his crush and offers to help him. Although Sekai is successful in getting Makoto and Kotonoha together, deep down, she also has feelings for Makoto. When Makoto laments on how to repay Sekai for her kindness, she claims a kiss as her compensation and leaves him dumbfounded in time for his date with Kotonoha. Katsura Kotonoha ranks pretty high on the list of creepy ex-girlfriends which earned her a rightful place as a top 10 creepy anime girl. With her imaginary boyfriend Makoto, obsessive and psychotic behavior, and bloody solutions, Kotonoha is definitely one creepy anime girl that you should not mess with. Well, it's also thanks to her psychoticism that we have the beautiful ending that can only be School Days.

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6. Kuroki Tomoko (Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui! [WataMote: No Matter How I Look At It, It’s you Guys’ Fault I’m Unpopular!])

[imageCharacterWithAnime character='watashi ga motenai nowa doukangaetemo omae ga warui kuroki tomoko' anime='watamote watashi ga motenai nowa dvd']
[Information episodes=" 12 " aired=" July 2013 - September 2013 "]

Tomoko's got decades of experience with boys but only in otome games. In reality, she's a teenage shut in who matches the definition of a "mojo" or gloomy girl. Tomoko thought that everything would change for her when she went to high school. She thought she'd make friends, be popular, and get a boyfriend, but once she graduated into high school, Tomoko found that nothing has changed. Now that she's in high school, it's time to take a look at herself in the mirror and fix the problem, but mirrors don't lie and what Tomoko sees isn't what she expected. Kuroki Tomoko is probably what ignorant people think of when they first imagine "female otaku". You'll find yourself constantly switching between sympathy and creeped out when you watch WataMote. Maybe it's her misconception about beauty, erotic dreams in school, or the way she giggles as she is verbally abused by a recording from her favorite seiyuu that makes Tomoko one of the creepiest anime girls, but it's what makes WataMote worthwhile to watch.

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5. Nakahara Sunako (Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge[The Seven Metamorphoses of Yamato nadeshiko])

[imageCharacterWithAnime character='yamato nadeshiko shichi henge nakahara sunako' anime='yamato nadeshiko shichi henge dvd']
[Information episodes=" 25 " aired=" October 2006 - March 2007 "]

Kyouhei, Ranmaru, Takenaga and Yuki are living in a mansion for free, but what does this paradise cost them? They have to turn the landlady's niece into a perfect lady, except unbeknownst to them, Sunako is a gore loving, gloomy girl who lurks in the shadows. While they try to get her to come out of her shell, Sunako is blinded by their brightness and constantly faints with a nosebleed. Is Sunako going to become a lady first or is she going to die from blood loss? Sunako skulks the halls bringing gloom and terror to classmates and her roommates. Sunako is the type to seek refuge in the science laboratory with animals preserved in mysterious fluids and anatomical skeletons. She's the creepy anime girl whose best friends are anatomical figures and skeletons that she keeps hidden away in her dark bedroom! If that doesn't make Sunako creepy enough, Sunako cooks like she's in a slasher film and moves like Sadako. However, with all these traits, Sunako makes Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge a hilarious anime to watch. There are not many shoujo heroines out there that would choose a chainsaw as their weapon of choice.

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4. Sadatsuka Nao (Shokugeki no Soma[Food Wars])

[imageCharacterWithAnime character='Sadatsuka Nao Shokugeki no Soma' anime='Food Wars! Shokugeki no Soma dvd 2']
[Information episodes=" 24 " aired=" April 2015 - September 2015 "]

Yukihara Soma has been working at his family's restaurant since he was little with the dream that he would be able to inherit the restaurant and cook better than his father, but one day, his father decides to close up shop to cook around the world. Soma is told to enroll into Totsuki Culinary Academy, a school with a 10% graduation rate, to hone his skills. Soma isn't expecting much, but when he arrives, he is surprised by what he discovers when he attends Totsuki, a school famous for its showdowns called the Shokugeki. The Shokugeki pits students against each other in a gamble to test their skills. Soma soon discovers he's not the only one with a talent for cooking and perhaps cooking school isn't as boring as he thought it was. There is no way you missed Nao in Shokugeki no Soma. She stalks Erina in the trees and secretly curses Erina's best friend and aide, Hisako. It's not just her stalking ability that makes her such a creepy anime girl, it's how she brings her personality out in her cooking. No one could concoct a foul smelling, black sludge and call it curry but Nao. You've never know if she was nourishing you or poisoning you!

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3. Priscilla (Claymore)

[imageCharacterWithAnime character='Priscilla Claymore' anime='Claymore']
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" April 2007 - September 2007 "]

Yoma wander the earth feasting on human entrails and then camouflaging into society by changing into a human form. To defend humans against Yoma, half-yoma half-human warriors known as Claymores for the swords that they wield or "Silver-eyed Witches" for their silver eyes are sent out by an organization to fight the Yoma. While humans need the Claymores to survive, they hate them and shun them from society. Raki, a young boy, loses everything to the Yoma and is saved by a Claymore, Clare. With no one willing to care for him, Raki runs off with Clare to join her on her journey and learn about the existence of Claymores, beings who are so hated by society but keep society alive. What makes Priscilla a creepy anime girl, and actually all awakened beings, is the fact that she can seem so coherent and sweet at one moment, and then murderously slay you the next. Combined with Priscilla's control of youki and skill, Priscilla is not a predator you want stalking you. It's truly her innocent demeanor that should really creep you out the most because it lures you in before turning into a monster that will be your demise, but that's also what makes her one creepy anime girl to love because she makes a worthy antagonist.

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2. Shimizu Megumi (Shiki)

[imageCharacterWithAnime character='Shimizu Megumi Shiki' anime='Shiki dvd']
[Information episodes=" 22 " aired=" July 2010 - December 2010 "]

Megumi dreams of living it up big in the city in contrast to her quiet village life in Sotoba, where she looks forward to nothing but seeing the boy she has a crush on, Yuuki Natsuno. Things take a turn for the worst when Megumi dies in what is deemed a village epidemic, and Natsuno finds himself haunted by Megumi after her death. Meanwhile, Ozaki Toshio, the local doctor, questions the nature of the disease plaguing the village. Between Toshio and Natsuno, they attempt to save Sotoba from the evil lurking in the shadows. Aside from the fact that she's dead yet wandering the earth, Shimizu Megumi makes a name for herself as a creepy anime girl. She's barely even spoken with Natsuno, but after her death, Megumi becomes obsessive and deluded, believing that only she has the right to turn Natsuno into a vampire. Megumi watches Natsuno from the shadows with a fiery possessiveness and haunts him in his dreams. Make sure that when you visit Sotoba, you aren't crushed my Megumi's "crush".

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1. Gasai Yuno (Mirai Nikki)

[imageCharacterWithAnime character='Yuno Gasai mirai nikki' anime='Mirai Nikki  dvd']
[Information episodes=" 26 " aired=" October 2011 - April 2012 "]

Amano Yukiteru is a teenage boy who is timid and has a habit of communicating with imaginary friends on his cell phone diary. Somehow, Gasai Yuno falls in love with him and they are thrown into a game of survival involving the future and their cell phone diaries, all led by the God of time, an imaginary friend that Yukiteru thought he made up. In this game, only one can survive and become God. Gasai Yuno makes it as the top on our list of creepy anime girls! While her yandere traits add to her creepiness, it's her obsession, blind devotion, ability to kill without remorse, and twisted sense of justice that makes Yuno one of the creepiest anime girls. It's such a contrast to her cute appearance! Even her own future diary is a reflection of her personality: obsessive stalker, but she makes up for everything that Yukiteru lacks. You can't have Mirai Nikki without Yuno.

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Creepy anime girls are one of a kind. They have their quirks and fearsome personalities, but they can help make an anime enjoyable. From obsession to bloodlust, creepy anime girls can really catch viewers off guard. Whether a creepy anime girl is present for comedic relief or to drive the anime onward, how many people can say they don't like a good creepy anime girl? While it's not the most popular anime character trope, it's an unforgettable one. Who's your favorite creepy anime girl?

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